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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Canada has a GII value of 0.136, ranking it 23 out of 149 countries in the 2013 index. In Canada, 28.0
percent of parliamentary seats are held by women, and 100.0 percent of adult women have reached at
least a secondary level of education compared to 100.0 percent of their male counterparts. For every
100,000 live births, 12.0 women die from pregnancy related causes; and the adolescent birth rate is 14.5
births per 1000 live births. Female participation in the labour market is 61.6 percent compared to 71.2 for

In comparison, Australia and the United States are ranked at 19 and 47 respectively on this index.
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 谁主沉浮----联邦大选历史回顾 +1
    • 这是在抢桌子的角色吧。不管是谁,先赞一下,也不知道数据是否正确
      • 喂基的数据参考.上次142-129后,我的数学没有信用了。
        • 这么多数字啊。我就不验算了。这次先相信你吧
    • "哈泊若赢得今年的选举,将超过克里靖,跻身于前5名". 写到这里,我仿佛看见红脖兄拼了老命也不能让哈泊得逞。
      • LOL There is no comparison. A very mean-spirited individual / a conspiracy theorist won't ever leave a good name.
        • 好在历史是银民写的
          • For sure. Let's go and see.
            • 身为自由党的支持者,好像也很欣赏老特老克,现在看着特公子连出败招儿,是不是有些恨铁不成钢的感觉?
              • 特公子表现得不错。推动大麻合法化以及阶级斗争都是吸引选票的好招数。
    • 以前移民公司一再做广告的最合适人类居住地,其实是联合国的人类发展指数,加拿大曾经多年名列第一,移民公司其实没吹牛,后来落伍于北欧几国,其中一个因素,说起来不少右派非常不以为然,就是女性议员比例,少于北欧,女男平权,任重道远啊!
      • 监狱里面犯人男女人数也不一样——男女平权任重道远啊
      • HDI就看这3项:寿命,教育,收入。女性议员比例不在此列。
        • 还好,我的记忆无误,细分的参数,有女性民意代表比例,看链接
          • Data unavailable. 有的国家保密工作,做得真好
          • 你说是另外一个指数IHDI。与你前文所说的“联合国的人类发展指数"并不等同。我看多很多地方引用HDI,但鲜见IHDI的应用。至少没听移民公司吹过这个。
            • 统计学上,有个专门的术语,就是加权,联合国的报告,就用了其它一些加权指数,来修正原来的结果,本来单纯从这三项而言,加拿大名列前茅,但一加权修正,就落在北欧国家后边去了,正好符合我引述的说法,女性议员比例偏低,拖累加拿大的排名。
              • 女省长是女的
                • 何止,去年有一段时间,加拿大最人口众多的省份,全部都是女性省长,BC, 阿省,魁省,包括安省,可惜,加拿大的选民政治就是坐过山车,如今硕果仅存。
        • 这个具体的加拿大报告,更详细
          Canada has a GII value of 0.136, ranking it 23 out of 149 countries in the 2013 index. In Canada, 28.0
          percent of parliamentary seats are held by women, and 100.0 percent of adult women have reached at
          least a secondary level of education compared to 100.0 percent of their male counterparts. For every
          100,000 live births, 12.0 women die from pregnancy related causes; and the adolescent birth rate is 14.5
          births per 1000 live births. Female participation in the labour market is 61.6 percent compared to 71.2 for

          In comparison, Australia and the United States are ranked at 19 and 47 respectively on this index.