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Hippie Talk: "If you wore flowers in your hair- add 2 pts " :-)) Are You One?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Are You One?

Take the hippie quiz and discover your hippie quotient. Your hip Q?

For each inch your hair reaches past your shoulders- give yourself 2 pts.

If you are male, multiply that score by 2.

For males- if you have gotten flack for having long hair- add 2 pts.

Females- if you have gotten flack for wearing no makeup- add 2 pts

If you are over the age of 40 and still have not cut your hair- add 10 pts.

If you have a brownie recipe that includes ingredients you can not get at the local A&P- add 5 pts.

Add 2 points if your dwelling is decorated with any of the following: beads hanging from the door, a lava lamp, Fillmore posters.

If you have a bean bag chair in your "groovy pad"- add 2 pts.

If the bean bag chair is the only piece of furniture you have- add 5 pts.

If your dwelling has all of the above- add 10 pts.

If your home is decorated with homemade art- add 10 pts.

If you do pottery- add 2 pts.

If you know how to do macramé- add 2 pts.

If you know how to do the macarena- subtract 2 pts.

If you were at Woodstock- add 10 pts.

If you think you may have been at Woodstock, but aren't entirely sure- add 15 pts.

Who is your favorite Beatle?

If it is John- add 4 points

George-add 3 points

Ringo- add 2 points

Paul- add 1 point

None, the Beatles were over rated- subtract 5 points

If you have fire drills to practice getting all your Grateful Dead tapes out of the house- add 10 pts

Add 2 pts for each state line you've crossed on your longest road trip to see a 60s era musical artist or band in concert

If you have traveled to another country to see such a band or artist- add 10 pts

If you were affected personally by Jerry Garcia's death- add 5 pts.

If you know what bag you're in- add 2 pts

If you own an incense burner- add 2 pts.

If you own, or have owned a VW bus- add 5pts.

Add an additional 5pts. if the bus is painted multiple colors

If you play the sitar- add 2 pts.

If you have written a song protesting war, bucking the establishment, or containing a reference to illegal drugs- add 5 pts

If you have written songs about all three- add 10 pts.

If you were actually alive in the 1960s- add 3 pts

If you really, really wish you had been alive in the 1960s- add 1 pt

If you believe that "All You Need is Love"- add 5 pts.

Subtract 10 pts if you add the phrase "and a good medical plan"

If the word "trip" does not make you think of a vacation- add 2 pts.

If the word "man," peppers your conversations- add 2 pts.

If you've used the word "groovy" or the phrase "Can you dig it?" with a straight face- add 5 pts.

If you have used both in the same sentence- add another 5 pts

If you've taken part in a peace march-add 2 pts

If you've started a petition- add 2 pts

If you've taken part in a sit-in- add 2 pts

If you have done all three- add 5 pts

If you've ever received junk mail addressed to "dear radical"- add 5 pts

If you think "social action" is a frat party on a saturday night- subtract 10 pts

If your children have names like Windsong, Freedom or Peace Love Understanding Smith- add 10 pts

If you wish your parents hand named you Peace Love Understanding Smith- add 5 pts

If you say "thank you" when someone calls you a hippy- add 2 pts.

If you say "Groovy man, like, you think I'm a hippy? Far out, can you dig that?" - add 10 pts.

If you wear Birkenstocks- add 2 pts

If you make your own sandals- add 10 pts

If you have a bumper sticker reading "save the whales", "think green" or has dancing bears on it- add 2 pts

If such bumper stickers are holding your car together- add 5 pts

If you're a vegetarian- add 5 pts

If the only reason you call yourself a "vegetarian" is that you stopped eating Big Macs- subtract 10 pts

If you smell like patchouli- add 2 pts

If you have sold any hand-made item in the parking lot of a concert- add 2 pts

If you think money is the root of all evil- add 2 pts

If you add the phrase "and may the devil smite me with it" -subtract 5 pts

If you think Jim Morrison's poetry is profound- add 2 pts

If you think John Lennon's drawings are art- add 2 pts

If you like Bob Dylan's singing voice- add 5 pts

If you've never heard of Jim Morrison, John Lennon or Bob Dylan- subtract 10 pts

If you have a necklace with either wooden beads, seeds, a peace or yin yang symbol- add 2 pts

If you have all of the above- add 5 pts

If you used to have all of the above but you gave them away or traded them for concert tickets- add 15 pts

If your computer screen name or password is related to a 60s musical performer- add 2 pts

If the only cds or records in your collection that were recorded after 1980 were recorded by artists who were most famous in the 60s or 70s- add 5 pts

If you've been to San Francisco- add 1 pt

If you wore flowers in your hair- add 2 pts

If you've lived in a commune- add 10pts

If you quit the commune because you were tired of being the one to do all the work- subtract 5 pts

If you own a tie dyed article of clothing- add 2 pts

If you did not dye it yourself- subtract 1 pt

If you own any clothing items made of hemp- add 2 pts.

