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补充一些现行大纲的内容 (3-5年级)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛三年纪

By the end of Grade 3, students will:
• outline the basic human and animal reproductive processes (e.g., the union of egg and sperm);


Teacher prompt: “What is an example of social bullying? Physical bullying? Verbal bullying?”

Student: “。。。。。。 Verbal bullying could include name calling, mocking, teasing about appearance, including weight, size, or clothing, and making sexist, racist, or homophobic comments in person or online.

Teacher prompt: “What strategies could you use in a situation where you were being harassed because of your sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, body shape, weight, or ability?”

C3.2 explain how a person’s actions (e.g., negative actions such as name calling, making homophobic
or racist remarks, mocking appearance or ability, excluding, bullying, sexual harassment; positive
actions such as praising, supporting, including) can affect the feelings, self-concept, emotional
well-being, and reputation of themselves and others [PS, IS]

Teacher prompt: “Negative actions that hurt the feelings of others can also result
in stigma. When someone appears to be different from us, whether it is because of
something visible like a physical disability or something invisible like having an
illness such as schizophrenia or HIV/AIDS, we may view him or her in a stereotyped
manner and make assumptions. Stereotypes can have a strong, negative impact on
someone’s self-concept and well-being. On the other hand, you can also make a big
difference in a positive way with your actions. Give an example of an action that can
affect someone’s feelings, self-concept, or reputation in a positive way.”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 新大纲增加的内容(3-5年级,中英文)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛先介绍一下大纲的结构。无论新旧结构相同。

    大纲全称叫 The Ontario Curriculum (Grades 1-8) Health and Physical Education. 我用的旧版是2010修订本。新版是2015修订本。前言部分就不提了。具体到每个年级,大纲分ABC三部分。A:Active Living; B: Movemnet Competence: Skills, Concepts, And Strategies; C:Healthy Living. 新大纲增加的内容集中体现在C里。旧版在C后, 还有两部分:Overall Expections and Specific Expectations,就是学生到这个年级结束时,应达到什么要求,新大纲没有这两部分。



    C:Healthy Living这一小节里,也分一二三。C1,旧版只有C1.1 and C1.2. 新版增C1.3 and C1.4

    C1.3 identify the characteristics of healthy relationships (e.g., accepting differences, being inclusive, communicating openly, listening, showing mutual respect and caring, being honest) and describe ways of overcoming challenges (e.g., bullying, exclusion, peer pressure, abuse) in a relationship [IS]
    确认健康的关系所具有的特征(举例:接纳差异,包容,开阔的交流;倾听;体现出相互尊重和关怀,诚实)和描述关系中要战胜的挑战(举例:欺辱,排外;同伴压力,虐待)[人际关系能力。IS 是Interpersonal Skills的缩写]

    Teacher prompt: “Consider different types of relationships – with friends, siblings, par¬ents, other adults – and think about the kinds of behaviour that help to make those relationships healthier. What can you do if you are having problems with a relationship?”
    老师提示:思考一下不同的关系类型-朋友关系,兄弟姐妹,父母,和其他成年人的关系 - 并考虑一下怎样做使得这些关系更健康。如果你在关系中出现问题,你该怎样做。

    Student: “I can tell the person how I’m feeling, and we can try to work something out, or if we can’t solve the problem, we can just say we disagree. We could also try to get advice from someone else.”

    C1.4 identify factors (e.g., sleep, food, physical activity, heredity, environment, support from a caring adult, sense of belonging, peer influence) that affect physical development (e.g., of hair, skin, teeth, body size and shape) and/or emotional development (e.g., of self-awareness, adaptive skills, social skills) [PS]
    一些因素(举例:睡眠,食物,身体运动,家族遗传,环境,从照顾你的成人那里得到支持,归属感,同伴影响)是影响你生理发展的(举例:头发,皮肤,牙,高矮胖瘦和身形)并且/或者影响你的情绪发展的(举例:自我意识,接纳技巧,与人交往技巧)。[个人能力。Personal Skills]

    Teacher prompt: “There are factors that affect your development that you can control and other factors that you cannot control. Can you give me examples of both types of factors?”
    Student: “I can’t control my heredity, which affects my body size and shape. I can’t con¬trol my family situation, or my cultural background, or where I grow up. I can usually control how often I brush my teeth, what foods I choose to eat from those that are avail¬able, how I choose my friends, and some of the activities I do.”

