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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛from (http://readusa.com/readusa/knowamerican/readusa_know_commonwords.html)

英文惯用语 Learn English -Common Words & Phrases

About to 正准备要
I was about to go to school when she called.

Above all 最重要的
Above all, make sure you read the directions first before trying to fix it.

Accounted for 计算在内
All present and accounted for.

All along 自始自终
All along he suspected that she was guilty.

Ask for 自找麻烦
He was asking for trouble when he spit on the man's shoes.

A steal (像捡到皮夹子一样得到的)便宜货
At this price, this dress is a steal.

Beat around the bush 讲话兜圈子
Don't beat around the bush, just tell me the truth right now.

Be better off 比较有利
I will be better off living in America than live in Russia.

Be caught red-handed 被逮个正着
They caught him red-handed with the stolen money in his briefcase.

Be in charge of 主管或负责
I want to be in charge of the entire company.

Out of the question
不可能的 You expect a raise right now, that's out of question.

Up to (you, him…) 随(某某人)便
It is up to you how you want to handle your life.

Be used to 习惯
I am used to eating Chinese food.

Brush off
She really gave him the brush off, I doubt whether she'll ever talk to him again.

Buy off 买通
I want to buy off the customs officers.

By the way 喔,对了(常常是讲话者突然想起一个话题时用)
Oh, by the way, your girlfriend just called.

(Let's) call it a day 到此结束
I am tired, let's call it a day.

Can't help it 只得如此,不得不,忍不住
I knew I shouldn't eat too many sweets, I just can't help it.

Cat 猫,在美国,猫也是女性的代名词,狗指男性
Fat Cat 指大腹便便的有钱人
Look at that cool cat, he's got everything! That guy is a real fat cat, wears a Rolex, has a Mercedes, and all the girls stick to him like bees on honey.

Cop out 溜掉, Chicken out胆小如鸡(鼠), Bug out 虫掉(指临阵脱逃)
Don't cop out, I need you to be responsible and keep your promise.
Why do you want to chicken out? It's easy, just go take the test, after all, you really studied hard.
Jim decided to bug out, the concert was just too noisy.

Cool 冷静,入时,好
I have kept my cool.
He is really cool. Everyone likes the way he dresses.

It's cool.真好,不错。

Day by day 一天天
I take everything day by day, I don't let anything bother me.

Deal 成交,一言为定
Let's make a deal. I will pay you two thousand dollars now and two thousand dollars next week.

Why is that a big deal!

Raw deal 上当,吃亏
He gave you a raw deal.

Dirty old man 老而好色之徒
Young Lady, you had better watch out for that guy, he's a real dirty old man.

Dope 白痴,傻瓜,毒品
Look at him, he must be on dope or something.

Dummy 假人,木头人,笨蛋
Wow, he's such a dummy he can't even understand basic math.

For good 彻底,永久
She left him for good.

For the time being 目前这段时间
For the time being, it would be better for you to wait.

Forget it! 算了吧,别提了,别想了,别指望了
Hey, forget it, I'm not interested any more !

Get along 相处得,进展得
I expect you children to get along and stop fighting.
You had better get along now and be leaving.

Get in touch, keep in touch 和某某人联系,保持联系
Can you tell me how I can get in touch with you, what's your e-mail address?
I really enjoyed meeting you, let's keep in touch.

Get lost 走开(滚开),迷路
Hey go get lost, I don't want to see you anymore.

Get rid of 甩掉,除掉
We don't want to keep that equipment anymore, can you please get rid of it.

Ghetto 贫民窟。
此字起源于欧洲,以前欧洲排除犹太人,各个城市指定特殊的地区给犹太人居住,原意指拥挤脏乱的区域。美国的Ghetto 泛指少数民族集中、特别是黑人集中的贫民区。
Be careful when you drive down that street, you will be entering the ghetto.

Give me a break 别作弄我了,给我折扣,放我一马。
Everybody's not perfect, so give me a break!
I can't afford to pay that much, give me a break.
I'm sorry to be so late, I know I missed the deadline to turn in my assignment can you please give me a break?

Give me hell 把我臭骂一通
Why do you always have to give me hell every time I make a single mistake?

