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TD给的解释 Strategies and Tips Using spousal RSPs

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Strategies and Tips
Using spousal RSPs

By now you probably know the value of investing in an RSP, both as a savings vehicle for your retirement and as an efficient means by which to defer taxes on your income. You may also know about the advantages of income splitting, although most Canadians have limited opportunities to transfer income from one spouse to another if both are salaried employees.

Spousal RSPs are one of the only practical means of income splitting for such couples; they can help defer taxes right away, and reduce taxes in retirement. If one spouse has a significantly higher income now, or expects to have a significantly higher retirement income, you should consider taking advantage of a Spousal RSP right away.

What is income-splitting?
Income-splitting is a way to reduce a family's overall tax bill by shifting the income or capital gains from a higher-income earner to one or more lower income earners so that the same amount of income is taxed at a lower rate or not at all if the lower income earner's income is low enough.

Other benefits of income-splitting
Income-splitting also provides benefits when calculating your Old Age Security (OAS) benefit and any potential clawback you might face. The OAS program currently requires a repayment of benefits (or clawback) once your personal income exceeds $53,215. If you and your spouse can keep your respective income level below that threshold through income-splitting, you can avoid any clawback.

How to equalize income in retirement with a Spousal RSP
Spousal RSPs allow a couple to create a retirement fund for both partners. A taxpayer may choose to contribute to their own personal RSP or to an RSP in their spouse's name while claiming the contribution as a deduction on their own tax return. The immediate benefit to the contributor is the tax deduction, however, in the long term the overall family tax bill will be reduced as income will be available for withdrawal by each spouse during retirement.

As of January 1, 1993, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency revised the definition of spouse to include common-law spouses. If you have lived in a conjugal relationship for one year or more, or live together and have a child, you can make a spousal RSP contribution.

Your spousal RSP contribution, when combined with your personal RSP contribution, may not exceed your personal RSP deduction limit. For example, let's look at John who earns $50,000 a year. Based on the current contribution limit of 18% of previous year's earned income, John may contribute $9000 to an RSP. He can contribute the whole $9000 to his personal RSP, or $9000 a spousal RSP or a portion to each RSP as long as the total amount contributed does not exceed $9000. (Assuming no carry-forward of unused contributions or over-contributions.)

A spousal RSP is also a way to defer taxes if you are no longer able to contribute to a personal RSP due to your age. As long as your spouse is 71 or younger, you can contribute to their Spousal RSP and still claim the tax deduction.

The three year attribution rule
It is important when considering spousal RSPs to understand the impact of the three year attribution rule. This rule is designed to prevent a high-income spouse from contributing to a spousal plan and having the funds almost immediately withdrawn and taxed to the lower income earning spouse. If your spouse withdraws from their spousal RSP within three calendar years of your last contribution to any spousal RSP, the withdrawal is treated as income on your personal tax return. If the withdrawal is made more than three years after the contribution, the withdrawal is treated as income on your spouse's tax return. The important thing to note is that the three years are based on calendar years. If your last contribution was made in December 1998, a withdrawal is taxable as your income until January 2001.

If the contribution were made in January 1999, even if it is applied to your 1998 tax return, a withdrawal before January 2002 would be taxable as your income.

The three year rule does not apply in the following cases:

The spouses are living apart due to marriage breakdown
Death of the contributing spouse in the year a withdrawal is made
Either spouse becomes a non-resident of Canada for tax purposes
If the money is transferred to an annuity
Note: If you convert your spousal RSP into an RRIF, you are only allowed the minimum withdrawal until three years after the last contribution. Any withdrawals above the minimum will be taxed as income on the contributor's tax return.
A spousal RSP offers Canadians an opportunity to work within the graduated income tax system in order to minimize a household's overall tax burden in retirement. By equalizing each spouse's retirement income, the overall tax bill is reduced by keeping both spouses in a lower tax bracket.