    Teacher: “Having a sense of belonging, of being accepted and understood, is important for emotional development. How can you show acceptance or understanding of students who may be different in some way – in shape and size, ability, background, family, or the way they do things – from others around them?”

    Student: “I can stand up for someone who is being teased because they are different. I could try to learn more about people who do things differently than I do – such as learning about how some people who are deaf can talk using their hands, how some people with physical disabilities move with a wheelchair, or what someone who has a different religion from mine believes in.”

    C3. 标题叫Making Connections for Healthy Living
    旧版和新版都有C3.1 and C3.2, 新版增加C3.3 - Human Development and Sexual Health:
    C3.3 describe how visible differences (e.g., skin, hair, and eye colour, facial features, body size and shape, physical aids or different physical abilities, clothing, possessions) and invisible differences (e.g., learning abilities, skills and talents, personal or cultural values and beliefs, gender identity, sexual orientation, family background, personal preferences, allergies and sensitivities) make each person unique, and identify ways of showing respect for differences in others [PS, IS]

    Teacher prompt: “Sometimes we are different in ways you can see. Sometimes we are different in ways you cannot see – such as how we learn, what we think, and what we are able to do. Give me some examples of things that make each person unique.”

    Student: “We all come from different families. Some students live with two parents. Some live with one parent. Some have two mothers or two fathers. Some live with grand¬parents or with caregivers. We may come from different cultures. We also have different talents and abilities and different things that we find difficult to do.”

    Teacher: “How can you be a role model and show respect for differences in other people?”
    Student: “I can include others in what I am doing, invite them to join a group, be willing to be a partner with anyone for an activity, and be willing to learn about others.”
    describe the physical changes that occur in males and females at puberty (e.g., growth of body hair, breast development, changes in voice and body size, production of body odour, skin changes) and the emotional and social impacts that may result from these changes [PS]
    Teacher prompt: “During puberty, the male and female bodies undergo many changes. Everyone experiences these changes at different rates and at different times. Increases in weight and body fat are normal. Sometimes it is difficult getting used to the changes that are happening so quickly. Feelings can be much more intense. What are some of the feel¬ings you might have as you start to experience changes with puberty?”

    Student: “Excitement, happiness, embarrassment, confusion, and fear are some of the feelings I might have. It is sometimes hard to recognize what I am feeling and why things feel different.”

    Teacher prompt: “What can change socially as you start to develop physically?”
    Student: “Relationships with friends can change, because sometimes people start being interested in different things at different times. Some people start ‘liking’ others. They want to be more than ‘just friends’ and become interested in going out. Sometimes people treat you as if you are older than you actually are because of how you look. Sometimes classmates, friends, or family make comments or tease you about the changes.” • • • • •

    Teacher prompt: “Some cultures have traditions associated with puberty that mark the transition from childhood to adulthood. Can you give me some examples of these?”
    Student: “In Judaism, a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah is celebrated at age thirteen, when a boy or girl comes of age, according to religious law, and can now participate as an adult in the religious life of the community. Many Aboriginal societies have rites of passage that signal that adolescent boys and girls are ready to take on adult roles in society.”

