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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛From my experience it's a big NO NO to date a guy with kids, especially the ones living with kids.
If you like this guy very very very much, and he treats you really really well or he is very rich, then maybe it's acceptable. Otherwise you will feel really sorry for yourself later on. There are big problems to date/marry guys with kids:
1. Money (it's typical men will happily spend $1000 on the kid per month but he is not happy to spend $100 on you). His kid will be the beneficiary of his life insurance and not you...
2. Time: he will spend most of the leisure time with the kid and not you
3. Housework: because of the kid your housework load will be greatly increased.
4. 家庭不和谐。不要幼稚地以为在国外当后妈没关系。中国人的亲子关系

即使这个有孩男人的工资是无孩男人工资的N倍(N=2~5),你会发现他舍得在你身上花的钱还不如那个无孩男人。我的几个女朋友都有类似经验。而且很多有孩男人在离婚的时候会大大的破财。要知道离婚时能狠心不要小孩的女的比较少是真的心狠。而是被男人搞外遇等行为弄得心理不平衡所以要拿小孩整治他。不能说100%,有80%的有孩男人离婚是因为劣迹斑斑。条件越好的越有可能有问题。想想他妻子为什么舍得离婚?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 跟有孩男人谈婚论嫁一定要慎之又慎!!!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛From my experience it's a big NO NO to date a guy with kids, especially the ones living with kids.
    If you like this guy very very very much, and he treats you really really well or he is very rich, then maybe it's acceptable. Otherwise you will feel really sorry for yourself later on. There are big problems to date/marry guys with kids:
    1. Money (it's typical men will happily spend $1000 on the kid per month but he is not happy to spend $100 on you). His kid will be the beneficiary of his life insurance and not you...
    2. Time: he will spend most of the leisure time with the kid and not you
    3. Housework: because of the kid your housework load will be greatly increased.
    4. 家庭不和谐。不要幼稚地以为在国外当后妈没关系。中国人的亲子关系

    即使这个有孩男人的工资是无孩男人工资的N倍(N=2~5),你会发现他舍得在你身上花的钱还不如那个无孩男人。我的几个女朋友都有类似经验。而且很多有孩男人在离婚的时候会大大的破财。要知道离婚时能狠心不要小孩的女的比较少是真的心狠。而是被男人搞外遇等行为弄得心理不平衡所以要拿小孩整治他。不能说100%,有80%的有孩男人离婚是因为劣迹斑斑。条件越好的越有可能有问题。想想他妻子为什么舍得离婚?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 不错。支持一下。
    • 顺便问一下: 跟有孩女人谈婚论嫁应该注意些什么呢?
      • 这还用问?按照她的逻辑能得出的结论1)有孩的女人是个大麻烦,不能碰,2)只要有孩子,不管男女都只能单身了。估计。。。。

        • "这年头移民的离婚率已经超过50%" 真有那么高?
        • Your logic is so weird. 结婚又不是慈善捐助。Why should the girls sell themselves short? They absolutely should have very very good reason to marry a guy with kids.
          BTW, if you don't love yourself, you don't have the capability to love anybody else. 不要空讲大道理。你如果有个好端端的女儿要找个带孩子的二婚,你会二话不说拍手称快?

          • Yes, open the box. Deal or no deal?
          • "结婚又不是慈善捐助。Why should the girls sell themselves short?" ---怎么听起来是你说出来买啊...是否能买个好价钱,那要看你的是什么货色了? 还有能不能把男人弄的舒服了....
    • 前2天还在万维网上读了一篇上导读的文章。第2个例子的男人一看就是在老婆怀孕时出轨导致离婚。这种人渣带着孩子,谁跟他谁倒霉!好像这人还就住多伦多。
    • 有毛病