This is one of the few income-splitting options still available to Canadians, and it is beneficial when most people need it - in retirement.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 请教大家:给配偶的RRSP供款,
    是用本人的额度还是配偶的额度,以后提出来算谁的收入?LG收入比我高不少,他有公司的RSP,自己又买了一些RRSP, 今年额度已经用完,我试着就在ufile里面contribution to your spouse's RRSP里面填了一点钱,最后是他退税,那不就是说RRSP的额度其实是双方共享的吗?
    • .
    • 老公刚刚帮我买了,用他的额度,减他的税。两年之内提出算他的收入,之后提算我的。 +1
      • 谢谢两位童鞋,我明白了。ufile这是明显的误导啊,LG2015年就剩700多额度了,我试着填了给配偶供款5000,结果计算最后他居然退税了。我要是真的让他去买了,岂不是要罚款了。
        • 你買,用的是你的額度,不管給你自己還是給配偶,要罰也是罰你,跟你配偶的RRSP額度無關 你買了RRSP,上稅收入就少了,也影響配偶的tax credit +1
          • 我理解你的意思,
            就是谁买RRSP就用谁自己的额度,不管买给其他什么人。我的意思是,当我填了5000在LG名下的CONTRIBUTION TO YOUR SPOUSER'S RRSP 时,最后的SUMMARY 居然显示他的RRSP供款多了5000,上税收入少了5000。其实LG 的额度在我填5000之前已经只剩700了。这不是明显的错误吗?
            • 没看出哪儿有错。
            • 也就是说,ufile没有那么智能,就如同你去银行买RSP,职员才不问你超没超,你买多少都卖给你。无论如何,你要自己掌握。
        • Spousal RRSP是比较特殊的东东。可以算你劳工的额度也可以算你自己的额度。你老公就是买了5000估计也没啥事,超过的部分报成你自己买就是了(前提是你自己的额度还够)。
          • 你这是自己理解的,还是以前咨询过CRA 的答案?
            • It is not CRA answer, but I got it from the link. The reason I search for this is that I don't like to manage too many RRSP accounts.
              • 谁买就只能用谁的额度,要看权威网址的内容。 +1
                • 什么叫谁买就用谁的额度?我从joint account转钱到self-directed SRRSP. 全部都是on line banking,这算谁买的? +1
                  • 开spousal rrsp account的时候应该有列明contributor, 混不了的。额度算contributor的。
                    • CRA的定义双方都可以买,但只有一方受益.额度是谁报算谁的。
                      • 钱谁出还不是你俩口子的事儿,spousal rrsp关键是用谁的额度,之后取钱算谁的收入。
                      • 修正一下:额度是谁买算谁的,不是谁报算谁的。
                  • 谁登录,谁做的,算谁的。joint account. 你老婆和你用一个debit 卡?用一个密码?银行当然知道是谁了,这也有疑问?????
                    • 是的,银行知道是谁付的。最好还要让RRSP的购买机构知道是谁付的,因为还有收据的问题。
                      • 不知道你在说什么?
                        • 我说你是对的.但跨银行付款的话,接受行不一定知道是谁付的。得告知谁是contributor
                          • 你举个例子,我们看看,有没有不知道是谁付的?在rolia上,有好多银行大拿,有好多it大拿,他们智商没那么低,这点做不到?真做不到,cra也不容许那个机构给客户开rrsp。
                            • 比如从BMO转到questrade 的 spousal rrsp帐号 (bill payment),如果不和questrade说,这个钱默认就是我出的。如果contributor是我老婆,必须和他们说,这样他们往CRA汇报时不会弄错。很多机构没有你那么聪明,智商没你高。
                              • 你的在questrade 的 spousal rrsp帐号,当你做contribution的时候,你是contributor,不用问。如果你老婆也能向同一个账户contribution(这点我想要做进一步研究,可以不可以),她也必须有自己的号和密码,混不了的,问都不用问。
                                • 往里面存钱,要什么密码?就是bill payment.谁都可以存。然后上网live chat,说一下谁付的就行了。你的智商太高,一般机构跟不上。
                                  • 这样的话,是你把questrade的(你的)账户告诉了你老婆,你是在授权她给你做事,contributor就应该是你。如果qustrade可以接受你在chat上的话,那就可以随便了,就乱了。questrade如果真能这么做,我觉得是违规。你这么做过?
                                    • 那是我老婆的SRRSP帐号好不好,是她把帐号给我,我可以付钱,她也可以。然后她去on line chat 说是她自己付的钱,明白了吧?有问题吗?
                                      • 这个可以,夫妻之间的钱,怎么过都不需要交HST的
                                      • 你老婆的SRRSP,收益人是你,她contributor,当然是用她的额度,她告诉你,你是受她委托,为她办事,contributor理应还是她。
                                        • 你就行了吧,还违规。SRRSP帐号,收益人是谁,谁就是帐号的owner.连这都没搞懂,还讨论啥?
                                          • 你是owner,里面的钱可不全是你的,你得等三年。同意你就此打住。
                                            • 我不是owner,钱全是owner的,我一分都没有,我只付钱。但是owner三年内把钱拿出来,我得交税。
                                              • 先睡觉吧,睡醒了再说话。
                                                '''''''那是我老婆的SRRSP帐号好不好,是她把帐号给我,我可以付钱,她也可以。然后她去on line chat 说是她自己付的钱,明白了吧?有问题吗? """""""

