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利息是不可能【一次性全额提取的】,除非只有几块钱。【政府贴的20%要分N年提取。N=学制】(No such thing,仅限首13周,你可能被寂静潜规则了)。

Contribution amount (PSE)
This is the total amount of all your contributions to the account.

Accumulated Income (EAP)
This is all the money in the RESP which is not contributions. RESP grants, capital gains, interest payments, dividends are all included in the Accumulated Income portion.

  • PSE payments are not taxable income and there are no limits on withdrawals.
  • There is a $5,000 limit for EAPs in the first 13 weeks of schooling.
  • For RESPs opened after 1998, the maximum amount in EAPs that can be made by one RESP promoter full-time student as soon as he/she qualifies to receive them is $5,000. After the student has completed 13 consecutive weeks in the qualifying educational program, there is no limit on the amount of EAPs that can be paid if the student continues to qualify to receive them.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / CST 要抢钱。我打电话要求提款。那个硬度查了一下,你的计划12月4日成熟,在成熟期之前提款加收利息 $73。我说我现在终止我们的对话,你们是一群鲨鱼,crooks。硬度说 I am sorry to hear that, blahblah.
    • CST是啥?
      • 教育鸡精
        • 教育鸡精,在有政府资助的当中,是最糟糕的投资。
          • 所有教育基金都有政府的grant,不管在哪买
            • 14年的投入,挣了30%的利息。
    • 成熟是根据什么定的?
    • 艾妈,你这是在线翻译整的?
      • 人家是大舌头,印硬不分不行
    • 看一下当时的合同。我们的是年中,最近刚寄给我们一张支票。
      • 没要求提供学校的证明?
        • 第一年,所以只要大学的offer。
          • 多好。我们这家要求拿着他们寄来的表去学校签字盖章确认录取了才放钱。
            • 孩儿第一年上学就能提取EZ Money,你就可劲躲在被窝里乐呗,别在这里显摆摆了。【第一年,所以只要大学的offer。 -girlmom(春天来了)】提取的是N年来累计的父母贡献的本金。
    • 硬度心里说"你这个硬盘!" haha------安慰下,just let it go...
    • 就好就收,许多家庭第二年的夏天还得自己出血给孩儿交学费,机井里的EZ money,要等到第二学年开学后才能甜标拿钱,待到Xmas时才能用上。
      • 储蓄期满之后可以一次性,全额提取自己存入的本金+利息。政府贴的20%要分N年提取。N=学制,四年制本科就是四次。每次拿政府的钱都需要学校开证明是在校生。
        • 利息是不可能【一次性全额提取的】,除非只有几块钱。【政府贴的20%要分N年提取。N=学制】(No such thing,仅限首13周,你可能被寂静潜规则了)。

          Contribution amount (PSE)
          This is the total amount of all your contributions to the account.

          Accumulated Income (EAP)
          This is all the money in the RESP which is not contributions. RESP grants, capital gains, interest payments, dividends are all included in the Accumulated Income portion.

          • PSE payments are not taxable income and there are no limits on withdrawals.
          • There is a $5,000 limit for EAPs in the first 13 weeks of schooling.
          • For RESPs opened after 1998, the maximum amount in EAPs that can be made by one RESP promoter full-time student as soon as he/she qualifies to receive them is $5,000. After the student has completed 13 consecutive weeks in the qualifying educational program, there is no limit on the amount of EAPs that can be paid if the student continues to qualify to receive them.
          • Are you sure? please read it again.
          • 昨天已经被CST的消瘦教育完了。今天教育你一下:EAP=Education Asistance Payment ,是一种不同的帐号,最多只允许存入$5000,可以一次提完(包括政府的补贴,利息等)。其他大宗的不可以。
            • 所以说那是你的极精的土政策,潜规则。参详税局官方文件
            • 我买的和你是一家的。你网上注册一帐号就可以看到自己帐户的情况。EAP是指要给你孩子的钱,主要是你的投资收益,政府的补助等所有不是你本金的钱。
          • 老博说的没错啊,跟我了解到的是一样的。
          • 难得找到你老博,能答个OSAP的问题吗?孩子上大一后就自己独立报税,这样对申请大二的OSAP有帮助吗?
            • 你能读到我的跟帖算你有福气,没准某些人处于某种心理,就把我的跟帖删除了。


              - 有OSAP的Grant, 奖学金等收入,需要申报,尽管不课税。

              - RESP的EAP是算孩儿的收入的,so call CASH IN RESP. 这笔EZ Money的大小,直接影响次年OSAP的额度。但你不能:不报或者瞒报

              - 孩儿打工挣的钱也需申报

              - 孩儿报完税后,如果属低收入,还有些退税

              - 孩儿报完税后,学费可以转让给父母进行抵税,或滚存于若干年后自己抵税

              - blah, blah, blah
              • 看来我还是有福气的,谢老博。那么孩子独立报税,父母就不能将孩子列为 DEPENDANT 对吗?
                • 孩儿永远都是父母的DEPENDANTs;反之父母也可以是孩儿的的DEPENDANTs。至于有无税务方面的优惠,又是另一码事情了。孩儿作为父母的DEPENDANT,才能将学费转让给父母。
                  • 明白了。
              • 请教一下,什么样的收入才能有OSAP的Grant?