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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


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  • 聊天时常有弟兄称自己能几小时不射,真的假的?这儿真有人能几小时的?弄得我很郁闷,看看网上又说几分钟以上都正常。
    • 别当真,那说的是中国男足, 有病的都那样.
    • 憋上几个小时其实问题不大,只是又要不停地忙活,憋得很辛苦。这种吃力不讨好的活一般不干
    • 这种大概是肾不实也不虚,呵~
      • 很少有女人喜欢被磨2小时的,呵~~
        • No, 我可以付责任地说,很多。
        • 我可以付责任地说,很多。
          • 呵呵,俩兄弟一口同声说我错了,,,嗯,可能我性经验太少,哈~~
        • 有句话怎么说着来的?只要功夫深,铁杵也能麿成针,呵呵。
    • 以前不信,向一个很厉害的朋友取经后,经过特殊锻炼和实践,效果非常显著,弄2,3个小时很正常,基本不需要憋,爽死。
      • really? 能取取经吗?
        • 这是一套看似和性毫不相干的锻炼,非常简单易行,再加上一点食物调理,两个礼拜内肯定见效。网上公开的那些办法,脉络,穴位等,都是扯蛋。
          • 能给些具体细节吗?
              • 先谢谢了,可以PM吗?
                • 不会是左右吧,嘿嘿,
                • my condition is good, an hour, just interested in what you mentioned 2-3 hours, so will your consultation works?
          • 收到一些关于如何提高性能力的咨询,首先声明,这套办法不适用于阳痿患者,只对那些坚挺不够,持久不够,性趣低下的情况特别见效。reasonable consulting fees applied. Thanks!
            • You charge money for this?
              • You want to pay nothing to get Significant Improvement of Quality of Life?
                • it's not my responsibility. it is my husband-to-be's duty.
            • maybe i m not fit in your category (只对那些坚挺不够,持久不够,性趣低下的情况特别见效)
              • If you have ED, sorry I can't fix it. If you ejaculate within 5-20 minuets, try my solution to extend it to 2 hours.
        • Disclaimer: Regarding inquiries about Solution to extend it to 2 hours, exercise, treatment and fees
          1. I have been studying, experimenting and improving it over 7 years and it has been proven extremely efficient on myself.

          2. It is super easy to practice without taking any medication, it is totally a green solution with no any side effects.

          3. It tremendously increases your duration and hardness in a few days if you are in a normal or good health status.

          4. It has not been tested yet with people who have physical ED problem, not sure how it will work, you may give it a try if you want. It is supposed to work for psychological ED patients though.

          5. The good things are never free. $300 for the primary instruction and $200 for advanced skills. And I also have other treatments available, which might work better in your specific situation.

          6. Don't message me until you are O.K. with everything above.
          • "green solution" ? interesting. Is it also environmental friendly, organic, natual, etc....It is not a snake oil.
            • yes you are right, it hurts nothing but just works.
          • I hope to try, for my husband.... Although I have decent income, don't want to divorce yet for it. Please let me know how to contact you
            • I can teach you in person :-)
    • 真的。