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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Few more advices about safe driving:

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. Brake: when you see brake light of the car in front of you lights up, touch your own brake padel once IMMEDIATELY. One purpose is to slow yourself down a little bit to prevent from emergency braking; secondly, to warn the car behind you (no matter whether there is one and how far away from you) to slow down; thirdly to prevent from loosing control of you vehicle under slippery road condition.

2. Change to the centre lane on 3 lane high way: try not to change lane at all while there is a car on the other side parallel to you. The best time is when the other lane is also empty. If not, try to change lane at slightly behind that car. This way you will have control in case that driver changes his mind and changes lane at a sudden.

3. Always drive at safe speed: 130km/h in a heavy rain is too high no matter what execuse you had. You are responsible not only for your own life, but for the ones who love you, who depend on you. You can ruin your own life and your family in a friction of a second just because you are so excited or so high at the moment and you losed your mind. You may miss a plane, a job interview, or something even more important than those. So what? Let it go.

Sometimes you may get so irritated and pissed off because of a few other aggresive drivers surround you. You can feel at that moment that your blood pressure starts growing. And you totally forgot the potential consequences that such irresponsible behaviour may cause.

NOTHING WORTHS MORE THAN YOUR LIFE.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / .
    Deleted according to request from author.
    • 2 cents
      after 3 years on 401, 50-60K km.

      1. never exceed 130 km, 401 was designed for 100km.
      2. if visibility or road condition worsen, never exceed 100km.
      3. If a 18W truck faster than 120km, let it pass.
      • 3 cents, 关于跟前车尾灯:你怎么知道前车就不是往沟里开?不是去撞前前车?
    • 不错!
      • Above there is nothing to share. Most important are 1. Keep Distabance. 2. Don't drive too fast!. In the raining day, he drive 130km/h, that is very bad example.
    • 太好了,尤其是"经验四",很多时候都发生,有时光看前面两车一起变线都吓到死,不要说自己碰到.你不撞人也要防别人撞你. "经验三" 是很文明的驾车方法. 刚从国内来的不易把握.一般喜好占住快车道不让.
    • Can u give me ride next time when you go again? Thanks!
    • 好是好,挺累的。
    • 这还叫经验哪,别害人了.大雨中跑130迈!!你的三次紧急刹车中,有两次时速都超过120. 记住,401上,最高就只能跑119.99999. 驾车经验: 永远都要以安全速度驾驶, 有了这个,再看盲点吧
      • 同意ing 不过好象401最高可以开109.999999不是119.99999吧?
        • 115。如果是115.9999,在警察测速仪上显示为116,罚。
          • 这个没必要弄的那么精确,因为所有车的速度表都不准确,多的差了差不多5公里每小时
    • sorry,有点误导。我不是建议大家超速,第一次雨中130实在是无奈,其实开80我都觉得太快,第二次雨没第一次大,我老老实实开在中道,跟着前车,不敢走左道,直到视线清楚。401的限速是100,



      Good Luck to All Drivers.
      • "雨中130实在是无奈",理解,我在401上遇到过同样的事,当时我是120,什么也看不清,不敢换线,也不敢停,只有硬着头皮跟前车
        • 这无疑是自杀, 我几次在高速上下大雨, 能见度只有10米左右, 我开到50-60, 有的车比我还慢. 为什么不减速呢?
    • Useful experiences.
    • 上次温莎附近连环追尾,就是因为突然天降大雾,能见度很低,但很多人不肯停车等待,跟着前车尾灯走,结果死伤惨重。
      • 有时确实不敢停,看不清,我都怕直接开沟里去。另外如果停的话,不要开灯,后车看见灯会以为是条lane,跟上来,那可惨了
        • If you can't see anything. Turn On emergency light all the time and keep in low speed.
          • 这是正确的处理方法,可我当时的判断是跟车最安全,因为当时在401 Kingston east , 路上车很少,而且速度都很快,当时我在左线,换线,停车,不知道会出现什么情况
    • Few more advices about safe driving:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. Brake: when you see brake light of the car in front of you lights up, touch your own brake padel once IMMEDIATELY. One purpose is to slow yourself down a little bit to prevent from emergency braking; secondly, to warn the car behind you (no matter whether there is one and how far away from you) to slow down; thirdly to prevent from loosing control of you vehicle under slippery road condition.