                                                '''''' 我不是owner,钱全是owner的,我一分都没有,我只付钱。但是owner三年内把钱拿出来,我得交税。 """"""""""
                                                • 有问题吗?这都看不明白? +2
                                                  • As simple as that.
                • 国家对 RRSP 这类特殊的退休储蓄账户有着极其严格的规定。简言之【There's no such thing as a joint RRSP account】
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛在我国只有三种类型RRSP账户,而没有所谓的Joint RRSP account.

                  1. Individual RRSP
                  An individual RRSP is an account that is registered in your name. The investments held in the RRSP and the tax advantages associated with them belong to you.

                  2. Spousal RRSP
                  A spousal RRSP is registered in the name of your spouse or common-law partner. They own the investments in the RRSP, but you contribute to it. You get the tax deduction for any contributions you make to a spousal RRSP. Any contributions you make reduce your own RRSP deduction limit for the year. They won't affect how much your spouse can contribute to their own RRSP.

                  非常严格的定义,这类RRSP:供款人只能是YOU;Owner是THEY (your spouse or common-law partner)。供款人消耗自己的额度,供款人供款不影响THEY的Individual RRSP.

                  3. Group RRSP
                  Some employers offer group RRSPs as a benefit to help employees save for retirement. You open an individual RRSP, but you contribute to it through your employer. The RRSPs of all of the employees are held at the same financial institution.

