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Anyone who visits Canada from a temporary resident visa-required country must initially apply from outside the country.

Anyone who visits Canada from a temporary resident visa-required country must initially apply from outside the country. Your friend or family member must apply to the Canadian visa office responsible for his or her country or region. A visa officer will review the application and decide whether to issue a visa.

You may provide your family member or friend a letter of invitation in support of their application. It should explain how you will help the person. For example, you may offer to pay for plane tickets or accommodation. A letter of invitation can help, but it does not guarantee the person will get a visa.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 现在邀请亲属探亲真容易,刚刚给我姐办完,全部在网上操作,8/22递交,9/3通知寄护照,9/9收到护照。很方便,大家不仿试试。
    • 请问你是给姐办的单次签证还是10年多次往返签证?我想给弟一家办(右1孩)
    • 正在发愁是探亲签证容易还是旅游签证容易呢?可以给我网址吗?正准备给妹妹一家申请呢?
    • 请问你姐姐准备房产证的翻译或者公证了吗?谢谢!
    • 同样问题,顶一下!
    • 我正在准备帮我弟弟和他孩子办,不知是探亲好办还是旅游好办?谢谢分享
      • 我打算给我妹妹及她儿子办,你定下来了吗?是不是在政府网申请?
      • 好像不能代申请,必须在中国申请?
    • 首先说一下,现在vistor visa没有分单次或者多次。一个收费。 另外所谓探亲,旅游,实际是一个签证。 除非超级签证,但是只适用于父母,祖父母。一般亲戚直接申请vistor visa就可以,亲戚家里条件好的也不需要你邀请担保 以上~
      • So you mean we can apply visa as Visit as Tourist under government website http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/apply-how.asp, is this correct? Thanks.
        • 如果你在网上申请,根据CIC网站要求。 如果你paper申请,走北京的话,还需要参照北京visa office的要求。
        • 是的,如果你家人不打算来很久(6个月以下)申请普通tourism visa就可以,具体提交什么,参照document check list
    • Anyone who visits Canada from a temporary resident visa-required country must initially apply from outside the country.
      Anyone who visits Canada from a temporary resident visa-required country must initially apply from outside the country. Your friend or family member must apply to the Canadian visa office responsible for his or her country or region. A visa officer will review the application and decide whether to issue a visa.

      You may provide your family member or friend a letter of invitation in support of their application. It should explain how you will help the person. For example, you may offer to pay for plane tickets or accommodation. A letter of invitation can help, but it does not guarantee the person will get a visa.
      • 网上申请,无所谓的。
        • Do you want to come to Canada, or extend your stay?
          • 只要有钱,现在加拿大政府知道中国人有钱,当然欢迎了.
            • yeah, that's the point...
              • 电影百万富翁里不是有: 忘了帐单吧. 明天把您定做的礼服给您送到府上去. 您能赏光, 就是我们的幸运.
    • 请问是只要寄护照, 还是要寄房产证等其他证件? 多谢!
      • passport only.
    • 看到你在网上申请探亲签证成功,可否分享详细情况,正准备邀请妹妹暑假来玩,她是老师有2个月假期
    • 请问是你姐自己在网上申请的?还是你给她申请的?如果是你申请的,提交时那个电子签名是怎么操作的?谢谢!
      • found the answer:
    • 能PM联系方式吗?我准备请哥哥一家来玩,有些问题请教,谢谢。
      • 也问下.网上申请的话,护照是从中国寄到这里的使馆吗?有邮寄地址吗?
    • 有知道留学签证能在这网上申请吗?