If you have practiced Transcendental Meditation, have seriously studied Eastern religion, or been a Jesus freak- add 5 pts

If you have done all of the above- add 5 pts

If you have had a chemically induced spiritual experience- add 5 pts

If you voted for Ronald Reagan- subtract 200 pts

If you got this far and realized you haven't been keeping score- add 1 pt.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / BEATLES与西方60年代
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛文:KEKE




    为什么BEATLES所代表的摇滚乐会在美国获得如此大的反响?回顾50年代,由麦卡锡主义遏制共产主义政策而发动的朝鲜战争以失败而告终,并被政府总结为‘在错误的时间,错误的地点打了一场错误的战争。’美国人终于恍然大悟自己是被这样的政治言论----如‘美国在任何事情上都没有站在错误的一方,而政府从不向人民撒谎’---所任意欺骗着,意识到几十万死伤兵士都只是源于盘踞高位者悍然的野心,而不是来自于民主契约,有的是欺骗而独断。美国人民受到了严重的心理创伤,爱国主义情绪降到了冰点。号称‘时代的良心’的美国大学生在50年也缄口不言政治,如同被一次大战中深受政客口号欺骗的海明威一般,在反共迫害,核战危机和父母教条的层层封杀之下,大学生也失去了生活赖以立足的信仰。享乐和虚无主义的空气在人心弥漫,愤世嫉俗,沉默寡言,唯一关心的只是日常事务---找工作,逛商店,接受上一代人对所谓‘美好生活’的观念。这一代被称为BEAT GENERATION[垮掉的一代]。‘我很在乎,虽然我看起来什么都不在乎。’---这种心理在金斯堡的诗行,塞林格的麦田中已经得到了深刻的印证。空虚,迷惘,愤怒将一些思考却不得其解的大脑转向了自我麻痹的大麻,性和逃避。同时他们也不相信任何宗教的救赎作用----无信条正是他们对自身最坚决也退到不能再退的捍卫。

    再接着看甲壳虫乐队是如何打破这沉闷气氛的。他们洋溢着乐观,新鲜的活力和天真无邪的气息,人们在缓滞压抑的50年代中久被麻醉的生命力重新抽芽了。在强节奏,朴实单纯到略显粗糙的英式摇滚音乐攻势下,这几个穷小子征服了大众,成为了流行文化史上辉煌的文化英雄。在1964年的52周里,他们有6首歌占据了20个排行榜冠军周次,在1964年4月开始的这一周里,他们有12首歌上榜,并囊括了前5名。而我们熟悉的YESTERDAY,到1975年已被翻唱了1186次,到80年代末,已被各地电台播放过一亿次以上。这些令人心跳的数字,在BEATLES的真诚和对LOVE ANE PEACE这个口号义无返顾而决绝的推崇与理想面前,这些被当今所谓天皇巨星视若泰山的商业战绩又有多么轻如鸿毛啊!他们以横溢的才华,不断超越自我的追求开创了崭新的音乐理念,比如SGT PEPPERS’LONELYHEART CLUB BAND[佩珀军士孤独的心俱乐部乐队]。这张有摇滚乐第一专辑美名的唱片,结构完整,构思精心,内容荒诞而富有戏剧性,是第一张实验性的概念摇滚专辑,是摇滚史上一个高峰和里程碑。日后摇滚众多流派的丰富多元化与蓬勃正是BEATLES,BOB DYLAN这样的开路先锋以无畏的创新挑战传统,开掘未知空间的种种尝试,打开了广阔的发展空间。如果BEATLES只是灵性四溢的音乐创作者,那么他们还不能赖此站在时代的顶端。BEATLES带来的是人们对自我的重新认识---长久以来近乎无性,无智,无趣的灰色人群中,有人横空高呼一声‘我要...!'而不是低眉顺眼地呢喃‘我应该...’这震撼成为了人们重新发现自我,认识自我的一个决口。BEATLES作为平民阶级的一个象征,在对上层社会的嘲弄批判和时常的自嘲中,赢得了普遍的好感。


