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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Wonderful rooms for rent (ZT)

I have a nice room for rent now and my location is close to Dow's Lake (between Preston St. and Carling Ave.) There is a Loeb near my house and bus stop, #3, is in front of my place so you can take bus #3 to downtown around 15 minutes and 10 minutes to Chinatown. Take bus #85 to OU around 15 minutes and less than 12 minutes to CU by O-train. If you are interested, please feel free to connect me at 852-1527 anytime. By the way, you can see some pictues of my place from my web-site www.chat.carleton.ca/~cjchang/room Rent: $300~450 per month (Utilities are included) Rent: $20 per day. PS. Your roommate is a female. (I don't live there) Steven

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 计划长周末去OTTAWA, 问OTTAWA CHINA TOWN 的地址, 还有有没有价格合适, 服务可以的HOTEL /MOTEL提供. 谢谢先.
    • Chinatown locate at Somerset and Bronson, for hotel/motel info please search previous posts, you will find out
    • Wonderful rooms for rent (ZT)
      I have a nice room for rent now and my location is close to Dow's Lake (between Preston St. and Carling Ave.) There is a Loeb near my house and bus stop, #3, is in front of my place so you can take bus #3 to downtown around 15 minutes and 10 minutes to Chinatown. Take bus #85 to OU around 15 minutes and less than 12 minutes to CU by O-train. If you are interested, please feel free to connect me at 852-1527 anytime. By the way, you can see some pictues of my place from my web-site www.chat.carleton.ca/~cjchang/room Rent: $300~450 per month (Utilities are included) Rent: $20 per day. PS. Your roommate is a female. (I don't live there) Steven
    • Just got a 3-star hotel room in downtown ottawa for only US$65.00/night for this long weekend through priceline.com.
      • good deal
      • 如今这么贵,这世道。俺在0ttawa的所有bidding从来没有超过$40...
        • 现在是旅游黄金季节
          • 看看,看看,65还是比较贵的。。。同志们,拍之前一定来这里看看
            • 出来玩图个舒服,便宜个十几二十的根本就在预算控制之内
              • 我就是,想省点钱吃吨饭还不行吗?一晚上差20,2晚上就差40,在dollar店能买多少东西呀!
                • 哈哈, 有理有理.
                • :-)
      • 昨天在priceline定了个 Toronto 的hotel,原来现在priceline网站做得那么tricky...总之这次的bidding出了我个人(付钱)的历史最高价。39不收,我出 $42,给了downtown best western。。差不多省50%。又可以去dollar店买东西去了。
        • 省下的钱到多伦多唐人街找个馆子好好吃一顿,一定要有龙虾
          • 我定了2天,完全可以吃不止一顿龙虾嘛!--龙虾很好吃么?
            • 味道比梅干菜烧肉差远了
              • 直接在priceline上有一项name your own price,是不是从那里就可以定到比较便宜的房间?因为我看到他们的建议价格都还是很高。还有京拍的网站我也上去看了,但是不太会用,之看到可以回复的地方,没有看到哪里可以京拍啊?
                • 就是name your own price.我说它tricky就是发现这一行字特别小,差点没找到.以前不是这样的.
              • 吃之前要先放血. 否则有怪味. 可到文学城搜搜"龙虾放尿"的贴子.
                • 龙虾会撒尿?
                  • 谢谢澄清。一上来以为要给梅干菜放血呢。
                    • hahahaha... I all most break my tummy...
                      • We bought a lobster. It seems it is not expensive now. only $6.99 /lb, one costs about $13. Yummy yummy...
                        • 我怎么觉得这个东西看着很不好做的样子,那么多壳.想起来多伦多的龙虾套餐便宜,吃了几次觉得龙虾的肉太少...也没觉得有传说中那么好吃
                          • 就是整个放高压锅里蒸.好了后我劳工再切.