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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛褪黑素是大脑里松球状的腺体中隐藏的重要荷尔蒙。它在1958年被真正定义下来。研究已经证实褪黑素实际上能调节管理身体里其他荷尔蒙的分泌。这些荷尔蒙能控制我们一天身体内昼夜运作的规律,即24小时内身体每天按照一定的程序式样来运作。褪黑素的分泌能受黑暗的刺激而受光照的抑制。因此在我们睡觉和醒来的期间它能起调节的作用。褪黑素也能控制女性的生殖荷尔蒙的时间安排和分泌,影响月经周期、初潮和经闭。身体里全部的褪黑素含量水平也和身体老化的过程有关。儿童身体里含有最高含量的褪黑素,而随着成人年龄的增长,他们身体里含有的褪黑素水平会越来越低,这就意味着他们晚上睡觉时会醒来得更早,而且他们的睡眠可能是时断时续的。


失眠症。 褪黑素能帮助那些由于身体里含有的褪黑素水平过低而引起的失眠症患者回复正常的睡眠状况较一般的睡眠式样(例如一些老年人和孩子会因为患有自闭症、癫痫症、并发症和中风而导致睡眠障碍)



对于失眠症的治疗,睡觉前一个小时服用3毫克通常会比较有效,虽然低至0.1-0.3毫克可能会使一些人改善睡眠质量。 如果在三天之后发现每晚服用3毫克并不十分有效,请尝试在睡觉前一个小时服用6毫克。 一份对个人有效的剂量必须能为你保证安稳的睡眠和避免白天的易怒或疲累。对于时差失调的治疗,请在你到达目的地时的睡觉前一小时服用5毫克褪黑素,并坚持到五天以后。对于癌症的治疗,剂量需求是很高的(一天10 -50毫克)。如果你没有咨询过你的健康顾问,请不要长期服用褪黑素。




β- 阻隔剂(一种治疗高血压的药物)的慢性作用会减少身体里褪黑素的制造。然而,这种影响还没有被证实能影响睡眠状况(褪黑素帮助身体调节睡眠周期)。


非类固醇类抗炎症药物(例如 ibuprofen)会减少血液中褪黑素的含量。而褪黑素含量的减少会改变你的睡眠状况。如果你正在服用这些药物,请在使用褪黑素补充剂之前咨询一下你的健康顾问。










  据了解,德国还是第一个将松果体、褪黑素及生殖机能联系在一起研究的国家。早在1998 年,德国医生就发现一个男孩性早熟,同时发现这个男孩松果体生有肿瘤,正常组织已被破坏。由于褪黑素是从松果体分泌出来的,也正是由于松果体遭到毁坏,这个男孩才出现性早熟。于是这位医生第一个提出了松果体可抑制性腺发育的概念。






Jet Lag & Melatonin (from Jorneywoman.com)

Sharon B. Wingler is a flight attendant and the author of the newly released guide, Travel Alone and Love it. If anyone should know about dealing with jet lag, it is this much travelled woman.

I began researching melatonin because I'd heard so much about it being used to combat jet lag. My health food guru told me it is primarily used as a sleep aid. He said his store can hardly keep up with the demand for it. One customer was cured of a 15 year case of insomnia. In further reading it occurred to me that melatonin seems to be the "vitamin C" of the 90s. Some studies have shown it to offer many exciting benefits. Among them are not only help in fighting jet lag and insomnia, but also help in the fight against aging and cancer. It seems to boost the body's immune system and protects cells from free-radical damage.

What is melatonin? It is a hormone that occurs naturally in the human body. Secreted by the pineal gland in response to light, melatonin helps regulate the rhythms of our sleep and the action of other hormones. The level of melatonin in our bodies peaks in childhood and continue to decline as we age. Therefore, replacing the older body's "lost" melatonin helps us to "sleep like a baby."

Be cautious with this, as with many other supplements, as the jury is still out over long term effects. Still, as a sleep aid, it seems to me to be more natural and, safer than sleeping pills. The pills I have are sublingual (to be dissolved under the tongue) and in 2.5 milligram strength. I usually break the tablet into half dose size. I have always slept well but I do notice that I drift off to sleep a bit more quickly with melatonin, and I wake up with no groggy after-effect.