                  有福利的单位,自己供款A,单位(或纳税人)匹配 B% × A。一般来说,若是单位匹配,B = 50% ~ 100%。若是纳税人,B = 100% ~ 600%。例如多市垃圾工,自己供款$1, 纳税人为其供款$5。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                  • 弄清RRSP account 的精髓之后,许多事情就简单了。钱咋来的,经融机构不关心(前提是合法取得)(借的,别人给的,ABCDEFG....账号来的)都无所谓,关键看银子进了哪个RRSP账号。
                    • 甲例:LG 为 LP 开了个 Spousal RRSP 账户A。LP在2015年用自己私房钱在A账户供款2000,LG在2015年用自己的加班费在A账户供款5000。那么,LG消耗额度7000。
                      • 你得chat一下,就说不全是lg的, LOL..............
                      • 这正好是个错误的例子。
                        • 愿闻其详
                          • LG 为 LP 开了个 Spousal RRSP 账户A,这个就说错了。实际情况是老婆给自己开了个spousal RRSP账户。LP给这个账号contribute 2000,LG contribute 5000,结果是LG额度消耗5000,老婆额度消耗2000. +2
                            • 这个应该是错误的。
                            • 正確。
                              • (#9961484@0) 与君共勉
                                • 但愿你的自以为是没有误导别人。慢走不送。
                                  • 观众的眼睛是明亮的:你在这里诲人不倦。跟帖你也搞不懂,我并没有与你共勉。
                                    • 你说对了!我就是诲人不倦,正确的理解要和人共享,别人的错误一定要指出。还有我也不屑于和脑力较弱的人共勉,指正还是可以的。
                                • 好吧,我再與君一步步深入一下。“LG为LP开了个Spousal RRSP账户A”,請問,這個帳戶A是在LG還是LP的名下?
                                  • 我知道你俩为什么有错误的认识了。LG为LP开了个Spousal RRSP账户A,your name as the contributor (LG), your spouse’s or common-law partner’s name as the annuitant (LP).
                                    而非你们所涉及的极其特殊的 Spousal RRSP PLAN。
                                    • 除非有正式委托, +1
                                      • "老公不可以也没有手段查这个帐号" 这就胡说八道了。
                                        • 那你告诉我怎么查?别说是让老婆把帐号和密码告诉你,然后你上网查。如果她把密码那是她授权你查,没有授权你想知道帐号里有多少钱,想查进出明细,金融机构会让你滚蛋 +1
                                          • 就是授权呀,只要有授权,不要说查询,交易都没问题。也不限于网上,直接打电话都可以。
                                        • 你怎么查?如果你配偶不给你她的账号密码,你自己猜?哈。
                                    • 你怎么还在死扛啊?唉,算了,争论到此为止。
                    • 乙例:【Spousal RRSP是比较特殊的东东。可以算你劳工的额度也可以算你自己的额度。 (#9958515@0)】我相信这个话题的所有争论,都源自这个极端错误的论述。
                      • 错误的是你的自以为是。
                        • (#9961045@0) 精辟。可惜你还没有醒悟。
                  • .CRA清晰的定义,供款人是YOU or your spouse. 不是只能是YOU。owner也不是they,是开账号的人,一般是低收入那一方。
                    Spousal or common-law partner RRSP is An RRSP that you establish to pay yourself income at maturity that you or your spouse or common-law partner contributes to
                    • 你在这里引用CRA的论据,正好指出(#9961041@0) 是极其错误的。当然,你的理解也是稀里糊涂的,账号是You开的,但Owner是They, 无可辩驳。开的账号是SPOUSE RRSP,非自己的RRSP。钱归SPOUSE,一般是低收入那一方。
                      • 账号不是什么YOU开的,是低收入一方开的,是低收入方的账号,owner不可能是they. 这个账号你除了给钱,没有任何别的权利,这个账号不是你的。 +1
                        • 正確。
                          • Are you sure? An RRSP that 【you establish】 to pay yourself income... CRA的条文在此,咋就理解成不是You开的,而是低收入一方establish的? 既然坦承是低收入方的账号,低收入方不是Owner,这不很滑稽么?
                            • CRA这里说的you指的是低收入方,SRRSP是低收入方建的帐号,当然低收入方肯定是owner,具有全部支配权。高收入方不是account holder or owner. +3
                              • 哈哈。终于知道你的英文水平了,在阅读CRA文档这个层面。咱们也就理解你为什么会有 (#9958515@0) 这个极端错误的论述了。
                                • 也许你英文还好,但理解能力有问题。就是翻成中文,恐怕你也理解不了。高收入方去申请srrsp那是有病。 +3
                                  你引用的C R A说的you是申请方也是获益方,获益方是低收入方。你要是还理解不了,得怪你的小学语文老师了,和英文无关。
                                  • 你的理解没错。CRA原文“You”实际上就是指低收入方,高收入方当然完全也可以去开一个Spousal RRSP,但是低收入给高收入的账号供款,说不过去,哈。 +1
                                    • No such thing. You就是报税人,无论其有无收入,或收入几何。
                                    • 【你引用的C R A说的you是申请方也是获益方,获益方是低收入方。】估计你已被你自己弄晕了
                                      If you contributed to your spouse’s or common-law partner’s RRSP, the receipt should show your name as the contributor and your spouse’s or common-law partner’s name as the annuitant.
                                      • 废话不说了,你家有没有srrsp帐号?如果你是高收入方?你能看见这个帐号吗。理解能力差也就算了。没玩过,还要装懂,误导别人,这可不好。 +1
                                      • 都跟你說我實際操作過很多次了。不討論了。你也夠軸的。
                                • Also, you may read this page. Please pay attention to this line: "A spousal RRSP is an account that you set up, but that your partner contributes to. "
                              • 大家都读读这个网页吧。看看这里的You,CRA是怎样定义的,何时提及You是低收入方。
                                • 当然没有说you一定是低收入方,但是高收入方去申请srrsp那是有病。
                                  • 看来病得真不轻喽
                                • 您就别争了,这事儿我亲自操作过。
                              • 完全正确。
                            • eeryv是对的,
                    • 图说