    C2.4 demonstrate an understanding of personal care needs and the application of personal hygienic practices associated with the onset of puberty (e.g., increased importance of regular bathing/showering and regular clothing changes; use of hygiene products; continuing importance of regular hygiene practices, including hand washing, oral health care, and care of prosthetic devices and residual limbs) [PS]
    演示与生理发育有关的卫生习惯和用品(举例:提高洗澡和常换衣服的重要性;卫生用品的使用;卫生习惯的重要性,包括洗手,口腔保护,止汗喷雾香体用品的使用。) [个人能力]
    Teacher prompt: “Why is it important to shower and change clothes more often as you approach puberty? What other things do you need to think about?”
    Student: “As our bodies change, we perspire more. We should also be aware of spreading germs, and avoid sharing hats, lip gloss, hairbrushes, drinks, or towels.”
    By the end of Grade 4, students will:
    • describe the four stages of human development (infancy, childhood, adolescence, and
    adulthood) and identify the physical, interpersonal, and emotional changes appropriate
    to their current stage; 描述人体成长四阶段。婴儿期,儿童期,少年期,成人期。确认这些期段的生理,人际关系和心理特征。
    • identify the characteristics of healthy relationships (e.g., showing consideration of
    others’ feelings by avoiding negative communication); 描述健康关系的特征(举例:避免负面交流方式用以考虑他人感受)
    • identify the challenges (e.g., conflicting opinions) and responsibilities in their
    relationships with family and friends. 确认挑战(对冲突的看法)和家庭关系朋友关系中应有的责任义务。

    C1.3 identify the parts of the reproductive system, and describe how the body changes during puberty [PS] 生殖系统。青春发育期的身体变化[个人技能]
    Teacher prompt: “Female body parts that mature and develop as a part of puberty in¬clude the vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, endometrium, and clitoris. Male body parts that mature and develop during puberty include the penis (with or without the foreskin), scrotum, urethra, testicles, prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and vas defer¬ens. These changes occur as people become capable of reproduction. What are some physical changes that happen during puberty?”
    Student: “During puberty, girls will develop breasts and get their periods for the first time. An increase in weight and body fat is normal. Boys will become more muscular, get deeper voices, and grow facial and body hair. The penis and testicles will grow larger. Both boys and girls will grow hair under their arms, on their legs, and in their pubic area. The rate at which these changes occur will vary for each individual.”

    C1.4 describe the processes of menstruation and spermatogenesis, and explain how these processes relate to reproduction and overall development
    Teacher prompt: “Menstruation is the medical term for having a ‘period’ and is the monthly flow of blood from the uterus. This begins at puberty. Not all girls begin men¬struation at the same age. Generally, every month, an egg leaves one of the ovaries and travels down one of the fallopian tubes towards the uterus. In preparation, the walls of the uterus develop a lining of extra blood and tissue to act as a cushion for the egg in case fertilization occurs. When an egg is fertilized, it attaches itself to the lining of the uterus and begins to develop into a baby. If fertilization does not occur, the lining of the uterus is no longer needed and is discharged through the vagina. This is the monthly flow of blood. The whole process is called the menstrual cycle. Can you summarize its purpose?”

    Student: “It is how the female body gets ready for pregnancy.”
    Teacher: “The testicles are glands within the scrotum that produce sperm and hormones, beginning at puberty. After sperm develops in the testicles, it can travel through the epididymis until it reaches the vas deferens where it is stored until ejaculation occurs. During ejaculation, the prostate gland releases a liquid that mixes with the sperm from the vas deferens to make semen, which then leaves the body through the urethra. Fertilization can occur when the penis is in the vagina, sperm is ejaculated, and the sperm and egg connect. Babies can also be conceived by having the sperm and egg connect using assisted reproductive technologies. What is the purpose of sperm production?”

    Student: “Sperm is needed for fertilization. When the sperm from the male and the egg from the female join together, pregnancy occurs.” 精子是受精所需要的。当精子与卵子结合时,发生受孕。

    Teacher: “We’ve described what menstruation and spermatogenesis mean from a physical point of view. How do these changes affect you in other ways?” 我们从生理角度解释了月经过程和精子产生过程。它们对你有什么影响。

    Student: “Not everyone experiences these changes at the same time and in the same way, so teasing people about these changes isn’t right. It can be very hurtful.” 不是所有人都在同一时间同一方式经历这些变化,所以以此取笑他人是错误的,这样做对他人伤害极大。
    “In my culture and my family, becoming an adult is a cause for celebration.” 在我的文化和家庭中,成年是要庆祝的。
    “We don’t talk about it in my family. What I see in the media and online is a bit confusing, so it’s good to know what these changes in my body actually mean. The more I know, the better I can take care of myself.

