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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛来加拿大已经1个多月了, 总算又开始工作了. 虽然我的背景和大多数新移民不太一样, 因为我有在美国2年读书, 3年工作, 所以语言对我不是问题, 但是对于其他一些Interview相关的问题, 我还是有一些了解的. 想把经验介绍给大家, 希望有些帮助, 说的不对, 敬请板砖, 西红柿招呼..:)

1. 一份attractive的CV是找工作的第一步, 而且可能不只一份, 需要几份. 尤其你的经验特别extensive. 比如你C/C++, Java都精通, 可以准备两份, 在professional experience中可以根据重点的不同, 适当的调整顺序. 另外, 就是简历要控制在1-2页, NO EXCEPTION! 你的简历可能只被HR的人看几秒中, 如果重点不突出, 不可能有机会被选中.

2. 有了一份好的简历, 去哪里找到job posting呢? 我推荐下面几个地方, www.monster.ca, www.workapolis.com 和 tor.jobs的newgroup.

3. 发现合适的job posting, 把简历寄给公司, 如果有可能最好要follow up. 有的公司会写, email your resume to abc@cde.com, or call abc at 111-111-1111. 这样的case最好, 你可以email resume, 然后过10分钟就打电话. 我几个月前在boston找工作的时候, 曾经当天就搞定一个interview.

4. 有了interview, 下面就是考验你英文能力的时候了. 去interview, 如果你发现你手上都没有一个FAQ List, 那你等着fail吧. 对于一些基本问题, 尤其是在你休息了很长时间以后, 可能本来很熟悉的东西, 回答起来都可能完全没有条理. 每次interview回来, 好好回想一下都有过什么问题, 你怎么回答的, 如果可能和有经验的人问问, 你自己的答案是否正确.

5. 在去interview之前, 最好能和HR的人联系一下, 看看能不能拿到interview的agenda, 看看你都要见什么人, 以及每个人的title. 一定要知道每个人interview你的目的是什么, 谁是真正的decision maker. 一般来讲manager见你就是要了解你的attitude, personality, professionalism. 有的人见了manager, 可能觉得好象manager问的问题简单, 没什么technical内容, 其实不然, manager见你就是要了解你这个人到底怎么样, 所以有trick的question可能会比较多, be cautious! 如果是programmer postion, 其他见的一般都是technical people, 你技术是不是过硬就用在这喽..

6. Interview是个非常emotional的过程, 试想如果你是manager, 面对这几十份简历, 也许更多, 然后好几天的interview, 不烦也烦了. 那么在面试的时候, 一些轻松的对话非常有必要, 我每次interview都有1/3的时间在和对方聊一些和工作无关的事情, 比如toronto的traffic没有boston坏啊, 公司的location怎么怎么好啊, 或者不好, blah..blah..make it easy going. 有了轻松的面试环境, 成功的概率也大一些.

7. 你一定要take the lead during interview, 不要被对方牵着鼻子走. 不要他们问什么你就回答什么. 每个人都有自己的强项和弱项, 如果你被他们牵着鼻子走, 那么肯定不可能让对方满意. 要尽量开始多问问题, 比如这个工作的detailed responsbility是什么, join之后是不是有immediate project要做, 什么样的project. 有了一些context, 面试时候你也好有的放矢. 比如, 有一次一个architect让我写一段C的code, reverse text string. 因为我apply的是senior position, 如果我花时间在写code上, 那么势必浪费了很多时间而且不会让他满意(说句实话, 我当时要写也写不出来, 都1年多没怎么写程序了..:P) 所以, 我说我回答你这个问题之前, 能不能让他介绍一下这个工作以后的responsbility, 过程中我发现他们现在作法的一些问题, 然后就开始讨论project resolution了, 最后30分钟都不够用的, 只好提前结束, 但是他们觉得我非常qualify. 把interview尽量变成是你的presentation.