Give (someone) a big hand 为某人帮忙,为某人鼓掌
Let's welcome President Xiang; let's give him a big hand.

Go to hell 下地狱,滚他妈的
Sometimes, I wish he would go to hell, I can't stand him.

Gut reaction 直觉,本能的反应
My gut reaction is usually right and it tells me that he is wrong about this project.

Hang up. 让人空等,(不等对方说完就)挂电话
Don't hang me up again. I waited for you 30 minutes last time.
Why did you hang up on me, it's rude.

Hang ups 困扰
That man has so many hang ups, he's really difficult to work with.

Hanky-panky 偷鸡摸狗(的行为)
I wish that those teenagers would just stop all that hanky panky and behave, where are their morals?

Have a wonderful time 玩得愉快
Welcome to the USA, we really hope you have a wonderful time during your visit to our country.

Had enough / Had it! 受够了
I hope you have had enough of this situation. I've just had it with all of this nonsense.

Has to do with somebody or something 和某某人有关
This issue has to do with him alone 这事只和他有关。

Hog 猪,贪吃的人 。
开车霸占马路的人叫做 Hogging the road.
That Guy was driving down the center of the road being a hog; he hogged the whole road.
At the table he acted like a hog and ate most all of the meat.

I couldn't care less.
I couldn't care less if I ever see that man again; he treated us all so poorly.

I've had it! 我受够了!
I've had it with this whole situation, I just want to leave this country and go back home.

Jaded 有陈见
I'm pretty jaded. 我很有成见。
He's very jaded when it comes to personal relationships, he's had two bad marriages.
When it comes to politics I'm pretty jaded I don't believe anything that any politician says.

Let's get down to the nitty-gritty.
I've heard enough of the sales pitch, I just want to know the hard facts, so lets get down to the nitty gritty, what's the price and how soon can you ship it to me?

Look forward to 期待着
I really look forward to the day I can immigrate to the USA and become a citizen.

Making a scene 当众出丑
That man and his wife were really making a scene in public, they were arguing so loud that everyone on the entire street could hear them.

Monkey business 不正经
OK, let's stop all this monkey business and quit playing around, I want to get back to work.

Name-calling 骂人,斗嘴
Those folks are really good at name-calling; maybe they should look in the mirror first and see who they really are before they call us all those bad names.

No show 没出现,让人空等
I had an appointment with the Vice President of ABC company, but it turned out to be a no show.

Now and then 偶然
Now and then we like to barbecue chicken in the back yard.

One more time 再来一次
I would like to hear you repeat that one more time.

One on one 一对一
I think we would be better off meeting one on one, by ourselves with no one else in the room.

Out of 离开,完了,光了,过时了
It's time we get out of this contract, its not fair to us, they make all of the money, we make nothing.

Out of order 坏了
The TV is out of order, could you please fix it? 这电视机坏了,你能修吗?

Red carpet 红地毯
When the President comes to San Francisco they really roll out the red carpet, limousines, motorcades and champagne dinners everywhere.

Let's give him the red carpet treatment. 让我们隆重地接待他(不一定铺红地毯)。

Pin (something) on (somebody) 嫁祸于人
Be careful or they might try and pin this crime on you, they might think you are the guilty one.

Phony 假的,不真心的
Phony baloney 欺人之谈
That guy is a real phony baloney, you can't believe anything he says.

Punk 小流氓
gang punks 流氓团伙
That kid looks like a gang punk, look at the way he acts and dresses.

Put down 放下,摆下来。引申意义:看不起,让人难堪
I am sick of other people putting me down all the time.
The way they told her that the new guy got the promotion was a real put down.

Red tape 指政府机关惹人讨厌的手续和形式、公文和表格等
There is way too much red tape in government.

Rule out 排除
We probably don't want to rule out the fact that Bob was in the building when the crime happened. 我们可能不想排除鲍勃在案子发生的时候在大楼里的事实。

S.O.B (Son of a Bitch) 巫婆的孩子,意同中国谚语中的"狗崽子","狗娘养的"
That guy is a real mean son of a bitch, you had better be careful around him.

Son of a gun 傻小子(带有开玩笑的亲热的口气)
You son of a gun! 你这傻小子!
That son of a gun won the race, he came in less than 57 seconds.

