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您说您fail第一个人的原因之一是he is not good at communicating,我有些不以为然。老实说,我的英文很糟,比起您差不知几个数量级了,但我相信,若干年之后,当我也能说一口流利英语的时候,我决不会带着那种得意的神情来嘲笑别的不能说流利英语的人。问问各位不以英语为母语的新移民们,谁没有这样一个迷茫,无助,然后努力刻苦的经历?如果别人不给我们任何机会,我们的communicating 怎么样提高?



依煊 上

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / To 依煊
    My friend,

    You are too cruel in telling the truth. My English is just so so. Most importantly, it is not as good as your Chinese. You has successfully showed you are superior to many others.

    Let me assume that one of female co-workers is not so beautifully. I am wondering if you will walk to her and seriously tellk her that she is ugly-looking .....

    You are true Chinese. Only in Chinese culture, people will seriously pick up other's shortcomings.. It occurs to me that there is a Chinese saying which I put into the following sentence: "All the others are drunken, but I am sober". Sorry for my poor translation.

    Hope you can post more in English. I am open to learn from all those wise people.

    Thank you again for your sharp comments.
    • Dear jabber, I got your image from your all articles. You are a very good and smart woman, but I feel you are too较真儿,死心眼. This is the reason you are success but also for why sometimes you are not happy.learn from 依煊, say what she likes to say
      • haha, funny. who told u jabber is woman?
      • Thanks for advice. But I am a guy...
        • Oh, my God!
        • Haha, jabber, fianally you stand up to clear the rumor..
    • Hi, jabber,无所谓作那么多解释啦,说了就说了,陈述事实而已,别人怎么评述不用太在乎,好比yellow兄贴出他的日记,也是如实纪录心路历程,虽招致一大堆议论,他也没有一一解释,算了......:-)
      • I am a moderator... so I am multi-threading ...
    • Hi, Man. I found the author should be a woman, at least act as a woman in a book
    • 给jabber的回贴



      您说您fail第一个人的原因之一是he is not good at communicating,我有些不以为然。老实说,我的英文很糟,比起您差不知几个数量级了,但我相信,若干年之后,当我也能说一口流利英语的时候,我决不会带着那种得意的神情来嘲笑别的不能说流利英语的人。问问各位不以英语为母语的新移民们,谁没有这样一个迷茫,无助,然后努力刻苦的经历?如果别人不给我们任何机会,我们的communicating 怎么样提高?



      依煊 上
      • 佩服!
        • 服就服好了嘛……干嘛要先pei一下?!
          • 哪有呸?
            • 哪有?呸!
              • 妙!
              • 中文的博大精深这里就表现出来了
      • 依煊,您的涵养可不如您的名字美丽。Jabber的好意被您当城嘲笑的逍遥。您不爱看英文帖子,干吗首先会他的帖子?I don't see any other meaning by saying "he is not good at communicating", nor did I see any offensive expression or showing-off.
      • 真好,就像小时候的一样
      • 现实是严酷的,即使JABBER别人也回拒绝不能沟通的申请人,我们新移民就承认自己的不足吧,出来咋到受委屈是正常的,关键不气磊。
    • 希望互相尊重对方:如果讨论的是严肃话题。开善意的的玩笑,如果有人让我们不高兴。站在别人的角度考虑问题,原谅别人的过失。