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A couple made a deal that whoever died first would come back and inform the other if there is sex after death. Their biggest fear was that there was no after life at all. After a long life together, the husband was the first to die. True to his word, he made the first contact:

“Marion … Marion.”

“Is that you, Bob?”

“Yes, I’ve come back like we agreed.”

“That’s wonderful! What’s it like?”

“Well, I get up in the morning, I have sex. I have breakfast and then it’s off to the golf course. I have sex again, bathe in the warm sun and then have sex a couple of more times. Then I have lunch (you’d be proud – lots of greens). Another romp around the golf course, then pretty much have sex the rest of the afternoon. After supper, it’s back to golf course again. Then it’s more sex until late at night. I catch some much needed sleep and then the next day it starts all over again.”

“Oh, Bob are you in Heaven?”

“No ….. I’m a rabbit in Saskatchewan.”
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  • 德国女人就是牛啊!



    • SF
      • 免税免税
        • 差点看错了, 以为是: 兔税兔税。。。。
      • SF bully....新学来的词。
    • 兔子?
      • 什么?
        • 好久不见...你好像变了...:-)
          • 春天到了, 万物苏醒 :)
            • lol。。。
            • 兔子也冬眠?....:)
              • 兔子也fa qing.
          • 这一段时间比较忙。。。看到这个新闻,好玩,和大家分享分享。。。男子吓得躲到阳台。。警察到来后,甚至极尽挑逗之能事,说很期待眼前穿制服的猛男。。呵呵,很好玩
    • 第一遍没看仔细,把最后一句看成了此女子4岁,吓我一大跳
      • 她厉害吧?
        • 相当厉害,应该把你们悠悠潭的男同胞召集起来一起上。。。
          • 忽悠上就行
    • 这个BD,俺不抢了。
    • OMG~~~~~ 兔子 ?!!!!
    • 这德国男显然不如兔子
      A couple made a deal that whoever died first would come back and inform the other if there is sex after death. Their biggest fear was that there was no after life at all. After a long life together, the husband was the first to die. True to his word, he made the first contact:

      “Marion … Marion.”

      “Is that you, Bob?”

      “Yes, I’ve come back like we agreed.”

      “That’s wonderful! What’s it like?”

      “Well, I get up in the morning, I have sex. I have breakfast and then it’s off to the golf course. I have sex again, bathe in the warm sun and then have sex a couple of more times. Then I have lunch (you’d be proud – lots of greens). Another romp around the golf course, then pretty much have sex the rest of the afternoon. After supper, it’s back to golf course again. Then it’s more sex until late at night. I catch some much needed sleep and then the next day it starts all over again.”

      “Oh, Bob are you in Heaven?”

      “No ….. I’m a rabbit in Saskatchewan.”
      • 兔子? -jesse_dd(紫飞鱼);
      • 呵呵。。。年轻就是好啊
    • Bed bully^^
      • Hahaha....
        • fa qing. -cute99(behappy);
          • 你学坏了。
            • 还是那么土
              • 我土就土呗,我不在意。。。
            • 发现太晚了。。。
              • 不晚不晚。。。
            • 是苏醒了 :)
              • 喔?原来如比!
    • 40岁以上普遍是女强男弱,但这一对也差太多了,真搞。
      • 确认?
        • 是见过白人的调查报告等,也许中国女人没多少要求吧。
          • 确定?
            • 肉联上见过男人说女人过30就越来越不行了,有些女人也说过30岁就是大妈。。。
      • 所以说女比男大从生理上来说是更合适的 :)
        • 除了死亡年龄靠近,别的似乎没有什么道理。。
        • 大致上是对的,这女人大男4岁还没对等呢。
          • 兔子转的是特例。。
    • 又要忙了,要走了。。。路边的树长芽了,我们的心春天了。。大家春天快乐!
      • 你也快乐~~~ :)
      • 兔子一乐, 我们也就乐了 ~~~ :)
      • 兔子慢走。。。。为虾米playboy用兔子做标志。。。。为虾米。。。。为虾米啊。。。。????
        • 因为兔子繁殖能力强?。。。我瞎说的,表匝我。