So what? 又怎么样?
So what he doesn't like me? I don't need anymore friends.

Stand up 挺起胸膛
Its time we stand up to those people and change the rules around here.

Sucker 洋盘,冤大头
Never give a sucker an even break. 从不对笨蛋客气
They really took advantage of her, she turned out to be a real sucker. 他们占了她大便宜,原来她是个大傻瓜。

Take advantage of 利用某人,某事或某机会
I'm afraid that someone might try and take advantage of them, this is not their area of expertise.
Take (someone or something) for granted 想当然的 He should never take her for granted, he owes so much to her.

Take care of 照顾
Your mother is getting very old, its time you take care of her.

Tell it like it is.
I want you to tell me the absolute truth, don't hide anything, just tell me like it is!

That's what it's all about. 就那么回事
So now I understand everything, they don't care how much it costs just what it looks like, so that's what its all about.

That's where the action is. 重点就在这里
Take a look at the high technology stocks, that's where the action is.

The name of the game is … 这事情的关键是
The name of the game is someone wins and someone loses.

Today is not my day 今天真倒霉
I massed up my clothes this morning when I was having breakfast. I was late to the office and my boss fired me. Today is not my day. 我今天吃早饭时将衣服弄脏了,上班迟到结果被老板炒了鱿鱼。我今天真倒霉 。

Turned-off 关掉,反感
When they kept trying to sell us everything we were not interested in, I was really turned-off.

Turned ―― On 使人感兴趣
I was really turned on by their sales presentation, I think that they are the right company to help us

Uptight (情绪)绷得很紧,不高兴
I get so uptight and nervous when my boss walks in and leans over my shoulder watching my every word I type on the computer.

With it 在行
These guys are really with it, they know everything about the Internet.

With a string attached 有附加条件的
This deal comes with a string attached we first have to pay for their director's membership in a fancy private club.

What the hell… 搅什么呀,别烦了
Oh what the hell, let's just take the six o'clock flight, we can wait around for a couple of hours.

Who needs it? 谁要这麻烦?
Every time I meet this guy he gives me such a hard time, who needs it?

Who the hell is he? 他算老几?
This guy thinks he's so important, but he's nobody, who the hell is he to treat us that way?

在英语里,有时有用人名做比喻,其意思是约定俗成的。如果你按字面的意思翻译,有时会有误会。我这里举个例子:1970年美国作家斯诺访问大陆,后来写了文章发表在"生活"杂志上,报道毛泽东承认文革时期红卫兵武斗过火,好象 "和尚打伞"。当时做翻译的是唐闻声,也是后来替周恩来和尼克松传译的人,她照字面翻译了,于是斯诺的文章里,"和尚打伞"变成了"a lone monk with a leaky umbrella" (孤独的和尚撑着漏雨的伞)。"和尚打伞"是湖南的谚语,意思是无法无天。这一翻译的不着边际,使当事人误会,也浇了异国读者一头雾水。

Doubting Thomas 怀疑别人的汤姆士(出自圣经),意思指人生性好疑

Even Steven 平均的史蒂芬,指双方势均力敌,平分秋色

Lazy Susan 懒惰的苏珊;或指圆形的旋转盘,象中国餐厅园桌中间的圆形的旋转盘

No way, Jose! 不可能的荷西,常用于熟人之间的拒绝做某事

You expect me to do that, No way Jose! 你想我会那样做?不可能的。

Peeping Tom 偷看(裸体)人的汤姆

He is a peeping Tom. 他是个爱偷看的人。

Plain Jane 不好看的珍妮,泛指其貌不扬的少女更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / English / 英文惯用语
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛from (http://readusa.com/readusa/knowamerican/readusa_know_commonwords.html)

    英文惯用语 Learn English -Common Words & Phrases

    About to 正准备要
    I was about to go to school when she called.

    Above all 最重要的
    Above all, make sure you read the directions first before trying to fix it.

    Accounted for 计算在内
    All present and accounted for.

    All along 自始自终
    All along he suspected that she was guilty.

    Ask for 自找麻烦
    He was asking for trouble when he spit on the man's shoes.

