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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

"Many new immigrants forget to pay their parents for babysitting their kids. Grandparents who are new to Canada normally have little and no income – and therefore in most cases this money will not be taxed in their hands. "

"#5 Childcare expenses

Many new immigrants forget to pay their parents for babysitting their kids. Grandparents who are new to Canada normally have little and no income – and therefore in most cases this money will not be taxed in their hands. Also, don’t forget that child care expenses can include fees paid to gymnastics or other recreational activity for after-school classes. The primary reason for enrolling the child in the activity should be to allow a parent to perform duties of employment."

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 求教:担保父母移民,和我们同住,帮我们照顾孩子,应该如何报税?
    • 典型的同吃同住同劳动,【我们】就整个Line-315就O啦
      • 如果孩子小或多个中孩子,其中一个不要报315,报CHILDCARE更好。
        • 手莫伸, 伸手必被捉。看孩子就是同劳动,Line-315申报的要素之一。子女与政府签订的担保合同,要求子女必要时无条件给予老人以Money, 不得以老人付出劳动为前提。
          • 前提是老人是PR,有SIN。我不明白为什么不行。如果父母55岁就不能劳动了?
            • 跟年龄无关,跟你与政府签订的合约有关。Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking [IMM 1344]
              • 老博您也是老ID了,违法的事不能做。合法避税即使是CRA也是让可的。
            • 就好比你娃娃是PR,有SIN;你不能雇孩子为你打工吧?
          • 谢谢。就是说担保移民我就必须照顾父母,不能再雇佣他们来照顾孩子了。那么line315具体含义是什么?
            • 担保你父母只是要你父母不能向政府伸手,并不是你父母不能打工。
              • 父母工作肯定是可以的。问题是能不能给担保人打工?
                • 明白人
                • "Many new immigrants forget to pay their parents for babysitting their kids. Grandparents who are new to Canada normally have little and no income – and therefore in most cases this money will not be taxed in their hands. "
                  "#5 Childcare expenses

                  Many new immigrants forget to pay their parents for babysitting their kids. Grandparents who are new to Canada normally have little and no income – and therefore in most cases this money will not be taxed in their hands. Also, don’t forget that child care expenses can include fees paid to gymnastics or other recreational activity for after-school classes. The primary reason for enrolling the child in the activity should be to allow a parent to perform duties of employment."
                  • Are after-school program fees counted as Child care expenses? Can anyone verify? thanks!
        • 不行,要么都报caregiver,要么都报daycare,这点CRA算得很清楚的。
          • 我的意思是同你一样的呀!父母中的一个人报315,another报 childcare.
            • 不是,必须2个都报caregiver或者2个都报daycare
              • 你确定?有没有官方文件依据?我就分开过,还被审计过,通过了
                • +1
    • 哎,看来明白人都忙过年去了。我认识的人就一人报315,一人报看小孩。被CRA查。通过没问题。
    • 你要不报caregiver要不报daycare,一个人不能两种都报。没有要求说必须2个人报一样的。其实最后两种算下来差不多的
      • 终于有明白人出来说话了,如果只有一个大小孩子报哪个都一样。因为315大概4千5,看大小孩4000,但是如果是小小孩看小孩是7000,还是有一些区别的。更不用说多于一个小孩了。
        • 同意,两个孩子就有差别了
      • 但是报caregiver是报在高收入方,而daycare只能报在低收入方,如果两人的税阶大,还是不一样的。不确定是否正确,谢谢!
        • caregiver算在哪方都一样,因为是从最低税率算的。
          • 是吗?
    • 谢谢各位的答复。总结一下:(1)不能同时为一位老人既报caregiver,又报daycare。这个我记得原来在这里讨论过的。
    • (2)被担保来的父母要工作是没有问题的,纳税就行。(3)至于能否为担保人工作,应该看看当初如何跟政府签的担保合同。如果没有明令禁止,那就可以
      • 请教这个老人收到的Child care收入,报税时放在(老人)税表的哪一行?
        • other income
    • 不知道总结的这三条,尤其是第三条是否正确?
      • 对,第3条也是可以的。
      • 担保人只是担保不申请政府救济,其他和普通移民没有区别