    C2.4 describe emotional and interpersonal stresses related to puberty (e.g., questions about changing bodies and feelings, adjusting to changing relationships, crushes and more intense feelings, conflicts between personal desires and cultural teachings and practices), and identify strategies that they can apply to manage stress, build resilience, and enhance their mental health and emotional well-being (e.g., being active, writing feelings in a journal, accessing information about their concerns, taking action on a concern, talking to a trusted peer or adult, breathing deeply, meditating, seeking cultural advice from elders) [PS]
    Teacher prompt: “Think about some things that could lead to stress for adolescents. For example, as they grow, people sometimes feel self-conscious about their bodies, but we all grow at different rates and you can’t control how fast you grow. When you think about how to respond to stress, consider what is within your control and what is not.”

    Student: “Things I can control include whether I have a positive or negative attitude about things, how I show respect for myself and others, whether I ask for help when I need it, whether I am involved in activities at school and in my community, actions I take, whether I am open to new ideas, and whether I make my own decisions about things or let myself be influenced by others. Things I cannot control include where I was born, who is in my family, how much money my family has, and personal characteristics such as my skin colour, hair colour, whether I am male or female, my gender identity, sex¬ual orientation, and overall body shape and structure. I could have a learning disability, a physical disability, or a health issue. All of these things are a part of who I am. I cannot control these things, but I can control what I do and how I act.”

    Teacher prompt: “It is normal to have stress and to have different feelings, including be¬ing happy, sad, angry, and excited at different times. Part of taking care of your mental health and emotional well-being is learning to be aware of and to monitor your own feelings. How do you know if you need help with your feelings?”

    Student: “If you feel one way for a very long time – for example, if you always feel sad, anxious, or tired – that might be a sign that you need to get help to learn what is causing those feelings and what you can do about them.”
    "如果你长时期感到同一种感受,比如总感到悲哀,焦虑,或者疲惫 - 这可能是你需要外界帮助的讯号了。帮助你认识到是什么造成你有这些感受,和你能做什么。"
    Teacher prompt: “As you enter adolescence, you may begin to develop new kinds of rela-tionships and new feelings that you have not had before. Your relationships with your peers can become more stressful. Understanding how to respond to these new feelings and situations can reduce some of the stress that goes with them. For example, if you feel you ‘like someone in a special way’, what are some appropriate ways of sharing that information with someone else and what are ways that are inappropriate?”

    Student: “You can show that you like someone by being extra nice to them, talking with them more, spending time with them, or telling them that you like them. Ways of show¬ing that you like someone that are inappropriate include touching them without their permission, spreading rumours about them to others or online, and making fun of them in order to get attention. Sharing private sexual photos or posting sexual comments online is unacceptable and also illegal.” • • • • •

    By the end of Grade 5, students will:
    • identify strategies to deal positively with stress and pressures that result from
    relationships with family and friends; 确认那些应对压力和压抑的策略。由家庭和朋友关系而带来的压力。
    • identify factors (e.g., trust, honesty, caring) that enhance healthy relationships with
    friends, family, and peers; 确认些因素(信任,诚实,关照)能够增强健康的朋友家庭同伴关系。
    • describe the secondary physical changes at puberty (e.g., growth of body hair, changes
    in body shape); 确认第二性特征(举例:体毛变化,身型变化。)
    • describe the processes of menstruation and spermatogenesis; 描述月经过程和精子产生过程。
    • describe the increasing importance of personal hygiene following puberty. 描述发育时讲究卫生的重要性。


