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作为在北美中国留学生和移民,we should have a serious reflection and discussion on 印度学生在美国的成功. If you pay attention on these news,

you will noticed not just CEOs of Google and Microsoft, others such as CEO of Pepsi, previous CEO of Citi, Current CEO of American Express, former Managing director of McKinsey,

lots of presidents, provosts, deans in American and Canadian universities, and some future stars such Thomas Kurian of Oracle, ...

Two Indian students rises to the top of the two biggest global tech companies means a lot to India, also means a lot to Chinese students in America (only other group of foreign students is comparable to Indian students in quantity or quality.

I didn't think anyone can serious think their success 是因为印度人团结,Nadella and Pichai 他们自己也是突破了天花板, no others can actually help them,

美国人自己也对此很shocking, there are lots of discussion in US newspapers. 美国的精英阶层应该对此比我们 中国外来人反应更大。
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 作为在北美中国留学生和移民,we should have a serious reflection and discussion on 印度学生在美国的成功. If you pay attention on these news, +3
    you will noticed not just CEOs of Google and Microsoft, others such as CEO of Pepsi, previous CEO of Citi, Current CEO of American Express, former Managing director of McKinsey,

    lots of presidents, provosts, deans in American and Canadian universities, and some future stars such Thomas Kurian of Oracle, ...

    Two Indian students rises to the top of the two biggest global tech companies means a lot to India, also means a lot to Chinese students in America (only other group of foreign students is comparable to Indian students in quantity or quality.

    I didn't think anyone can serious think their success 是因为印度人团结,Nadella and Pichai 他们自己也是突破了天花板, no others can actually help them,

    美国人自己也对此很shocking, there are lots of discussion in US newspapers. 美国的精英阶层应该对此比我们 中国外来人反应更大。
    • 这是个伪问题。全世界成功的中国人比成功的印度人多太多了。有时间考虑这个问题,不如好好想想成功的中国人是怎么成功的,自己和他们的差距在哪儿。 +3
      • 同意
      • 全球就有点太大了。如果只比较在美国的中国人跟印度人呢? +1
        • 土狼屯的还好,印度势力有被压制。 +2
          • 土狼屯大概至少在人数上不落下风。 +1
        • 选择在哪里生活工作,很大程度上取决于人的素质,资源和价值取向。以IT业而言,来北美和留在北美的中国人和印度人还是有差距的,人数上也差了好几倍。原因很明显,结果也很自然。
          • 为什么IT业的印度人比中国人多得多?还不是因为2000年的时候,在北美的国人基本是书呆子PHD,读书读成脑残,在职场上表现像白痴,把机会拱手让给印度人。 +1
      • 无他,唯手熟尔。能说会道不推活,好学上进多加班。 +1
      • 成功的中国人都是回中国创业的。:( +1
        • 不能说都是,但是至少吸引了一大批有能力有想法有闯劲的人。剩下的很难形成一个精英团体了。
        • For Indians, it's even easier to work back in India.
        • 可是回国创业的人留在北美也拼不过印度人。 +1
          • 这个要海归成功人士tom哥现身说法才行。
    • One possible reason is that the Chinese language is too powerful, compared to any Indian languages. +4
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Most Chinese, especially first generation Chinese, are trapped in this powerful language.

      If I spend more time using Chinese, I have less time for English.

      If I don't have enough time for English, I'm not able to use it well.

      If I cannot use English well, how can I communicate well with other people in this society?

      If I cannot communicate well, how can I excel?

      On the other side, there are many languages in India. None of them is influential enough to be popular throughout India. Therefore, even inside India, people may have to use English to communicate.

      I personally have seen scenarios like this many times: In a store, an Indian parent talks in English with more or less Indian accent, to the kids. I haven't seen any like this with Chinese parents. They always talk to the kids in Chinese, no matter how young the kids are. This shows that Indians are more comfortable using English.

      Rolia created a separate forum purely in English. It's for people who are willing to practice English. I believe that it will help us to succeed in this society.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • why we are so hung up on such topics? the comparison like "indian" vs. "chinese" really does not make too much sense, you are comparing 20% of world population to another 20%, you can't draw any conclusions without overgeneralization... +1
    • 印度老婆无论老公是精英还是草民都给与他全力支持,不象中国老婆,老公事业有成就整天疑心外遇,老公事业不顺又烦他无能。印度老婆对印度老公得成功功不可没。 +6
      • Chinese men not successful in NA job market should not blame their wifes, should we? If so, Chinese men are so weak.
      • 终于有个明白人说个明白话了。中国老婆独立性不如西方老婆,顾家持家不如印度老婆,就是一个夹生饭,给老公捣乱。 +1
    • 来北美的印度人大多是本科或是master. 来北美的中国人要么是书呆子PHD,要么是国内职场上的loser,这些人能跟印度人比吗?就是当地人的商界精英,有几个是书呆子PHD。
      • Are you sure sohu ceo can be comparable with 劈材?
        • sohu ceo窝里横,留在北美他一点机会没有。 +1
    • 如果你手下有印度人,你会感觉他们尊重领导,任劳任怨。一般你给什么活,他都说能做:) +2
      • 能给个体谋取些利益,对群体没什么好处。印度菲律宾均如此。印度肯定是殖民者觉得最爽的地方。