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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 讨论一下这个表达的准确含义:Anyting for the cause? 我们头头开会时常挂在嘴上的。
    • ? It makes no sense without context.
      • 我说得很明白了,开会时领导的口头禅。
        • Worthless
          • 你显然不懂,别装了。
            • 当然了,从来都是。 -meisuowei(弱弱); 15:46 (#8840119@0)
            • •酱油哥? 他只相信自己吧?
              • 你要是懂,可以解释,不懂,可以问,不想问,还可以闭嘴。这么多选择你都不会选,偏偏要选装蒜。莫非是探长大学的高材生?
                • 我牢记老话:人,贵有自知之明。 -meisuowei(弱弱); 15:52 (#8840150@0)
                • 教主,你就好心教教我这个没文化的。 -noobody(水皮); 17:40 (#8840511@0)
                • 我可不管了。说个话,还得累着我,那我可不操那心。说我听不懂的,对我没利益的,就直接忽略。 -meisuowei(弱弱); 16:21 (#8840283@0)
    • "还有没有其他事了?“?
      领导也是,有移民,还说些 SLANG 的话。
      • 没道出其中的韵味。
        • 那我可不管了。说个话,还得累着我,那我可不操那心。说我听不懂的,对我没利益的,就直接忽略。
    • 有事起奏,无事退朝````
    • 就一job,还成了伟大cause啦? OK, no joking for now. Can you give a good explanation, please?
    • 经过请教我家刚考完试的领导,经过一番解释我似乎明白了一些。很难解释出来,领导励志用语
      • 所以我才提出来供大家讨论。
    • 教主,你就好心教教我这个没文化的。
      • 一个雕虫小计就见高下,酱油哥蝉联第一。
        哈哈哈,他那头儿算老几啊? 肯定是哈缶的膏菜剩。
    • 你们头头是哪里人?口音这么重~~~
      • 口音都听出来啦?哇塞!
      • 真幽默。那是个typo. 如果他真那么发音,应当是印度的吧?LOL
      • 细心的人啊,我都没看出来。今天生病,在这里逛,看到大家热炒,病好了一半。只要自己不加入热炒的队伍,生活就如此之美好
        • 那么简单的字酱油哥能拼错? 所以我说他的头儿是膏菜剩。
          • ◾你要是懂,可以解释,不懂,可以问,不想问,还可以闭嘴。这么多选择你都不会选,偏偏要选装蒜。莫非是探长大学的高材生? -onlook(且放白鹿青崖间); 18:12 (#8840571@0) reply more
            • Winner takes all. Enjoy.
    • anything has a cause. ---> 凡事有因。 他是在说 “这事儿咋整的?”
      • no
      • SF
    • 怎么回事?
      • Ha ha ha
    • 有钱捧个钱场,没钱捧个人场
    • 畅所欲言?
      • not exactly
        • 还有什么值得议题的吗?
          • 挺近的了。关键是cause 韵味还没有出来。
            • 谁还有什么要说的吗?
              • eh eh eh, you make me feel high but not dry. Thanks a T.
                I am again #1. ha ha ha
    • 大概相当于问:Any clue about the cause of issue/problem? 就是问你们对问题有没有什么新头绪、线索之类的吧。
    • 谈谈我的理解,并不认为是标准答案,供大家讨论。
      这里的关键词是 cause,cause做为名词多数情况下的意思是"原因",而这里的for the cause则有特定的应申含义,它指的是"为了一个非同寻常的,有意义的事件"。

      每日的例会一般都是没什么值得人兴奋的事件,头头却用for the cause, 显然是幽默的自嘲。如果要翻出其韵味,我认为这么翻挺形象:还有什么锦上添花的事(要说的)吗?

      • 原来是介个意思啊,谁能想到啊
        • Again without context and where it was said it's meaningless.
        • 是啊,n年前刚干这行第一次听到时不知道同事们为什么听了会习惯地一笑。不耻下问后,明白了意思,但一直懒得找汉语对应。看这里的人对翻译有热情,觉得这是个不错的例子。
          • 不断学习不断进步的酱油哥是也。赞。
            • 学语言要深入群众,不耻下问,而不能象某长一样,不会写不会说,整天拿google来的东西在网上装蒜。他显然以为就他会用古狗。
      • B S
        • 不要逢鹿必反
          • 我来外语坛不是为了学英语,而是纯粹为了打假,顺便帮人回答点问题。 -onlook(且放白鹿青崖间); 11:51 (#8841867@0)
      • I did some researches on the web, and here's what I got:


        from  http://dictionary.reverso.net/english-cobuild/in%20a%20good%20cause/for%20a%20good%20cause


          ( causes    plural & 3rd person present)   ( causing    present participle)   ( caused    past tense & past participle  )

        1       n-count   The causeof an event, usually a bad event, is the thing that makes it happen.  
        oft N of n     (Antonym: effect)    Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease..., The causes are a complex blend of local and national tensions.     