    A steal (像捡到皮夹子一样得到的)便宜货
    At this price, this dress is a steal.

    Beat around the bush 讲话兜圈子
    Don't beat around the bush, just tell me the truth right now.

    Be better off 比较有利
    I will be better off living in America than live in Russia.

    Be caught red-handed 被逮个正着
    They caught him red-handed with the stolen money in his briefcase.

    Be in charge of 主管或负责
    I want to be in charge of the entire company.

    Out of the question
    不可能的 You expect a raise right now, that's out of question.

    Up to (you, him…) 随(某某人)便
    It is up to you how you want to handle your life.

    Be used to 习惯
    I am used to eating Chinese food.

    Brush off
    She really gave him the brush off, I doubt whether she'll ever talk to him again.

    Buy off 买通
    I want to buy off the customs officers.

    By the way 喔,对了(常常是讲话者突然想起一个话题时用)
    Oh, by the way, your girlfriend just called.

    (Let's) call it a day 到此结束
    I am tired, let's call it a day.

    Can't help it 只得如此,不得不,忍不住
    I knew I shouldn't eat too many sweets, I just can't help it.

    Cat 猫,在美国,猫也是女性的代名词,狗指男性
    Fat Cat 指大腹便便的有钱人
    Look at that cool cat, he's got everything! That guy is a real fat cat, wears a Rolex, has a Mercedes, and all the girls stick to him like bees on honey.

    Cop out 溜掉, Chicken out胆小如鸡(鼠), Bug out 虫掉(指临阵脱逃)
    Don't cop out, I need you to be responsible and keep your promise.
    Why do you want to chicken out? It's easy, just go take the test, after all, you really studied hard.
    Jim decided to bug out, the concert was just too noisy.

    Cool 冷静,入时,好
    I have kept my cool.
    He is really cool. Everyone likes the way he dresses.

    It's cool.真好,不错。

    Day by day 一天天
    I take everything day by day, I don't let anything bother me.

    Deal 成交,一言为定
    Let's make a deal. I will pay you two thousand dollars now and two thousand dollars next week.

    Why is that a big deal!

    Raw deal 上当,吃亏
    He gave you a raw deal.

    Dirty old man 老而好色之徒
    Young Lady, you had better watch out for that guy, he's a real dirty old man.

    Dope 白痴,傻瓜,毒品
    Look at him, he must be on dope or something.

    Dummy 假人,木头人,笨蛋
    Wow, he's such a dummy he can't even understand basic math.

    For good 彻底,永久
    She left him for good.

    For the time being 目前这段时间
    For the time being, it would be better for you to wait.

    Forget it! 算了吧,别提了,别想了,别指望了
    Hey, forget it, I'm not interested any more !

    Get along 相处得,进展得
    I expect you children to get along and stop fighting.
    You had better get along now and be leaving.

    Get in touch, keep in touch 和某某人联系,保持联系
    Can you tell me how I can get in touch with you, what's your e-mail address?
    I really enjoyed meeting you, let's keep in touch.

    Get lost 走开(滚开),迷路
    Hey go get lost, I don't want to see you anymore.

    Get rid of 甩掉,除掉
    We don't want to keep that equipment anymore, can you please get rid of it.

    Ghetto 贫民窟。
    此字起源于欧洲,以前欧洲排除犹太人,各个城市指定特殊的地区给犹太人居住,原意指拥挤脏乱的区域。美国的Ghetto 泛指少数民族集中、特别是黑人集中的贫民区。
    Be careful when you drive down that street, you will be entering the ghetto.

    Give me a break 别作弄我了,给我折扣,放我一马。
    Everybody's not perfect, so give me a break!
    I can't afford to pay that much, give me a break.
    I'm sorry to be so late, I know I missed the deadline to turn in my assignment can you please give me a break?

    Give me hell 把我臭骂一通
    Why do you always have to give me hell every time I make a single mistake?

    Give (someone) a big hand 为某人帮忙,为某人鼓掌
    Let's welcome President Xiang; let's give him a big hand.

    Go to hell 下地狱,滚他妈的
    Sometimes, I wish he would go to hell, I can't stand him.