    六年级是重头戏,增加内容主要是青春期心理健康和关系中的consent。明天再说,不想看我就不写了。很累。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 感谢! 老实说我没有看出新版有什么不妥的地方。
      • 之前有个帖子引用的英文原文,反对呼声似乎主要是1年级的生殖器官,2年级的sexual consent,3年级的同性关系和来自同性家庭的孩子,6年级手淫,7年级口交肛交。所以原本4/5年级的内容就没什么问题。
        • 拜月这里贴的也是英文原文啊。我手里有那个你说的原文,我也仔细阅读过。
          • 主贴已经注明只涵盖“(3-5年级)”only,反对呼声高的那些年级,教主还没给翻译哪。
    • 也请反对新版的同学具体提示哪一条不合适。咱先讨论清楚了在反对不迟。
      • 我能想到的反对,就是三年级中的C3.3。如果我是反对人士,我会要求删除这句话:"我们都来自不同的家庭。...有些同学有两个母亲或者两个父亲。"
        • 这个,不是想避免就避免的。生活中会碰到的,作为家长就需要准备好如何和孩子解释。
          • 所有"安省要在三年级讲同性恋"的说法,不论是报纸还是电视,都是从这句话而来的。实际上,同性恋这个词出现在新旧大纲的位置是一样的。第一次都是在四年级,第二次提到在五年级。都是一样的。可很少有人去看大纲,都去听媒体的。很可惜。
            • 所以我总是感觉这次抗议中被煽动的成分很大。这是我个人的感觉。
              • 政客们在搞鬼。
                • 反对策略总结如下
                  • 希望能有更多的媒体转载这篇理性分析的文章,以免公众人云亦云,被误导。
                    • 我就知道有为了这事火线加入保守党的。
                      • 你这么一提醒,我去看了一下华人抗议代表徐X宏老师的政党派别,果然是保守党的。当然了,人家也可能只代表个人的观点,与政党无关。
                        • 呵呵,入党表我都拿了,后来一想不太对劲,就没入。说入了可以推举反新教案的人当党魁,结果不同的渠道推荐的人不一样。
        • 这话根本没错。我第一次看到这句话的反应是离异再婚家庭的孩子就是有2个爸爸或2个妈妈,根本没往同性恋那想。
          • +1,我也这样想
          • 省长是同性恋,她要给孩洗脑,你们还没明白吗?
      • 我不同意给7年孩子讲口交肌交阴道交,老师展示图片和道具吗?你的孩子回来在计算机上查看这些图片,说上课没听懂,难道你还鼓励和帮助。
        • 孩子能不查么。其实最后感觉这个重任还是要留给家长了,老师也不敢多说。也许老师也不同意教呢。所以真正的烫手山芋还是家长。可恨的是,你说她没事非掀开那盖着的布那么早干嘛。还嫌家长不够忙啊。呸,不要脸,只知道下半身的东西!
    • 谢谢花这么多时间总结。老实说我没有看出新版有什么不妥的地方。请问,我可以转发吗?如果可以,有什么要求吗?
      • yes you can.
        • 出处我就注明成ROLIA拜月(YUSHENG)网友了哈。
    • 非常感谢分享!研究一下!
    • 非常感谢!
    • 花了很多心血,不错。我是真没看出有什么具体条款需要反对的。好像有反对意见的同学翻来覆去说的那几条吓死人的东西,一条也没在这些内容里。
    • 谢谢,辛苦啦,能不能再把5年级以后的也对比一下?
      • LOL
    • 3年级里:C3.3 - Human Development and Sexual Health:把其中的性取向去掉。
      • 对了。sexual orientation.这个词是让人想到"三年级开始讲同性恋"的另一原因。这个词旧版第一次出现在五年级。新版在三年级。第二次出现位置和旧版相同。
        • 不喜欢把性取向混在性别差异,家庭差异,等等里面。更不喜欢让3年级的孩子这么早就接触这个词。
          • 这个词是出现在C3.3的内容里,而不是老师提示和学生问答部分。也就是说,它是用来给老师guideline的。老师会不会在学生面前提到这词,我猜想由老师决定。
            • 要求放回到5年级。
              • 是一个VALID CONCERN。不过我要提醒一句:与同性恋有相同词根的词旧版和新版一样,都出现在四年级。在如何避免BULLY那节中,提到BULLY产生原因之一,是同性恋恐惧症。而且,这个词是由学生的口说出来的。
                Grade 4: C1.3: Student:"Verbal bullying could include name calling, mocking, teasing about appearance, including weight, size, or clothing, and making sexist, racist, or homophobic comments in person or online. Any of these kinds of bullying could cause emotional pain."
