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Who Can Claim The Exemption?

In the past, both spouses’ were each allowed to claim a principal residence exemption. This meant that a married couple could have had two different properties and each spouse could have claimed a tax-free capital gain exemption on both properties.

This all changed in the early 1980’s when the Income Tax Act was changed so that only one property could be designated as the principal residence exemption for each family unit and for each year after 1981.

If a married couple purchased a properties before 1982 that qualified as their principal residences, they can claim the exemption on both properties up to 1981 and on only one after 1981.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 如果自己租房住,但买个房子用于出租?那么这个买的房子再卖的时候要交增值税吗?
    • 第一套房子不需要;第2套算投资房需要交
      • 和第几套房无关。只和是否是primary residence相关
        • 就是说只要是投资房就要交增值税对吧?
          • 只要不在那里住,就要交增值税
        • 很困惑的一个问题,一个家庭可以有2个primary residence吗?就是夫妻两人在不同的城市。
          • 这事还真不知道,等明白人回答吧
            • 应该不行。见内
              Who Can Claim The Exemption?

              In the past, both spouses’ were each allowed to claim a principal residence exemption. This meant that a married couple could have had two different properties and each spouse could have claimed a tax-free capital gain exemption on both properties.

              This all changed in the early 1980’s when the Income Tax Act was changed so that only one property could be designated as the principal residence exemption for each family unit and for each year after 1981.

              If a married couple purchased a properties before 1982 that qualified as their principal residences, they can claim the exemption on both properties up to 1981 and on only one after 1981.
              • 税法这些人就在不停的找漏洞,堵啊。哪那么好占政府便宜的
              • 也不够合理呀。
    • 即使第一套房子用来出租,也可指定为自住房。
      • 那自己租住的不报租金支出?还是怎么着?
        • 税务局允许自己指定第一套房为自住房。操作上,可以说自己出租一部分,自己也住那,把保税地址写在那。
          • 同样的,你出租的那部分卖了,要交增值税。
        • 如果你指定了你的出租房为“主住所”,那么你另外租房住的租金就不可以抵税。
          • 貌似这个自住房是“指定”的,技术上的,而 不是实际居住地的概念?我的理解对吗?还是这属于trick?
            • 不是,你必须真的住那儿,不存在指定。如果你声称你住在那儿而实际不是,你得想办法不被抓到。如果你还报房租,那就是自己卖自己了。
              • he means rent the basement.
                • 他想的是声称自己住在自己的房子里,实际租住别的房子,还把自己付的租金抵税。总之,自住房得是你实际住在里面才算的。不是每人一个名额,你可以随便”指定“一个房子。