    反思一下50年代到60年代社会氛围的转折,我们或许还能发现些什么。我们知道50年代,大多数美国人对政府来说,在很大程度上只是一个服从的螺钉,一个没有权利思考的机器。不安全,不确定的气氛中,人们把自己视若泥木沙石,除了为政府效力,并无个人道德取向。对于野心勃勃的政客来说,人民最好是柔顺不知所措的羔羊。BEATLES给人们带来的是这样一种期待的感觉‘我们不得不全力拼搏,保护生命的新芽不被压垮,并茁壮成长。我们只能为生长于自身内部的生命战斗。’我们很容易联想到存在主义这个名词。在法国,存在主义正是由‘有名无实的战争’[一战]失败后的思想紊乱和在被德国占领后的那种完全被遗弃的绝望情绪,虚无情绪所引起的。难道我们不能从中得出一些与‘垮掉的一代’成因相似之处吗?这里的核心就是----危机感来自与同传统信念的决裂,人类成为了‘无家可归的精神漂泊者’。社会的表面稳定,安全和物质进步,都建立在‘不知为何要如此做’的空无基础之上,以至于一个人完全受到外界的摆布,而对自己感到陌生,不知道自己‘究竟要干什么’,变成了一个对他自己而言已 经完全靠不住的人,也觉得他与整个过去的关系也靠不住。他需要重新认识自己,重获自己的独特价值和主观意愿。应该说甲壳虫恰恰是带来了一种对自我的信仰,一种丢失了很久的对自身的重拾与解放。----自由,乌托邦,人类大同,叛逆,反击,真人让人痛快淋漓啊!


    但是,真正的变革在酝酿。如出现在政治经济领域当中,矛头指向社会生活的各个方面----生活方式,两性关系,种族关系,道德和科学,美国的政治等等。从60--80年代,这些方面的收获都十分丰富。如黑人民权运动,一句被载入史册的黑人妇女说的话---‘我要质问美国’,还有女权主义的崛起和壮大,反核反战的传统,这些都是追求民主平等的体现。还有文化艺术领域逐渐成熟的后现代主义。值得赞赏的是后现代思想家对‘平等’的发展与信念----根据他们的概念,任何存在的东西都是真实的,无论一个人或一种思想是伟大还是平凡。主张开放,主张倾听一切人的声音,哪怕最卑微的小人物的声音,以防人微言轻的悲剧再度发生。在这里,我们隐约也可以联想起BEATLES从一开始就坚持的摇滚的平民主义立场。[虽然也许有点牵强....]这是一种进步,一种摒弃了‘否定主义和‘虚无主义’对60年代文化的健康科学的吸收。由此可以看出,后世还是深受它影响的。60年代的余音绕梁不绝,延续至今。比如日本80年代村上春树的小说和90年代的EVA都与BEATLES或者60年代有不少渊源。而唯一能在王小波耳中驻足还不至于‘春风过驴耳’的歌曲也只有BEATLES的音乐。我们不能说BEATLES在60年代的反权威,反战,反文化浪潮中占有多么大的比例,但他们是摇滚的创世者,是60年代文化一道最有代表性的风景却是毋庸置疑的。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • The movie <Far from heaven> is a story happenning just about before the time, and calling out the new revolution.
    • 60 年代的服饰
      • Doesn't look very obvious...........esp lady's clothing,
        • en, This one looks more obvious.
          • ya right.
    • 60's vw van
    • Hippie Talk: "If you wore flowers in your hair- add 2 pts " :-)) Are You One?
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Are You One?

      Take the hippie quiz and discover your hippie quotient. Your hip Q?

      For each inch your hair reaches past your shoulders- give yourself 2 pts.

      If you are male, multiply that score by 2.

      For males- if you have gotten flack for having long hair- add 2 pts.

      Females- if you have gotten flack for wearing no makeup- add 2 pts

      If you are over the age of 40 and still have not cut your hair- add 10 pts.

      If you have a brownie recipe that includes ingredients you can not get at the local A&P- add 5 pts.

      Add 2 points if your dwelling is decorated with any of the following: beads hanging from the door, a lava lamp, Fillmore posters.

      If you have a bean bag chair in your "groovy pad"- add 2 pts.

      If the bean bag chair is the only piece of furniture you have- add 5 pts.

      If your dwelling has all of the above- add 10 pts.

      If your home is decorated with homemade art- add 10 pts.

      If you do pottery- add 2 pts.