                      如果任何一个人 (A or B)都可以为2 or 4 供款;为2 or 4的任何供款,都可以你自己说来自于谁(A and/or B),那 1 and 3还有什么必要?CRA把这两个取消算了。

                      • 对于多数家庭2根本不存在,4的受益人是B。3和4受益人都是B,可以combine,我有点怀疑你家有没有申请过srrsp帐号。A和B都可以给4供钱,分别用了各自的额度。 +1
                        • 正確。
                      • 我早都和你说,你没有srrsp帐号,你老婆有。你真是高智商,还是固执地加上个2。
                        • 我在说cra的规矩,没说我们家的情况, """"我早都和你说,你没有srrsp帐号,你老婆有"""" , 我们家情况你比我知道得多?我们家根本就没有srrsp,也就是没吃过猪肉,只看见过猪跑。跟你交流挺费劲。不光意见不同,有时语言表达也不同。你慢慢玩吧,不陪你了,好自为之
                          • 但愿你的自以为是没有误导别人。慢走不送。
                      • 我觉得你的理解是对的
                        Spousal RSPs are an easy way for a couple to split their income upon retirement while saving taxes right away. They involve two people: the plan holder and the contributor. The contributor is the spouse who makes the contribution to the RSP and will receive the RSP contribution receipts. The other spouse actually owns the RSP and is referred to as the plan holder.
          • 你确认你明白Spousal RRSP?
            • yes, I know what it is.
              • 也许你明白,但你上面的回答有误导性。Spousal RRSP是一方(A)出资给配偶(B)名下的RRSP, 用出资方(A)的额度,扣减出资方的收入。但并不是联名账户,或随意用某方的额度。 +1
                • CRA: what is spousal RRSP ? +1
                  Spousal or common-law partner RRSP:
                  An RRSP that you establish to pay yourself income at maturity that you or your spouse or common-law partner contributes to. Also, an RRSP that received amounts or transfers from any of your other spousal or common-law partner RRSPs or from your spousal or common-law partner RRIF.
                • 你要是不懂,就不要装懂,误导别人。至少也得先查一下。
              • 用英文写的个人网站也有毁人不倦的
                • CRA: Spousal or common-law partner RRSP is An RRSP that you establish to pay yourself income at maturity that you or your spouse or common-law partner contributes to. +1
                  so 你和你的配偶都可以出资
                  • 先问一句,你实际开过夫妻 joint RRSP account 吗?你去银行会把你打发回来。你拷贝来的这句话也没说允许你开联合账户谁供款算谁的。
                    • 如果 A,B是夫妻,A的spousal RRSP和B的RRSP可以combine,然后(好像)双方还可以继续向同一个账号供款,这是我的初步研究,有待深入及细节。
                      • 只能是自己的RRSP和自己的SRRSP combine,也就是把RRSP的钱转到SRRSP中去,最后的帐号还是SRRSP。夫妻中一般收入低的那一方才有SRRSP帐号。当我们说给SRRSP供款时,多数情况下说的是给配偶的SRRSP供款。
                        • Funds in an RRSP cannot be moved or transferred to an RRSP that does not have the same annuitant as the RRSP where the money is coming from. For example, you cannot transfer funds in your RRSP to a spousal or common-law partner RRSP.
                          You CANNOT transfer funds in your RRSP to a spousal or common-law partner RRSP.
                          • 这个combine一般是指低收入方的SRRSP和她/她自己的RRSP合并,这两个RRSP有同一个annuitant,是可以合并的。你这话说的应该是不能把你的RRSP和你老婆的SRRSP合并,如果你收入高,你不会有SRRSP的。
                            • 这不是我说的,是CRA的原话,除了大小写,一个字也没改。
                              • 你可能需要认真体会“transfer”的意思。contribute your spouse's RRSP account vs. transfer your RRSP to your spouse's RRSP account 是不同的操作,后者是不允许的。
                              • 但你这个引用只是不能合并的情况,我上面对你的回答说的是可以合并的情况。
                        • 正確。
                      • 錯誤。EERYV理解是對的。
                    • 根本就不存在两人joint的RRSP。不需要开什么联合RRSP,就是普通的SRRSP。 +2
          • Contributions you make to a spousal or common-law partner RRSP reduce your RRSP deduction limit. +1
            Contributions YOU MAKE to a spousal or common-law partner RRSP reduce YOUR RRSP deduction limit.

