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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

travelers are allowed to take up to US$5,000 equivalent of foreign currency and 20,000 yuan of local currency (US$1=7.7 yuan) into or out of the country.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛According to the Administrative Rules of the People's Republic of China on Cross-Border Transportation of National Currency issued by China's central bank in December 2004, travelers are allowed to take up to US$5,000 equivalent of foreign currency and 20,000 yuan of local currency (US$1=7.7 yuan) into or out of the country.

There is no need to declare this to customs if the currency you carry is less than the limit.

Amounts up to US$10,000 will require a Permit for Taking Foreign Currency Out of the Customs Territory issued by a bank. Anyone who takes more foreign currency than US$10,000 is required to show a legal warrant issued by agencies of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)

For travelers who leave the country a second time within 15 days, the limit of foreign currency is US$1,000. If you leave the country a second time on the same day, the limit is US$500. If you have a declaration record of foreign currency when entering the country, customs will examine this before authorizing you to pass.

It is quite easy to exchange your currency into CNY, Chinese yuan, at your arrival airport, as well as hotels and banks in China, so it is not really necessary to bring Chinese currency to China.

更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 急问,爸爸已经换好了2万加币,不能电汇了,电汇要直接收人民币这样得倒回去才行,而且爸爸下周日要来了,不一定来得及了。看来只能随身携带申报了,有经验的朋友知道超过一万加币申报要填 “e667-Cross Border Currency or Monetary Instruments Report" 吗? 感谢大家。
    • 靠,老人连现钞现汇都不懂么?中国只能带5000美金现钞。
      • 爸妈不知道,老爸两年前来随身带了7000加币。那现在是不是要上中国银行(在中行换的)开个携带证啊?求支招。
        • 1 man? then you are dead, you have go to 外汇管理局 NOW!
    • 1 man or 2 men? china custom house can confiscate anything over 5000 USD per person.
      • 只有爸爸一人来,去中行开携带证可以吗?急啊。
        • NO !
          • 为啥不能开啊?去换汇的银行试试吧。不是好几块砖头的体积,过安检不一定会被查。如果查到,会要求交20%罚款,也可以要求出去在机场银行存掉或者交给送机人。实在开不出携带证就试试呗,这现钞存回去也是个麻烦
          • 如果带过来,填入境单的时候填个yes,海关一定会问,把换汇单据给他们看看就是了,该怎么填那张表人家估计会教
    • travelers are allowed to take up to US$5,000 equivalent of foreign currency and 20,000 yuan of local currency (US$1=7.7 yuan) into or out of the country.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛According to the Administrative Rules of the People's Republic of China on Cross-Border Transportation of National Currency issued by China's central bank in December 2004, travelers are allowed to take up to US$5,000 equivalent of foreign currency and 20,000 yuan of local currency (US$1=7.7 yuan) into or out of the country.

      There is no need to declare this to customs if the currency you carry is less than the limit.

      Amounts up to US$10,000 will require a Permit for Taking Foreign Currency Out of the Customs Territory issued by a bank. Anyone who takes more foreign currency than US$10,000 is required to show a legal warrant issued by agencies of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)

      For travelers who leave the country a second time within 15 days, the limit of foreign currency is US$1,000. If you leave the country a second time on the same day, the limit is US$500. If you have a declaration record of foreign currency when entering the country, customs will examine this before authorizing you to pass.

      It is quite easy to exchange your currency into CNY, Chinese yuan, at your arrival airport, as well as hotels and banks in China, so it is not really necessary to bring Chinese currency to China.

      更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 直接到中国银行买张汇票,随身带来,存银行就行了。
      • LZ老爸看样子已经换成现钞了,除了带出来用,存回去就是个钞汇损失
        • 爸爸是已经换好了1万加币和1万美元的现钞了。国内银行能直接开外币现钞的汇票吗?中行的外币携带证好开吗?
          • #8780685@0,我印象中是这样,我出来之前去银行问过。总之,你们存进去之前一定问清楚,不然将来取就很麻烦了。
          • 国内钞汇有差价,存回去的外币现钞开汇票要钞转汇,损失不少。携带证我也不知道咋开,估计不难,就是证明钞票来源合法的呗。其实不是很多的话未必会查到,随身行李放一点,身上装一点,不要让安检扫到一垛钞票就好。
    • 让你父亲带1万加元过来,剩下现钞可以存银行,以后有机会再带过来吧。这样省很多麻烦。
      • 好像不行,国内外币分现钞和现汇户头,汇钱的话,只能从现汇账户出。现钞账户取钱时不方便,一个是每天有限额,好像是1000美金,另外手续费特别贵。做之前,一定去银行问清楚,存了的话,将来怎么取。
        • 存回去没事。取现钞一天最多取1万美金等值现钞。网点一般没有那么多外币现钞,大额的话就要预约,有的话可以当场取出。没有手续费,存进去是钞取的还是现钞。除非你要存美元取加元,收的不是手续费而是美钞转美汇再换加币的差额
          • 哦,可能银行不同,或者时间不同,不一样了。我记得我那时去问,具体记不清楚了,就记得现钞的话,挺麻烦。不像现汇,自己在网上就可以操作。
      • 这是现在LZ父亲所能做的最简单,损失也最小的方法,其它什么钞变汇,汇变回钞的办法都会有二次汇兑损失,另外还需付手续费,便宜了银行.
    • 你爸多大年龄?我 in laws 刚来几天,每人带了$9,900 美金,上机和下机都要的轮椅服务 (87岁的高龄),过关没有麻烦。
      • 我爸64岁,不过腿不好,他也不懂如境时如何让人帮忙坐轮椅呀。是不是坐了轮椅检查就松了?
        • 只要腿不好,就可以要轮椅服务,从国内就叫轮椅服务,几乎没检查。
    • 本来很简单的事情弄得很复杂了。严格说,1万美元以内在购汇行就可以开携带证,超过1万美元必须到外管局开携带证。你自己看着办吧,闯关肯定有风险。超过1万的到了加拿大又得填表。听网友的,带1万留1万在国内最保险。