乱七八糟写了一堆, 也没什么太多条理, 毕竟不是要出书, 老少爷们, 姐姐妹妹们凑合着看, 如果有什么问题, 尽管来问, 虽然不能做到有问必答 (主要因为不是都会), 我会尽量来帮助大家的.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 我找工作的经验
    • 好文章! 推荐到双备份的硬盘里. 是啊, BLAH, BLAH很重要.
    • 提个建议, 下次能否多几个空行, 那样读起来就快了. HEHE..
      • 我错了, 我写检讨, 我对不起党和国家对我的培养, 我对不起父母对我的抚育. 我真傻, 真的, 我不知道写长文章的时候应该多几个空行.
        • 哈哈, 象你这样勤于自我批评的人, 想扔板砖, 西红柿都没机会...恭喜恭喜, 感谢感谢.
          • 客气, 客气, 同喜, 同喜, 不谢, 不谢....
      • Ok, I did it for speed. ( 段落之间加一空行,会使版面更加美观!)
        • Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it. I was trying to modify it, but it's not allowed because there are following replies..hehe
    • 太有启发了!,真是一篇好文章.
    • 好耶!一篇找工作的好文!一个值得敬仰的校友!
      • 南开的? 你和bingle什么关系啊? ?_?
        • 当然是校友!我还知道你住在哪一个宿舍楼!//pingle和bingle,类似于ingrid和speed的关系。
          • //faint...偷偷问, 你们是南开什么哪级的啊? (又有人跳出来说, 不许搞小团体!)
            • 92级的。可怜的bingle原来住的20楼已经拆了。:P
              • hoho...20楼可是够破的...早该拆了...
                • 唉,将来回学校,连个可以凭吊青春的建筑都没有了。
          • 小小声问一句,bingle处在相当于speed的位置还是pingle呢?
    • 我已经做好备份了!建议收入中文版‘Knock'em dead。
    • Good boy, you are really the qualified member of Rolia, you did not forget your brothers and sisters unemployed here. And I had not seen any arrogant attitude in your post.
      • Then I passed the interview? Can I be a member of rolia now? What my title in rolia will be? :P
        • CJO- Chief Job-hunting Officer
        • No, not yet. he he he.....If you could
          help more than 3 members here to find their jobs also, you will be really qualified. Then a 3 star badge will be given to you. If you could help 10, a 5 star will be. You will also be nominated as one of Vice Chairman of Rolia.
          • 怎么听起来象老鼠会啊?
            • Wrong! MLM and Pyramid Schema have obvious different features. If you reach my goal and not ask for even a dinner to anyone you helped, you are not member of mice affiliation. Otherwise....
              • hoho...u r so professional in this topic...:) //admire
                • I worked for a MLM company for 2 years. Not the salesman, but technology.
    • Do you mind if I ask about the salary you've got for this managerial position in Burlington?
      • This question is a little personal, but I could tell u that this leader position is paid not high, pretty similar to a developer position. Anyway, I am not here for money, otherwise, I will stay at Boston...:)
        • Could you tell us why you came to Canada from the States, if this is not personal.
          • Because i am tired of waiting for the f* US green card...:)
    • 经验真的很好,只是对新移民来讲做起来不易。继续努力吧。
    • very useful. Can I call you ?
      • 哇, 樱桃MM要小心了
    • Admirable! Speed. My recent interview (1)
      Several days ago, my team leader told me that there was a interview for me that afternoon. I had been expecting this interview since a few of my colleagues had theirs.

      I've worked for this company for more than 15 months. Small cars and minivans are its products that have a strong market demand. It's a medium size company with more than 4,000 associates. As a industry leading comapny, it has a clean and fast-paced work environment. There are full time, contractor and co-op student associates there. Students are to return college or university when their co-op terms are due. Contractor associates are dream of becoming full time associates due to exceptional pay and benefit package.
      • when the second?
        • Soon. By the way, I wana post my experience, but I don't know how to post it. Any suggestion/ tips?
    • I was exciting and nervous, though I had passed serveral interviews since i landed in Canada. (2)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛It was a panel interview with two interviewers. One was my department manager Mr.B and the another Mrs.S was from associate service (HR). I was exciting and nervous, though I had passed serveral interviews since I landed in Canada. I wanted to become a full time associate as others. It meaned much to me and my family.

      After brief introduction, Mrs. S started firing questions and made notes of my answers. The followings were some of the questions:

      - Having worked more than one year in our company, hoe do you understand "a team"?

      - Have you participated in any quality, safety or innovation program?

      - What kinds of characters do you think team leader should have?

      I felt a little bit relax when I answered the above questions. However, I became hesitated when I heard this one:

      - What's the most frustrated thing you have met in our company?

      I did not know how to cope with this one. My colleagues told me not to say any bad thing about company during interview. Is it a trick question? How do I answer it?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net