            • 这个可以肯定是对的。
            • CRA: A taxpayer may make RRSP contributions to a spousal and partner RRSP and the taxpayer's spouse or common-law partner may also make contributions to that same RRSP. +1
              • 正確。夫妻雙方都可以向同一個SRRSP帳號供款,但是分別計算各自的Contribution against their own limits respectively.
                • 也正因為“夫妻雙方都可以向同一個SRRSP帳號供款”,銀行是很CARE錢的來源的,不特別說明的話,都會被算作來自配偶的,也只有那個供款的配偶才能用來抵扣個人收入。
              • 请先回头看看你自己前面说的和这个有没有关系。
                “Spousal RRSP是比较特殊的东东,可以算你劳工的额度也可以算你自己的额度”
                • 是有不精确的地方。准确的说法是:Spousal RRSP是比较特殊的东东,可以用你劳工的额度也可以用你自己的额度。需要说明是谁买的。
    • "今年额度已经用完",是指他所有積累下來的contribution room全部用完了?如果是那樣的話,他無法再買任何形式的RRSP,即使你還有你自己的contribution room。這是我的理解。
    • TD给的解释 Strategies and Tips Using spousal RSPs
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Strategies and Tips
      Using spousal RSPs

      By now you probably know the value of investing in an RSP, both as a savings vehicle for your retirement and as an efficient means by which to defer taxes on your income. You may also know about the advantages of income splitting, although most Canadians have limited opportunities to transfer income from one spouse to another if both are salaried employees.

      Spousal RSPs are one of the only practical means of income splitting for such couples; they can help defer taxes right away, and reduce taxes in retirement. If one spouse has a significantly higher income now, or expects to have a significantly higher retirement income, you should consider taking advantage of a Spousal RSP right away.

      What is income-splitting?
      Income-splitting is a way to reduce a family's overall tax bill by shifting the income or capital gains from a higher-income earner to one or more lower income earners so that the same amount of income is taxed at a lower rate or not at all if the lower income earner's income is low enough.

      Other benefits of income-splitting
      Income-splitting also provides benefits when calculating your Old Age Security (OAS) benefit and any potential clawback you might face. The OAS program currently requires a repayment of benefits (or clawback) once your personal income exceeds $53,215. If you and your spouse can keep your respective income level below that threshold through income-splitting, you can avoid any clawback.