The recommended nightly dosage in combating jet lag is 5 milligrams. You should not continue this high a dosage after your jet lag passes. Definitely do not take melatonin with a sleeping pill. Read the label carefully for any possible warnings. Melatonin is not to be taken by children, teenagers, pregnant or lactating women, nor by people with certain medical conditions. It is best to ask your doctor about it.

For further information, you may read the articles in Newsweek, August 7, 1995 and Newsweek, November 6, 1995. Books include The Melatonin Miracle, by Pierpaoli and Regelson with Colman (Simon and Shuster) and Melatonin: Your Body's Natural Wonder Drug by Reiter and Robinson (Bantam Books)

Ed. note: To date, melatonin can be purchased freely in the U.S.A. but has not yet been approved by the Canadian Food and Drug. And, while it is illegal for stores to sell it in Canada, there seems to be no law against bringing it in from the States.


Melatonin sleep remedy has little benefit
Canadian Press

TORONTO — Melatonin supplements have been hailed as a godsend by some weary shift workers, insomniacs and those with jet lag, but a new study out of the University of Alberta says they don't actually help much at all.

"It has no benefit...That's the bottom line," Dr. Terry Klassen, the lead investigator of the study, said Thursday in a telephone interview from Calgary. "That's why there's such a great need in health care to have such a rigorous and extensive look at these types of issues."

Melatonin is a hormone found in the brain, and can be reproduced synthetically or isolated from an animal. It's commonly used as a sleep aid.

But the new study, released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, concluded that the supplements ultimately have little benefit.

Although melatonin was found to help some insomniacs fall asleep more quickly, it did so with limited success.

Some patients who had "secondary sleep disorders" - including those with anxiety disorders and neurological conditions - had longer sleeps due to melatonin but the number was not enough to be considered clinically significant.

The study -- which pulled together data from more than 50 studies - also raised questions about the long-term effects of melatonin.

"We honestly don't know in humans if they took it for a year whether there may be some as-yet-undiscovered side effect or adverse event on those patients," said Klassen. "It's an unknown question."

In the mid-1990s, Canadian health food stores were instructed to halt sales of melatonin because it was considered a drug. About a year ago, however, the government re-classified it as a natural health product, meaning it was once again available.

Gerry Harrington of NDMAC, a Canadian association of non-prescription drug manufacturers, says that melatonin research is ongoing and is currently being evaluated by Health Canada.

"There is science to support melatonin having an impact on the regulation of sleep cycles," he said.

While Harrington did not have current numbers on melatonin use, he said that data from five years ago showed that two to three per cent of the population had tried the supplements at least once.

At Noah's Natural Foods in Toronto, supplements manager Mercy De Leon said customers have positive things to say about melatonin.

"We have a lot of good feedback from customers," she said. "It is popular for people who want to get more sleep."

Klassen isn't surprised that people are still looking to melatonin for a good night's rest.

"(It's) the hype, (the) personal anecdotes," he said. "In the face of unbridled enthusiasm, we have to apply the cold rational face of science to see what is the truth."

He says it's possible that some people think melatonin works because of a "mind over matter" effect while others may see an improvement in their sleeping patterns as a result of something other than the supplements.

The $230,000 US study was funded by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, part of the Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 姐妹们: 我最近吃脑白金治疗睡眠效果不错,不知长期服用会不会有副作用?
    • 今天你是彻底打开了话匣子了。:)
      • 我觉得这个栏目好,就像姐妹们在一起聊天一样,特轻松.另外也是临睡前的疯狂.
    • 脑白金是俗称褪黑素的东西, 个人认为哈, MM还是少吃的好. 如果失眠的话, 最好通过运动来调节, 如果是压力过大的现象, 也是可以通过饮食和运动来调节的.
    • 褪黑素,英文Manletonin。现在你直接到toronto的药店里去问,已经不销售了
      • 昨天我在COSCO还看到有卖。
        • 那个东东多少钱啊?一瓶能吃多久?
          • 一天一粒吧,不过不能吃过3个月.我买的10几块钱一瓶.
            • JJ是在哪儿买的啊?COSCO吗?
              • 不是,在一个保健品商店
                • 能告诉我店名和具体位置吗?
                  • 两周前在SDM买到过, 但当时只剩最后一瓶了.
                    • Shopper's Drug Mart? 是处方药还是可以随便买的?有的资料说加拿大禁止卖这个
                      • yes, it's Shopper's Drug Mart. 随便买的.
                        There was 25% off for all health products that week, so they gave me raincheck to buy another two bottles with discounts when it is available again.

