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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Premier Kathleen Wynne will introduce a controversial sex education curriculum into Ontario elementary schools in September 2015.Controversial because the last time the Liberal government tried to do this in 2010 — when Wynne was education minister from 2006 to early 2010 — it botched it so badly then premier Dalton McGuinty killed it. McGuinty cancelled its implementation just hours after his own cabinet ministers had vigorously defended the new curriculum, which called for teacher-led discussions of topics such as masturbation, oral and anal sex and homosexuality by Grade 8. He said the province hadn’t consulted enough with parents, even though his own government insisted it had consulted with the public for two years.In fact, few parents had heard of the new curriculum until critics, led by Charles McVety, president of Canada Christian College, started campaigning against it.

2015年九月,安省省长Kathleen Wynne将在多伦多小学开设有争议的性教育课程。自由党2010年就打算这么干,那时候Wynne是教育部长。不过那个提案反响恶劣,当时的省长McGuinty把它毙了,他说这个提案并没有跟家长充分协商,尽管他的内阁们声称已经公开讨论了两年之久。


This time, Wynne’s government says it will have 4,000 hand-picked parents chosen by school principals participate in an online survey on the sex education curriculum before it is introduced. Most are expected to be the chairs of school councils. But their purpose, other than providing a rubber stamp of approval, seems unclear. That because while selected parents will be asked their views about issues related to the new sex education curriculum, Education Minister Liz Sandals has already said that’s unlikely to lead to any changes. Nor will the province inform all parents about the contents of the new curriculum, which will be left up to individual schools. Thus it’s hardly surprising the government is again being criticized for not meaningfully consulting parents.


This time, opposition is being spearheaded by an organization called Parents As First Educators (PAFE). It has launched a petition objecting to what PAFE President Teresa Pierre calls the “graphic” revision of the sex education curriculum. In fairness, the province hasn’t formally updated this curriculum since 1998, although in the 2010 controversy many teachers said the new content wasn’t much different from what was already being taught in schools.It’s obvious the Wynne Liberals now want to appear to be consulting with parents while limiting the scope of that consultation and placing restrictions on which parents will be consulted. Given that, they should expect a similar controversy to the one in 2010.​

这一次,带头反对的是PAFE组织。主要反对的是,修订的性教育课程增加了图片。显而易见,自由党的Wynne看似跟家长协商了,其实协商的范围很有效。他们没法逃避公众的再一次质疑。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 2014年的大纲还没出来,我们就来看看2010年的大纲有多恐怖?以下内容均来自一个极端宗教组织Compaign Life的网站。此帖不带观点(Opion),只列事实!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛一年级(六岁)
    C1.3 identify body parts, including genitalia(e.g. penis, testicles, vagina, vulva), using correct terminology

    Teacher promopt: We have talked about the body parts that everyone has. What body parts do only boys have and what body parts do only girls have
    Student: Boys have a penis. Girls have a vagina.
    Tercher: We talk about these body parts, like all body parts, with respect.


    C3.3 describe how visible differences (e.g., skin, hair and so...) and invisible differences (e.g., learning abilities, skills, gender identity, sexual orientation, familoy background...)

    Teacher prompt: Sometimes we are different in ways you can see. Sometimes we are different in ways you cannot see - such as how we learn, what we think, and what we are able to do. Give me some examples of things that make each person unique."
    Student: “We all come from different families. Some students live with two parents. Some live with one parent. Some have two mothers or two fathers. Some live with grandparents....
    Teacher: How can you be a role model and show respect for differences in other people”
    Student: I can include others in what I am doing, invite them to join a group, be willing to be a partner with anyone for an activity, and be willing to learn about others.


    C2,5 describe how they can build confidence and lay a foundation for healthy relationships by acquiring a clearer understanding of the physical, social and emotional changes that occur during adolescence (e.g., physical: voice change, skin changes, body growth...

    Teacher prompt: by getting questions answered and understanding that questions and changes are normal, adolescents will be better equipped to understand themselves, relate to others, respond to challenges and changes in relationships, and build confidence, what are some questions that young people might have as changes happen during puberty and adolescence?"
    Student: Is how I am feeling normal? Why is my body different form everybody else's? How do you tell some one you like them? Who can answer my question about..."
    Teacher prompt:"Having erections, wet dreams, and vaginal lubrication are normal things that happen as a result of physical changes with puberty. Exploring your body by touching or masturbating is something that many people will do and find pleasurable. It is common and is not harmful and is one way of learning about your body.



    C1.3 explain the importance of having a common understanding with a partner about delaying sexual activity until one is older (e.g., choosing to abstain from any genital contact; choosing to abstain from having vaginal or anal intercourse; choosing to abstain from having oral-genital contact), the reasons for not engaging in sexual activity, and the need to communicate clearly with each other when making decisions about sexual activity in the relationship.

    请解释一下,为什么要等到一个人足够成熟了才能开始性行为(比如:避免任何性接触,避免阴道或者直肠性行为,避免口腔生殖器接触),请说明不参与性活动的原因。为什么在决定发生性行为之前,双方需要充分的沟通?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • grade 7 避免任何性接触,避免阴道或者直肠性行为,避免口腔生殖器接触
      • 那就是说不能再吃卤煮了吧?:-)
        • 说啥呢?
    • 额。。。多恐怖?
    • 面对以上事实,每个家长都有自己的观点。我的观点是,这份2010年的大纲非常好非常合适,用这份大纲教我自己的儿子,我很放心。感谢加拿大政府,这种性教育比国内当年羞答答的玫瑰静悄悄的开的那种性教育,强上百倍。