      How to equalize income in retirement with a Spousal RSP
      Spousal RSPs allow a couple to create a retirement fund for both partners. A taxpayer may choose to contribute to their own personal RSP or to an RSP in their spouse's name while claiming the contribution as a deduction on their own tax return. The immediate benefit to the contributor is the tax deduction, however, in the long term the overall family tax bill will be reduced as income will be available for withdrawal by each spouse during retirement.

      As of January 1, 1993, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency revised the definition of spouse to include common-law spouses. If you have lived in a conjugal relationship for one year or more, or live together and have a child, you can make a spousal RSP contribution.

      Your spousal RSP contribution, when combined with your personal RSP contribution, may not exceed your personal RSP deduction limit. For example, let's look at John who earns $50,000 a year. Based on the current contribution limit of 18% of previous year's earned income, John may contribute $9000 to an RSP. He can contribute the whole $9000 to his personal RSP, or $9000 a spousal RSP or a portion to each RSP as long as the total amount contributed does not exceed $9000. (Assuming no carry-forward of unused contributions or over-contributions.)

      A spousal RSP is also a way to defer taxes if you are no longer able to contribute to a personal RSP due to your age. As long as your spouse is 71 or younger, you can contribute to their Spousal RSP and still claim the tax deduction.

      The three year attribution rule
      It is important when considering spousal RSPs to understand the impact of the three year attribution rule. This rule is designed to prevent a high-income spouse from contributing to a spousal plan and having the funds almost immediately withdrawn and taxed to the lower income earning spouse. If your spouse withdraws from their spousal RSP within three calendar years of your last contribution to any spousal RSP, the withdrawal is treated as income on your personal tax return. If the withdrawal is made more than three years after the contribution, the withdrawal is treated as income on your spouse's tax return. The important thing to note is that the three years are based on calendar years. If your last contribution was made in December 1998, a withdrawal is taxable as your income until January 2001.

      If the contribution were made in January 1999, even if it is applied to your 1998 tax return, a withdrawal before January 2002 would be taxable as your income.

      The three year rule does not apply in the following cases:

      The spouses are living apart due to marriage breakdown
      Death of the contributing spouse in the year a withdrawal is made
      Either spouse becomes a non-resident of Canada for tax purposes
      If the money is transferred to an annuity
      Note: If you convert your spousal RSP into an RRIF, you are only allowed the minimum withdrawal until three years after the last contribution. Any withdrawals above the minimum will be taxed as income on the contributor's tax return.
      A spousal RSP offers Canadians an opportunity to work within the graduated income tax system in order to minimize a household's overall tax burden in retirement. By equalizing each spouse's retirement income, the overall tax bill is reduced by keeping both spouses in a lower tax bracket.

      This is one of the few income-splitting options still available to Canadians, and it is beneficial when most people need it - in retirement.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 很好。我想特別指出的是,有個概念或者提法在前面的討論裏被模糊地甚至錯誤地理解了。比如,TD這段文字里面,“Your spousal RSP contribution”,這個“Your”並不是指你自己的RRSP或SRRSP帳號,重點這contribution是去到了Your Spouse名下的SRRSP帳號里。
        • 同意。我反复强调收入高的一方一般是没有SRRSP帐号的。这些解释里都默人一个家庭只会有一个SRRSP帐号,这个帐号是低收入方的帐号。上面那些人错误地人为那是高收入方的帐号,于是就出现了大量的误解(比如不能合并,不能两人都contribute)。 +1
          • 其實,嚴格來講,高低收入也是相對的,極端的例子是,高收入的LG突然失業了也是可能的,所以他也可能跑去開一個自己名下的SRSSP帳號,然後號召原本低收入的LP投錢進去,呵呵。正因為這樣,CRA或銀行文件裏也就不明確說是誰了,只說You或者Your,這就鬧出很多誤解。
            • 特殊的情况是有,所以我才说收入高的一方"一般"是没有SRRSP帐号的。这里的"一般"就是排除了特殊情况的说法。
              • 我注意到那個“一般”的,呵呵。握手。
    • --------You can combine your spouse's regular RRSP contributions and your Spousal RRSP contributions in the same account under your spouse's name, to simplify administration and save on fees. ---------