    Gut reaction 直觉,本能的反应
    My gut reaction is usually right and it tells me that he is wrong about this project.

    Hang up. 让人空等,(不等对方说完就)挂电话
    Don't hang me up again. I waited for you 30 minutes last time.
    Why did you hang up on me, it's rude.

    Hang ups 困扰
    That man has so many hang ups, he's really difficult to work with.

    Hanky-panky 偷鸡摸狗(的行为)
    I wish that those teenagers would just stop all that hanky panky and behave, where are their morals?

    Have a wonderful time 玩得愉快
    Welcome to the USA, we really hope you have a wonderful time during your visit to our country.

    Had enough / Had it! 受够了
    I hope you have had enough of this situation. I've just had it with all of this nonsense.

    Has to do with somebody or something 和某某人有关
    This issue has to do with him alone 这事只和他有关。

    Hog 猪,贪吃的人 。
    开车霸占马路的人叫做 Hogging the road.
    That Guy was driving down the center of the road being a hog; he hogged the whole road.
    At the table he acted like a hog and ate most all of the meat.

    I couldn't care less.
    I couldn't care less if I ever see that man again; he treated us all so poorly.

    I've had it! 我受够了!
    I've had it with this whole situation, I just want to leave this country and go back home.

    Jaded 有陈见
    I'm pretty jaded. 我很有成见。
    He's very jaded when it comes to personal relationships, he's had two bad marriages.
    When it comes to politics I'm pretty jaded I don't believe anything that any politician says.

    Let's get down to the nitty-gritty.
    I've heard enough of the sales pitch, I just want to know the hard facts, so lets get down to the nitty gritty, what's the price and how soon can you ship it to me?

    Look forward to 期待着
    I really look forward to the day I can immigrate to the USA and become a citizen.

    Making a scene 当众出丑
    That man and his wife were really making a scene in public, they were arguing so loud that everyone on the entire street could hear them.

    Monkey business 不正经
    OK, let's stop all this monkey business and quit playing around, I want to get back to work.

    Name-calling 骂人,斗嘴
    Those folks are really good at name-calling; maybe they should look in the mirror first and see who they really are before they call us all those bad names.

    No show 没出现,让人空等
    I had an appointment with the Vice President of ABC company, but it turned out to be a no show.

    Now and then 偶然
    Now and then we like to barbecue chicken in the back yard.

    One more time 再来一次
    I would like to hear you repeat that one more time.

    One on one 一对一
    I think we would be better off meeting one on one, by ourselves with no one else in the room.

    Out of 离开,完了,光了,过时了
    It's time we get out of this contract, its not fair to us, they make all of the money, we make nothing.

    Out of order 坏了
    The TV is out of order, could you please fix it? 这电视机坏了,你能修吗?

    Red carpet 红地毯
    When the President comes to San Francisco they really roll out the red carpet, limousines, motorcades and champagne dinners everywhere.

    Let's give him the red carpet treatment. 让我们隆重地接待他(不一定铺红地毯)。

    Pin (something) on (somebody) 嫁祸于人
    Be careful or they might try and pin this crime on you, they might think you are the guilty one.

    Phony 假的,不真心的
    Phony baloney 欺人之谈
    That guy is a real phony baloney, you can't believe anything he says.

    Punk 小流氓
    gang punks 流氓团伙
    That kid looks like a gang punk, look at the way he acts and dresses.

    Put down 放下,摆下来。引申意义:看不起,让人难堪
    I am sick of other people putting me down all the time.
    The way they told her that the new guy got the promotion was a real put down.

    Red tape 指政府机关惹人讨厌的手续和形式、公文和表格等
    There is way too much red tape in government.

    Rule out 排除
    We probably don't want to rule out the fact that Bob was in the building when the crime happened. 我们可能不想排除鲍勃在案子发生的时候在大楼里的事实。

    S.O.B (Son of a Bitch) 巫婆的孩子,意同中国谚语中的"狗崽子","狗娘养的"
    That guy is a real mean son of a bitch, you had better be careful around him.

    Son of a gun 傻小子(带有开玩笑的亲热的口气)
    You son of a gun! 你这傻小子!
    That son of a gun won the race, he came in less than 57 seconds.