      2. Change to the centre lane on 3 lane high way: try not to change lane at all while there is a car on the other side parallel to you. The best time is when the other lane is also empty. If not, try to change lane at slightly behind that car. This way you will have control in case that driver changes his mind and changes lane at a sudden.

      3. Always drive at safe speed: 130km/h in a heavy rain is too high no matter what execuse you had. You are responsible not only for your own life, but for the ones who love you, who depend on you. You can ruin your own life and your family in a friction of a second just because you are so excited or so high at the moment and you losed your mind. You may miss a plane, a job interview, or something even more important than those. So what? Let it go.

      Sometimes you may get so irritated and pissed off because of a few other aggresive drivers surround you. You can feel at that moment that your blood pressure starts growing. And you totally forgot the potential consequences that such irresponsible behaviour may cause.

      NOTHING WORTHS MORE THAN YOUR LIFE.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Sincerely advise.
    • 人总是要死的, 恶劣的天气开快车, 死的快而已...
      • 可就怕死不了,可又活不好。掉个胳膊腿儿的就算了,可要是弄个双目失明浑身烫伤四肢瘫痪,想泡网都得让别人代劳,这人生可怎么过?
      • 反正开车就是危险,坐公车活得长。
        • 坐我的车就更加如此. :)
    • 重申一遍,不是建议超速。限速100,不代表100就安全,也许80才是安全的。我想强调的是:大家在开车前,最好都问一下自己,在不同的情况下,什么速度对自己才是安全的,自己是否能尽量找到一个比较安全的位置








      • 不管怎么样,在能见度极差的情况下开到130是非常冒险的,而且决不是“无奈”。你百分百可以减速的。打开你的大灯,如果有雾灯大开雾灯。也可以打开紧急灯都可以让别人看到你。这么高的速度没出事只能说你运气好,但不会总这么好的。
        • 怎么说呢,路上的情况决不是教科书上那么简单,要根据不同情况做判断。
        • 没错,当时开130是非常冒险。等前车跑下高速,减到40都见不到一辆车(跟它跑了半小时,都没见右道有车)。后来终于赶上车队, 真有死里逃生的感觉。
    • 最重要的是别超速,你躲过了这次,好难说下次。安全第一,速度次要的
    • 本人觉得这位弟兄属于开车太快的且跟车较近的类型, 在大雨中的高速我开80都觉得快了. 另外为了防止旁边车插进来而跟车近是一种很危险的习惯. 我开车5.6年, 还没有碰到需要紧急刹车直到离前车很近才停下来的情况
    • 哈哈,差点成了反面教材。不过总结的很好。有2点评论


      ”经验二:第三次猛踩刹车。 “

    • 总结的不错, 很有用. 我也遇到类似的情况, 超大卡车时, 刚到后腰, 卡车打左灯要变线, 当时也不敢把煞车踩死, 怕车失控, 已经做好了开到左边路基的打算, 好在对方车一偏,看到我的车, 再退回. 险啊.
    • 为什么不走中间道?因为走中间要顾及左右两边的车况,在天气不好的情况下,危险性相对较大,而最边上的车道只需要用心一侧就可以了。
    • 简直就是反面教材,你先自己好好反省130-140超速的后果巴,搞得我越看越confused, 这种速度下还是在弯道急刹, 经验分享? 滑稽
      • confused. There is a rule: follow the trafic flow on highway. Why do you all say the highest speed on 401 in 105?
        If the trafic flow is 120, then you spose to drive on 120. Am a right?
        • you are always supposed to drive as 100km/h
    • 你就是有点喜欢开快车+追尾+喜欢超车。
    • 哈哈,不是经验,绝对是反面教材。车速太快,跟车太近,还有换线是不对的,高速上换线驾驶手册说得非常清楚。