      • 某个家长说"孩子们只能成长一次,不要让他们在弥漫着性色彩的教室里长大"。请你告诉我,choosing to abstain from having vaginal or anal intercourse; choosing to abstain from having oral-genital contact,就这么两句话,能让教室弥漫性色彩?
        • 不夸张一点,不用一些煽情,博眼球的字眼,怎么能鼓动广大群众嘛!这个叫做人家的政治战略,淳朴的问号同学。
          • 即使大纲中出现的这几个字眼已够令很多家长尴尬的了。我想很多家长并不希望见到这种公开的性教育。不过,如果这是10年的大纲的话,那么不管你能不能接受,你的孩子已经被这样教育了,而且没出什么令人意想不到的后果。
    • 辛苦了,不能不佩服你的耐心和毅力! 非常好!谢谢!
      • 谢谢!我辛苦倒没什么,但我奇怪的是,为什么作为成年人的家长如此盲从?
        • 好些年前有个名词叫做"不明真相的群众"和"别有用心的一小撮"
        • 人家愿意,就从;你不愿意,就不要从;对吧,这叫每个人的自由。
          • 是,人家有盲从的自有,我有揭露真相的自由。:-)
            • 对,所以你不能说人家,怪人家盲从。人家说你了么?
    • 谢谢提供的这个资料!不过我怎么觉得这教纲有些滞后了吧。这男人和女人的差别,家庭的不同,和人群的各色各样,就应该从像我儿子这么大逐步开展的嘛。 很难么?
      • 是啊,我也觉得这教材内容不够。性教育的滞后,恐怕还是要归功于那些右翼宗教组织吧?当然,超前了问题更多,谨慎是对的!
        • 同意。想超前的提前自家教育去。过犹不及,跟着大纲走,紧抓着政府的手。。。
    • 顶!
    • 这是Toronto Sun关于2014教学大纲的报道,我把它翻译出来,就当学外语了!;-)让事实说话!;-)
    • 多伦多太阳报:安省性教育风波再起
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Premier Kathleen Wynne will introduce a controversial sex education curriculum into Ontario elementary schools in September 2015.Controversial because the last time the Liberal government tried to do this in 2010 — when Wynne was education minister from 2006 to early 2010 — it botched it so badly then premier Dalton McGuinty killed it. McGuinty cancelled its implementation just hours after his own cabinet ministers had vigorously defended the new curriculum, which called for teacher-led discussions of topics such as masturbation, oral and anal sex and homosexuality by Grade 8. He said the province hadn’t consulted enough with parents, even though his own government insisted it had consulted with the public for two years.In fact, few parents had heard of the new curriculum until critics, led by Charles McVety, president of Canada Christian College, started campaigning against it.

      2015年九月,安省省长Kathleen Wynne将在多伦多小学开设有争议的性教育课程。自由党2010年就打算这么干,那时候Wynne是教育部长。不过那个提案反响恶劣,当时的省长McGuinty把它毙了,他说这个提案并没有跟家长充分协商,尽管他的内阁们声称已经公开讨论了两年之久。


      This time, Wynne’s government says it will have 4,000 hand-picked parents chosen by school principals participate in an online survey on the sex education curriculum before it is introduced. Most are expected to be the chairs of school councils. But their purpose, other than providing a rubber stamp of approval, seems unclear. That because while selected parents will be asked their views about issues related to the new sex education curriculum, Education Minister Liz Sandals has already said that’s unlikely to lead to any changes. Nor will the province inform all parents about the contents of the new curriculum, which will be left up to individual schools. Thus it’s hardly surprising the government is again being criticized for not meaningfully consulting parents.


      This time, opposition is being spearheaded by an organization called Parents As First Educators (PAFE). It has launched a petition objecting to what PAFE President Teresa Pierre calls the “graphic” revision of the sex education curriculum. In fairness, the province hasn’t formally updated this curriculum since 1998, although in the 2010 controversy many teachers said the new content wasn’t much different from what was already being taught in schools.It’s obvious the Wynne Liberals now want to appear to be consulting with parents while limiting the scope of that consultation and placing restrictions on which parents will be consulted. Given that, they should expect a similar controversy to the one in 2010.​

      这一次,带头反对的是PAFE组织。主要反对的是,修订的性教育课程增加了图片。显而易见,自由党的Wynne看似跟家长协商了,其实协商的范围很有效。他们没法逃避公众的再一次质疑。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 很多家长不太看英文,我顺手翻译了!文章有着明显的政治倾向,两次抗议都是天主教带的头。然而作为家长,我们不关心政治,也不关心宗教,我们关心的孩子在课堂上具体传授的东西!
        • 你是性教育专家吗?这热情真是不服不行。。。。。
          • 我只是一个普通家长,和你一样,关心一切跟孩子有关的话题。不同的是,我喜欢对所有事都打个问号,所以很少轻信谣言和臆测,我更看重事实!
        • 这么多感叹号,眼晕啊。不知道批判的是什么,这文章说的都是事实,还是不实呢?
          • 是不是事实目前不知道,我们需要听听反方的辩词才好判断,critical-thinking嘛。不过最直接的方法,是跳过这些有倾向性的媒体报道,直接看大纲。
            • 唉,既然要跳过,你就只贴大纲就行了,不用这么积极地介绍大家读这篇嘛。如果要批判这篇文章,就明确写批判什么,为什么。句句喊口号,没用,还惹反感。
              • 你误会了,我没打算批判这篇文章,对其中的内容不置可否。只是作为参考资料放在这里,供大家参考。
                • 谢谢你的链接了。我觉得这篇文章还是真是可以呀。建议大家不要象你说的那样跳过去,读一读挺好的。
                  • 是的!大家应该读一读,兼听则明。人长两只耳朵,就是用来听两面声音的。两种声音都听一听,更有利于作判断!