    So what? 又怎么样?
    So what he doesn't like me? I don't need anymore friends.

    Stand up 挺起胸膛
    Its time we stand up to those people and change the rules around here.

    Sucker 洋盘,冤大头
    Never give a sucker an even break. 从不对笨蛋客气
    They really took advantage of her, she turned out to be a real sucker. 他们占了她大便宜,原来她是个大傻瓜。

    Take advantage of 利用某人,某事或某机会
    I'm afraid that someone might try and take advantage of them, this is not their area of expertise.
    Take (someone or something) for granted 想当然的 He should never take her for granted, he owes so much to her.

    Take care of 照顾
    Your mother is getting very old, its time you take care of her.

    Tell it like it is.
    I want you to tell me the absolute truth, don't hide anything, just tell me like it is!

    That's what it's all about. 就那么回事
    So now I understand everything, they don't care how much it costs just what it looks like, so that's what its all about.

    That's where the action is. 重点就在这里
    Take a look at the high technology stocks, that's where the action is.

    The name of the game is … 这事情的关键是
    The name of the game is someone wins and someone loses.

    Today is not my day 今天真倒霉
    I massed up my clothes this morning when I was having breakfast. I was late to the office and my boss fired me. Today is not my day. 我今天吃早饭时将衣服弄脏了,上班迟到结果被老板炒了鱿鱼。我今天真倒霉 。

    Turned-off 关掉,反感
    When they kept trying to sell us everything we were not interested in, I was really turned-off.

    Turned ―― On 使人感兴趣
    I was really turned on by their sales presentation, I think that they are the right company to help us

    Uptight (情绪)绷得很紧,不高兴
    I get so uptight and nervous when my boss walks in and leans over my shoulder watching my every word I type on the computer.

    With it 在行
    These guys are really with it, they know everything about the Internet.

    With a string attached 有附加条件的
    This deal comes with a string attached we first have to pay for their director's membership in a fancy private club.

    What the hell… 搅什么呀,别烦了
    Oh what the hell, let's just take the six o'clock flight, we can wait around for a couple of hours.

    Who needs it? 谁要这麻烦?
    Every time I meet this guy he gives me such a hard time, who needs it?

    Who the hell is he? 他算老几?
    This guy thinks he's so important, but he's nobody, who the hell is he to treat us that way?

    在英语里,有时有用人名做比喻,其意思是约定俗成的。如果你按字面的意思翻译,有时会有误会。我这里举个例子:1970年美国作家斯诺访问大陆,后来写了文章发表在"生活"杂志上,报道毛泽东承认文革时期红卫兵武斗过火,好象 "和尚打伞"。当时做翻译的是唐闻声,也是后来替周恩来和尼克松传译的人,她照字面翻译了,于是斯诺的文章里,"和尚打伞"变成了"a lone monk with a leaky umbrella" (孤独的和尚撑着漏雨的伞)。"和尚打伞"是湖南的谚语,意思是无法无天。这一翻译的不着边际,使当事人误会,也浇了异国读者一头雾水。

    Doubting Thomas 怀疑别人的汤姆士(出自圣经),意思指人生性好疑

    Even Steven 平均的史蒂芬,指双方势均力敌,平分秋色

    Lazy Susan 懒惰的苏珊;或指圆形的旋转盘,象中国餐厅园桌中间的圆形的旋转盘

    No way, Jose! 不可能的荷西,常用于熟人之间的拒绝做某事

    You expect me to do that, No way Jose! 你想我会那样做?不可能的。

    Peeping Tom 偷看(裸体)人的汤姆

    He is a peeping Tom. 他是个爱偷看的人。

    Plain Jane 不好看的珍妮,泛指其貌不扬的少女更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • thanks!
    • 谢!
    • 谢谢
    • 此文令我倾倒
    • 多谢,已打印收藏.
    • nice
    • There is a wrong meaning phares here. Out of the question means impossible, but out of question have a total different meaning--no question. It uses 'out of question' in the sample sentence.
      • you are right
        "out of the question" is more appropriate phrase.

        "out of question" as impossible can be read on newspaper as well.
    • anyone who has been here for one year is suppost to know half of them.
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