                        My PP told me that bottle can last 3 months, and it was a little over $8 after discounts.
                        • 谢谢,我下回去看看:)
    • 脑白金的主要成分就是褪黑素, maletonin, 没啥副作用因为它就是大脑分泌的让人觉的困的物质, (大意是这样, 具体的专业术语咱也不会说) 加拿大没有卖的是因为这东西疗效不确定, 有人服0.005g就困了有人服0.8还没反映.
      但是加拿大人可以从美国买, 海关规定好像是每household每2,3个月可以买2瓶之类的. 你可以从美国买比较合算, 脑白金太贵了没道理
      • 谢谢,我服用后效果不错,几乎是半小时就有睡意.
        • 对, 就是半个小时, 我和LG都吃过... "副作用" 就是不吃了还是继续睡不着
          • right, right.这是目前最好的办法了.
      • 找到一些有关的文章,应该还比较客观,都放在这儿吧:
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛褪黑素是大脑里松球状的腺体中隐藏的重要荷尔蒙。它在1958年被真正定义下来。研究已经证实褪黑素实际上能调节管理身体里其他荷尔蒙的分泌。这些荷尔蒙能控制我们一天身体内昼夜运作的规律,即24小时内身体每天按照一定的程序式样来运作。褪黑素的分泌能受黑暗的刺激而受光照的抑制。因此在我们睡觉和醒来的期间它能起调节的作用。褪黑素也能控制女性的生殖荷尔蒙的时间安排和分泌,影响月经周期、初潮和经闭。身体里全部的褪黑素含量水平也和身体老化的过程有关。儿童身体里含有最高含量的褪黑素,而随着成人年龄的增长,他们身体里含有的褪黑素水平会越来越低,这就意味着他们晚上睡觉时会醒来得更早,而且他们的睡眠可能是时断时续的。


        失眠症。 褪黑素能帮助那些由于身体里含有的褪黑素水平过低而引起的失眠症患者回复正常的睡眠状况较一般的睡眠式样(例如一些老年人和孩子会因为患有自闭症、癫痫症、并发症和中风而导致睡眠障碍)



        对于失眠症的治疗,睡觉前一个小时服用3毫克通常会比较有效,虽然低至0.1-0.3毫克可能会使一些人改善睡眠质量。 如果在三天之后发现每晚服用3毫克并不十分有效,请尝试在睡觉前一个小时服用6毫克。 一份对个人有效的剂量必须能为你保证安稳的睡眠和避免白天的易怒或疲累。对于时差失调的治疗,请在你到达目的地时的睡觉前一小时服用5毫克褪黑素,并坚持到五天以后。对于癌症的治疗,剂量需求是很高的(一天10 -50毫克)。如果你没有咨询过你的健康顾问,请不要长期服用褪黑素。




        β- 阻隔剂(一种治疗高血压的药物)的慢性作用会减少身体里褪黑素的制造。然而,这种影响还没有被证实能影响睡眠状况(褪黑素帮助身体调节睡眠周期)。


        非类固醇类抗炎症药物(例如 ibuprofen)会减少血液中褪黑素的含量。而褪黑素含量的减少会改变你的睡眠状况。如果你正在服用这些药物,请在使用褪黑素补充剂之前咨询一下你的健康顾问。










          据了解,德国还是第一个将松果体、褪黑素及生殖机能联系在一起研究的国家。早在1998 年,德国医生就发现一个男孩性早熟,同时发现这个男孩松果体生有肿瘤,正常组织已被破坏。由于褪黑素是从松果体分泌出来的,也正是由于松果体遭到毁坏,这个男孩才出现性早熟。于是这位医生第一个提出了松果体可抑制性腺发育的概念。






        Jet Lag & Melatonin (from Jorneywoman.com)

        Sharon B. Wingler is a flight attendant and the author of the newly released guide, Travel Alone and Love it. If anyone should know about dealing with jet lag, it is this much travelled woman.

        I began researching melatonin because I'd heard so much about it being used to combat jet lag. My health food guru told me it is primarily used as a sleep aid. He said his store can hardly keep up with the demand for it. One customer was cured of a 15 year case of insomnia. In further reading it occurred to me that melatonin seems to be the "vitamin C" of the 90s. Some studies have shown it to offer many exciting benefits. Among them are not only help in fighting jet lag and insomnia, but also help in the fight against aging and cancer. It seems to boost the body's immune system and protects cells from free-radical damage.

