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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



When calculating the capital gain or loss on the sale of capital property that was made in a foreign currency:

convert the proceeds of disposition to Canadian dollars using the exchange rate in effect at the time of the sale;
convert the adjusted cost base of the property to Canadian dollars using the exchange rate in effect at the time the property was acquired; and
convert the outlays and expenses to Canadian dollars using the exchange rate in effect at the time they were incurred.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / $0美刀收入,有可能需要按$3000加币收入报税吗?请教一个股票投资报税中的美金capital gain计算问题:
    举例如下:加拿大的brokerage投资账号,原有$10000美金cash,2012年某时全部买入某美国股票,其时美金加币兑换率为1,2014年某时股票全部以原价卖出,其时美金加币兑换率为1.3,年终时投资账号中依然是$10000美金cash,brokerage的年终statement显示当年gain/loss为0。请问2014年税表中折算成加币的capital gain应该填多少?

    Option 1: US $0 X 1.3 = CAD $0;
    Option 2: US $10000 X 1.3 - US $10000 X 1 = CAD $3000
    • 当然是3000。交易前后都是换回假币算盈余。当时换美金的成本低。
      • As long as he is sitting on the USD, that gain/loss has not occurred yet. I don't see how he should report anything but 0.
        • A transaction has taken place, the end result is in a 【net gain】in 【Canadian dollars】.
    • 0 for now. But when you exchange CAD to USD and then subsequently exchange USD to CAD you might be required to claim capital gains/losses at that point.
      • 你的意思是不是可以理解为,如果现在把帐户关了。留的是美金。以后都不用再报税?
        • 如果你是开的美元加元双币帐户,转进去加元,然后换成1万美元的话,是有浮赢显示的,关闭帐户这笔浮赢怎么处理,我就不知道了.如果转进去就是美元,那就更谈不上有赢利了.
          • Thinking about it more I think I agree with 小胖子. Even for corporate tax, it doesn't matter whether you are converting your USD profit back to CAD but you always report your profit in CAD.
            • 那是要兑现了的才算,你现在持有美元,只是浮赢,就好比持有股票,无论涨了多少,你没有卖出.不需要报告.美元也是一个股票.如果把这1万兑换成13000加元(卖出)your gains(Realized profit),然后再兑换成1万美元(再次买入)盈亏都是Unrealized profit,这样就需要交税,我这么认为的.
              • 企业报税对于foreign income也不需要兑现,都是用加币来衡量。 +1
      • According to CRA, 【Report your gains or losses in 【Canadian dollars】. Use the exchange rate that was in effect on the day of the transaction】。。。 +1
    • 应该是0吧,先有gain/loss才有货币转换吧
    • 3000 gain
    • 3000的gain,你报税的时候填的应该都是CAD,你不可以填USD值的。当然你可以不换算,就填一个数字,CRA默认为CAD,然后算出你0 gain,不需交税。但这就是非法的了。 +2
    • 谢谢楼上各位的意见!我个人的理解本来是$0,最简洁的做法就是用broker提供的年结单上的当年总gain/loss乘以本年的average exchange rate。可是最近研究了CRA网站,找到一段很清楚明确的要求,跟楼上小胖兄等人的说法一致。很无语!
    • 附上CRA指示原文和链接供大家参考:

      When calculating the capital gain or loss on the sale of capital property that was made in a foreign currency:

      convert the proceeds of disposition to Canadian dollars using the exchange rate in effect at the time of the sale;
      convert the adjusted cost base of the property to Canadian dollars using the exchange rate in effect at the time the property was acquired; and
      convert the outlays and expenses to Canadian dollars using the exchange rate in effect at the time they were incurred.