        3       n-uncount   If you have causefor a particular feeling or action, you have good reasons for feeling it or doing it.  
        N for n, N to-inf   (=reason)  
        Only a few people can find any cause for celebration..., Both had much cause to be grateful for the secretiveness of government in Britain.     

        4       n-count   A cause is an aim or principle which a group of people supports or is fighting for.  
        Refusing to have one leader has not helped the cause.     

            lost cause  

        5    You use cause and effect to talk about the way in which one thing is caused by another.  

        cause and effect      phrase  
        ...fundamental laws of biological cause and effect.     


        6    If you say that something is in a good cause or for a good cause, you mean that it is worth doing or giving to because it will help other people, for example by raising money for charity.  
        in a good cause/for a good cause             phrase  
        The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants to raise money for a good cause.     






        Thomas Jefferson Would Say Anything for a Cause: Books












        If it's a good cause, I'll play just about anything.”

        Eddie Vedder









        • #8841023@0
          • what does it mean?
            • That means his manager is not really a typical good English speaker.
              • You have never failed to make me laugh. Thanks!
                • Winner takes all! Enjoy.
        • Ok. I didn't do any research and do not know how to translate exactly. But 'cause' is commonly used this way (as in number 6).
          If we listen to CBC programs or read news regularly, it is often used when they talk about humanity event/movement, charity fund raising or anything that brings positive (potentially and hopefully huge) impact to people, communities or society as a whole.

          And sometimes you will hear: is it a case or a cause? when they debate. Well, it can be both. It can be a case for a cause.
          • Garbage in, garbage out. That's it. His manager is a nobody.
            • Thank you for your opinion. l am not interested in discussing about his manager or anyone. I would like very much to believe it is a discussion of what the word is about.
              • It's all about the context and where it's being said. Giving an ambiguous setting to discuss about a particular word / phrase is meaningless.
                • point noted. Certainly a very valid point.
                  Only that people may have different expectations of the level of context needed. So it is understandable that people respond differently. Agree?

                  I am in no position to judge anything. I fully respect your opinions and would like to hear if you do share them.
            • Well, well, only that your reply makes it inconvenient for me to edit my post. I wanted to change it to "impact on", and now I can not. hahaha.....
              • 来外语坛不是为了学英语,而是纯粹为了打假,顺便帮人回答点问题。 -onlook(且放白鹿青崖间); 11:51 (#8841867@0) Have FUN. HA HA HA
              • 你太严格要求自己了,人家红脖子有本事把病句当语感。
                • You don't know nothing.
                  ha ha ha
                  • Nah, you should say "I ain't know nothing", since you are 'redneck', right ? :-)
            • 老红急眼了。为什么呢?第一,他老想打探酱油哥在哪里工作,可酱油哥总是保密;第二,酱油哥的语法比他好;第三,酱油哥的人气比他旺。
              • HA HA HA Thanks for making my day. Greatly appreciated.
                Regardless of the truthfulness of your conclusion. Does it matter to me? Not at all whatsoever.
                • 老红的心态有改变,赞。
                  • Happy-go-lucky. That's always me.
          • Check out No4. fyi
            • Very good point. I would say that is probably the meaning used in a lot of cases as well, especially it applies well to my second para? What do you think?
              It is number 6 that applies to onlook's question, I guess.
              • I don't understand onlook's sentence. :-( I saw the word 'cause' many many time when reading "Selected works of Chairman Mao" volume 5. Shoot, that's something political, uh ? :-)
                • I have no idea, man. Your topic is way way way too deep for me. Btw, why read Mao in English?
                  • I could only get an English edition of Volume 5.
            • hey, why don't you say something about the "interview"? You have some insight, don't you?
              • Not really. "any time" or "anytime" are quite confusing to me.
                • What about "an"?
                  • I think it ('an') should be there, or 'interview' is changed to 'interviews'.
      • 既然是讨论,俺就再深入一步。

        大概意思你没有猜错,是"有没有什么值得人兴奋的事件"。但是我想原文应该是这样的:Is there anything DOWN FOR THE CAUSE?
        具体原因大家查一下down for the cause就明白了。

        • Interesting input. Good digging job!
        • Sorry, I don't get it.
          • Urban Dictionary: down for the cause
      • When I first read your post, what came to my mind was: "有没有什么能整出点动静来的事儿啊?"
        • I learned a lot today. Thank you guys upstairs.
          • That's the point.