      If you know how to do macramé- add 2 pts.

      If you know how to do the macarena- subtract 2 pts.

      If you were at Woodstock- add 10 pts.

      If you think you may have been at Woodstock, but aren't entirely sure- add 15 pts.

      Who is your favorite Beatle?

      If it is John- add 4 points

      George-add 3 points

      Ringo- add 2 points

      Paul- add 1 point

      None, the Beatles were over rated- subtract 5 points

      If you have fire drills to practice getting all your Grateful Dead tapes out of the house- add 10 pts

      Add 2 pts for each state line you've crossed on your longest road trip to see a 60s era musical artist or band in concert

      If you have traveled to another country to see such a band or artist- add 10 pts

      If you were affected personally by Jerry Garcia's death- add 5 pts.

      If you know what bag you're in- add 2 pts

      If you own an incense burner- add 2 pts.

      If you own, or have owned a VW bus- add 5pts.

      Add an additional 5pts. if the bus is painted multiple colors

      If you play the sitar- add 2 pts.

      If you have written a song protesting war, bucking the establishment, or containing a reference to illegal drugs- add 5 pts

      If you have written songs about all three- add 10 pts.

      If you were actually alive in the 1960s- add 3 pts

      If you really, really wish you had been alive in the 1960s- add 1 pt

      If you believe that "All You Need is Love"- add 5 pts.

      Subtract 10 pts if you add the phrase "and a good medical plan"

      If the word "trip" does not make you think of a vacation- add 2 pts.

      If the word "man," peppers your conversations- add 2 pts.

      If you've used the word "groovy" or the phrase "Can you dig it?" with a straight face- add 5 pts.

      If you have used both in the same sentence- add another 5 pts

      If you've taken part in a peace march-add 2 pts

      If you've started a petition- add 2 pts

      If you've taken part in a sit-in- add 2 pts

      If you have done all three- add 5 pts

      If you've ever received junk mail addressed to "dear radical"- add 5 pts

      If you think "social action" is a frat party on a saturday night- subtract 10 pts

      If your children have names like Windsong, Freedom or Peace Love Understanding Smith- add 10 pts

      If you wish your parents hand named you Peace Love Understanding Smith- add 5 pts

      If you say "thank you" when someone calls you a hippy- add 2 pts.

      If you say "Groovy man, like, you think I'm a hippy? Far out, can you dig that?" - add 10 pts.

      If you wear Birkenstocks- add 2 pts

      If you make your own sandals- add 10 pts

      If you have a bumper sticker reading "save the whales", "think green" or has dancing bears on it- add 2 pts

      If such bumper stickers are holding your car together- add 5 pts

      If you're a vegetarian- add 5 pts

      If the only reason you call yourself a "vegetarian" is that you stopped eating Big Macs- subtract 10 pts

      If you smell like patchouli- add 2 pts

      If you have sold any hand-made item in the parking lot of a concert- add 2 pts

      If you think money is the root of all evil- add 2 pts

      If you add the phrase "and may the devil smite me with it" -subtract 5 pts

      If you think Jim Morrison's poetry is profound- add 2 pts

      If you think John Lennon's drawings are art- add 2 pts

      If you like Bob Dylan's singing voice- add 5 pts

      If you've never heard of Jim Morrison, John Lennon or Bob Dylan- subtract 10 pts

      If you have a necklace with either wooden beads, seeds, a peace or yin yang symbol- add 2 pts

      If you have all of the above- add 5 pts

      If you used to have all of the above but you gave them away or traded them for concert tickets- add 15 pts

      If your computer screen name or password is related to a 60s musical performer- add 2 pts

      If the only cds or records in your collection that were recorded after 1980 were recorded by artists who were most famous in the 60s or 70s- add 5 pts

      If you've been to San Francisco- add 1 pt

      If you wore flowers in your hair- add 2 pts

      If you've lived in a commune- add 10pts

      If you quit the commune because you were tired of being the one to do all the work- subtract 5 pts

      If you own a tie dyed article of clothing- add 2 pts

      If you did not dye it yourself- subtract 1 pt

      If you own any clothing items made of hemp- add 2 pts.

      If you have practiced Transcendental Meditation, have seriously studied Eastern religion, or been a Jesus freak- add 5 pts

      If you have done all of the above- add 5 pts

      If you have had a chemically induced spiritual experience- add 5 pts

      If you voted for Ronald Reagan- subtract 200 pts

      If you got this far and realized you haven't been keeping score- add 1 pt.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net