      Your Spousal RRSP

      Your spouse's RRSP


      上面我们一直讨论的srrsp,应当是Your Spousal RRSP。
      • 那俩人讨论的是一种一般人不常用的Spousal RRSP Plan. 所以所讨论的都不是一个东东。他俩那个Plan中有低收入者自己的RRSP账号,还有高收入方为配偶注资的RRSP账号。
        • 也许大家不常用,我觉得不是什么新东西,不能逃出cra的规定。
          • 那也就是Broker的忽悠罢了。
            • 仅举一例,设:低收入方每年都把额度用尽。2014年低收入方颗粒无收,2015年低收入方用自己钱向这个Plan注资5000,也能算低收入方是contributor么?
      • 而咱们涉及的是 You 为配偶开一个 spouse's RRSP,注资方是You (your name as the contributor), 收益方是spouse (your spouse’s name as the annuitant).
        • 在这种情形下,受益方也可以将You的spouse's RRSP,称作自己的Spousal RRSP。You负责向这个账号注资,Your spouse负责投资及日常管理。
          • 但无论如何,不管注资的钱是怎样来的,都消耗的是Your RRSP的额度。而对CRA,对任何人,都没有收入高低之分。
        • 请注意,是 your spousal RRSP. NOT your spouse's RRSP
          • 我是按照T4040-2015 还有T1-Schedule 7-2015的定义来讲。且我在单位经常帮助员工在我们保险公司计划里,为其配偶购买RRSP。
      • 那俩人涉及的是,自己开了个RRSP账户,用自己的RRSP额度来操控。由于收入低,又要想把投资额加大,所以把配偶的your spouse RRSP 和自己的RRSP组成了一个My Spousal RRSP Plan.
        • 正因为如此,他们把自己极其特殊的Plan, 作为大家通用模式来处理了。其结果自然是鸡同鸭讲。
        • 好像是这样的,尽管不被大家常用,但也是在规定范围里的。还是那句话,来源是谁,算谁的抵扣额度,真靠自己说?也许真没什么好办法。cra有时候想弄的合理些,其实没大必要,太复杂,失去意义。
        • 哈哈哈。本来不想再回这个话题了,为了避免别人被你误导,我只好再重复我前面说过的。spousal rrsp只有一种,是一种特殊RRSP,没有特殊的SRRSP. +2
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛让我们看一下CRA如何定义SRRSP
          Spousal or common-law partner RRSP is
          An RRSP that you establish to pay yourself income at maturity that you or your spouse or common-law partner contributes to.

          英文里you有你和你们的意思,这里的you显然是单数,是某一个人。这个人就是上文的you. 这个人呢申请建立一种RRSP帐号,根据定义这个帐号的钱是他/她将来的收入,而这个帐号的contributor是这个人或这个人的配偶。


          正常情况下,高收入方是不可能有spousal rrsp帐号的,高收入方只能是低收入方的spousal rrsp帐号的contributor.

          我们会注意到所有的解释或定义中如果you指高收入方时,说的都是you contribute to a spousal rrsp account,而不说you contribute to your spousal rrsp account,这个a spousal rrsp sccount指的是高收入方配偶的spousal rrsp account,高收入方基本上不会有自己的spousal rrsp account.

          总结:spousal rrsp account只有一种,夫妻双方都可以contribute,谁contribute算谁的额度。这个帐号是属于低收入方的,是低收入方将来的收入。但是不管双方谁往里面contribute,如果3个calendar year内取出,都会算成高收入方的当年收入而需要补锐。

          最后这个问题不仅理论上是这样,在我家的实际操作中也是这样的。这是一个被实践检验过的真理。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 哈哈,你已经仁至義盡了。 +1