        What is melatonin? It is a hormone that occurs naturally in the human body. Secreted by the pineal gland in response to light, melatonin helps regulate the rhythms of our sleep and the action of other hormones. The level of melatonin in our bodies peaks in childhood and continue to decline as we age. Therefore, replacing the older body's "lost" melatonin helps us to "sleep like a baby."

        Be cautious with this, as with many other supplements, as the jury is still out over long term effects. Still, as a sleep aid, it seems to me to be more natural and, safer than sleeping pills. The pills I have are sublingual (to be dissolved under the tongue) and in 2.5 milligram strength. I usually break the tablet into half dose size. I have always slept well but I do notice that I drift off to sleep a bit more quickly with melatonin, and I wake up with no groggy after-effect.

        The recommended nightly dosage in combating jet lag is 5 milligrams. You should not continue this high a dosage after your jet lag passes. Definitely do not take melatonin with a sleeping pill. Read the label carefully for any possible warnings. Melatonin is not to be taken by children, teenagers, pregnant or lactating women, nor by people with certain medical conditions. It is best to ask your doctor about it.

        For further information, you may read the articles in Newsweek, August 7, 1995 and Newsweek, November 6, 1995. Books include The Melatonin Miracle, by Pierpaoli and Regelson with Colman (Simon and Shuster) and Melatonin: Your Body's Natural Wonder Drug by Reiter and Robinson (Bantam Books)

        Ed. note: To date, melatonin can be purchased freely in the U.S.A. but has not yet been approved by the Canadian Food and Drug. And, while it is illegal for stores to sell it in Canada, there seems to be no law against bringing it in from the States.


        Melatonin sleep remedy has little benefit
        Canadian Press

        TORONTO — Melatonin supplements have been hailed as a godsend by some weary shift workers, insomniacs and those with jet lag, but a new study out of the University of Alberta says they don't actually help much at all.

        "It has no benefit...That's the bottom line," Dr. Terry Klassen, the lead investigator of the study, said Thursday in a telephone interview from Calgary. "That's why there's such a great need in health care to have such a rigorous and extensive look at these types of issues."

        Melatonin is a hormone found in the brain, and can be reproduced synthetically or isolated from an animal. It's commonly used as a sleep aid.

        But the new study, released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, concluded that the supplements ultimately have little benefit.

        Although melatonin was found to help some insomniacs fall asleep more quickly, it did so with limited success.

        Some patients who had "secondary sleep disorders" - including those with anxiety disorders and neurological conditions - had longer sleeps due to melatonin but the number was not enough to be considered clinically significant.

        The study -- which pulled together data from more than 50 studies - also raised questions about the long-term effects of melatonin.

        "We honestly don't know in humans if they took it for a year whether there may be some as-yet-undiscovered side effect or adverse event on those patients," said Klassen. "It's an unknown question."

        In the mid-1990s, Canadian health food stores were instructed to halt sales of melatonin because it was considered a drug. About a year ago, however, the government re-classified it as a natural health product, meaning it was once again available.

        Gerry Harrington of NDMAC, a Canadian association of non-prescription drug manufacturers, says that melatonin research is ongoing and is currently being evaluated by Health Canada.

        "There is science to support melatonin having an impact on the regulation of sleep cycles," he said.

        While Harrington did not have current numbers on melatonin use, he said that data from five years ago showed that two to three per cent of the population had tried the supplements at least once.

        At Noah's Natural Foods in Toronto, supplements manager Mercy De Leon said customers have positive things to say about melatonin.

        "We have a lot of good feedback from customers," she said. "It is popular for people who want to get more sleep."

        Klassen isn't surprised that people are still looking to melatonin for a good night's rest.

        "(It's) the hype, (the) personal anecdotes," he said. "In the face of unbridled enthusiasm, we have to apply the cold rational face of science to see what is the truth."

        He says it's possible that some people think melatonin works because of a "mind over matter" effect while others may see an improvement in their sleeping patterns as a result of something other than the supplements.

        The $230,000 US study was funded by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, part of the Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 听说长期服用人体本身的内分泌会退化。
      • 看网上的资料基本上是这样:1.可以用于调节睡眠以及倒班倒时差等 2. 不适于未成年人 3. 服用要适量 4. 有的有副作用,有些药不能同吃,基本上没有很严重的副作用报道。