                • sexist 这个范围广了,远不如同性恋,性取向那么具体。
                  • no, not sexist, is the word of 'homophobic'.
                    • 这个词也好,估计没几个孩子认识。
                      • 可是别忘了,这是98年就通过的旧版中,模拟孩子的口说出的话!孩子要不知道什么是同性恋,会说出恐同症这词么。
                        • 奇怪。3年级的孩子,还都是男孩跟男孩,女孩跟女孩玩呢。这个孩子是怎么发育出来,4年级就能知道自己的性取向?
                          • 不是让孩子知道自己的性取向,而是让他们知道有同学有两个父亲,世上存在这种现象。所以针对性取向这个专业词汇,底下提供的模拟问答那么浅显,把它通俗的解释为"有的家庭有两个父亲。"
                            • 我是说你上面说的bully的原因。homophobic comments in person or online 是针对孩子,不是针对孩子父母的吧。
                              • 那就不知道了。这是98年来就实施直到现在的大纲。也就是说,现在安省四年级以上的孩子都是这么被教育过来的。换句话说,编这旧大纲的人,已经缺省默认了四年级孩子知道有同性恋的人群,和针对这群人的BULLY。
      • 这句话,按照目前的价值观,是不可能去掉的。
        • 应该晚一些。
          • 同性恋现在已经随处可见,同时我们也不能低估高科技时代孩子的求知欲和寻找答案的手段,与其试图堵住他们的耳朵,不如灌输我们的价值观。
            • 同性恋至少我们这里还是很少见。3年级的孩子有几个对这个感兴趣。没有人试图堵住他们的耳朵,而是“忽略”。忽略同性恋。
              • 我们讨论的是安省大纲。 多伦多每年有同性恋大游行,报纸电视铺天盖地的报道转播,小孩子不知道的可能性很小。
              • 唉,多伦多多!不是还有那个每年都有的游行吗。忽略不了啊~
                • lol。小孩子提起过么?3年级的孩子对这个不感兴趣的。等两年没关系的吧。
                  • 一次在一个游乐场碰到个小孩,对我小孩说他有俩爸爸,没有妈妈。我孩子问我怎么回事,我一点心理准备都没有。
                    • 我家孩子早就读过类似的画书:有的家庭有俩爸,有的家庭有俩妈,不过我家孩子也没有问。等问了,估计我会说:不知道,我见过的都是一个男的一个女的组成的家庭。
                      • 这样说,孩子会不会很困惑啊。
                        • 我最起码要委婉地灌输我认为的“正常”和“不正常”吧。可以教育孩子不“歧视”,但是我也有我的观点吧。
                      • TA没问,也许是认为这没有什么不正常的。 这不就是媒体社会的影响吗 - 你还没机会和孩子灌输你认为的“正常”和“不正常””, TA已经认为是正常的了。
                        • 我觉得这正是我们父母应该早给孩子灌输的理由。像大游行,电视上都是,我们就可以趁机说这是丑的。
                          • 只是想说,同性恋相关的内容是刻意忽略不了的,主流的观念就是这样潜移默化给孩子了。至于家长怎么灌输,灌输什么那是每个家长的自由。
              • 我们成长在国内,受国内的教育,国内那个舆论环境对同性恋是很严苟的,所以我们对”同性恋“的了解其实并不比我们的在这边受教育的孩子多。
                • 不过国内国外,我感觉这个好像一直都没有跟我有任何关系。
                  • 先别说这么早,等孩子过了青春期再说。
      • 对, invisible differences (e.g.,。。。 gender identity, sexual orientation,)无形的差异(例如,性别认同,性方向)
        老师会怎么解释这里? 三年的孩子应该明白男孩女孩, 还要认同什么? 性方向是什么意思, 男孩不是男孩, 女孩不是女孩? 这不是混乱了孩子的世界么?有必要么? 如果真的有这方面困扰的孩子,应该得到专业帮助。 平常的孩子就让他们自然的长大不好么?
    • 辛苦了!建议6年纪,7,8年纪的分别另外开贴。我记得旧的大纲里也有提到sex orientation (好像在5年纪)。
    • 之前有个帖子引用的英文原文,反对呼声似乎主要是1年级的生殖器官,2年级的sexual consent,3年级的同性关系和来自同性家庭的孩子,6年级手淫,7年级口交肛交。所以原本4/5年级的内容就没什么问题。
    • 谢谢分享!
    • Got it! Many thanks for your time and sharing. It's nice of you.
    • 补充一些现行大纲的内容 (3-5年级)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛三年纪

      By the end of Grade 3, students will:
      • outline the basic human and animal reproductive processes (e.g., the union of egg and sperm);


      Teacher prompt: “What is an example of social bullying? Physical bullying? Verbal bullying?”

      Student: “。。。。。。 Verbal bullying could include name calling, mocking, teasing about appearance, including weight, size, or clothing, and making sexist, racist, or homophobic comments in person or online.

      Teacher prompt: “What strategies could you use in a situation where you were being harassed because of your sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, body shape, weight, or ability?”

      C3.2 explain how a person’s actions (e.g., negative actions such as name calling, making homophobic
      or racist remarks, mocking appearance or ability, excluding, bullying, sexual harassment; positive
      actions such as praising, supporting, including) can affect the feelings, self-concept, emotional
      well-being, and reputation of themselves and others [PS, IS]

      Teacher prompt: “Negative actions that hurt the feelings of others can also result
      in stigma. When someone appears to be different from us, whether it is because of
      something visible like a physical disability or something invisible like having an
      illness such as schizophrenia or HIV/AIDS, we may view him or her in a stereotyped
      manner and make assumptions. Stereotypes can have a strong, negative impact on
      someone’s self-concept and well-being. On the other hand, you can also make a big
      difference in a positive way with your actions. Give an example of an action that can
      affect someone’s feelings, self-concept, or reputation in a positive way.”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 好,不能要这些伤风败俗的内容
    • 五年级就是还在小学,有好多女孩子月经还没来第一次呢,就给她们讲解受孕过程,而且讲得那么仔细,是不是太早了点?
      • 华人孩子相对老外晚一些,11、12岁基本都来了。 黑人女孩大概8,9岁就有来的, 所以5年级教也不算早。
        • 就因为班上有几个黑人小孩来的早,就全世界的奉陪?如果有人4岁就来了,那是不是4岁就该开始教了?
    • 五年级增加部分:(下面会出现人体结构和受孕过程,若引起不适感可以跳到C2.4。) 你真有意思, 给为人父母的成年人解释都怕引起不适, 五年级小孩就不怕不适了。不过这些实际上旧大纲也是这样的, 我孩子说去年就学过了~~~
      • 对呀,狼已经来了,我们只是才觉悟而已。
    • 说真心话,新大纲里有些内容我作为成年人都不愿学,不明白你这么不余遗力的推广干什么!你家孩子愿学尽管学,也请给我家孩子不愿学的权力。
      • 赞同,建议没有学龄儿童的支持者请闭嘴。有学龄儿童的请今天就在家里教,不用等到九月份。
        • 赞同,这些同意新大纲的一定没孩子,想毁掉别人的孩子,另外我想问一下,上这些课之前学校会让家长签字吗?我选不上这课。
          • 有opt out form,不是专门为新大纲设置的。家长可以填了发给学校备案。学校在教之前通知你哪一天上什么内容,你可以选择孩子不去上这节课。
      • 同感
    • A big THANK YOU for your work!! It gives us a chance to have an educated opinion. Look forward to your next section
      • 看来你是来晚了。这里上两周都吵翻天了。还有一贴是《六年级的内容》,贴里有七、八年级的内容。往前翻翻,能找到的。