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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

June 30. The Rideau Canal On the World Stage. Free Admission.

for more details visit www.rideau175.org. We will be there there first. more Free Admission events on some museums. we will go to the Agriculture Museum that afternoon.
July 1. Lots of events in downtown and we will go to the Jacques-Cartier Park just because last year kids really enjoyed playing there. and the Canadian Museum of Civilization has lots of funs as well.
O Canada, We love you.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • Canada Day...long weekend...What's your plans? :)
    • 找个20/40的好难啊
      • It is easy to find 20/40s, but it is not easy to find a correct 20/40.
      • 西瓜同学真有意思,原来是不是讲相声出身的?哈哈。。。
    • June 30. The Rideau Canal On the World Stage. Free Admission.
      for more details visit www.rideau175.org. We will be there there first. more Free Admission events on some museums. we will go to the Agriculture Museum that afternoon.
      July 1. Lots of events in downtown and we will go to the Jacques-Cartier Park just because last year kids really enjoyed playing there. and the Canadian Museum of Civilization has lots of funs as well.
      O Canada, We love you.
      • I probably will be Ottawa locks around 11am tomorrow if I could get up early........hope could meet two little princess. :)
        • haohao...
    • I will continue making some 种子...that's my first plan. :)
      • Just out of curiosity, what is you 种子?
        • 棕子,唉,线下面的还真不少 ;-)
          • 西瓜..线下呆着太无聊了你吧....昨儿偶还买了个大西瓜...正琢磨着包个西瓜粽子呐
            • 我先咬一口哈..
        • 昨晚听完歌剧回来后做了10个大肉粽子..正煮着呢...自从上周第一次包粽子后..突然就包上瘾了...不过真的很好吃哦...很高兴见到了大毛小毛和美女妈妈..下次带粽子给她们吃..嘻嘻...今天你们还去看游行,晚上看烟花吗...
          • 谗啊... 得空教我们包啊.. 西瓜啊, 就算你不敢date Deepsnow, 无论如何也要date 她的宝宝., 不会亏的哈.
            你老在这儿喊, 都喊成了瓜君好M 的典故了呵呵.

            还有.... 我不是美女妈妈, 只是所谓的美女的妈妈.
            • 有我不敢的吗?我天天叫着,没人理啊,难不成我一个一个悄悄话
              • 家有小女初长成, 20-40 足3年, 红润肤色黑白毛, 苗条匀称(20磅)四肢健,爱吃肉来爱懒觉...基本条件有五要:体格健硕喜散步,三餐不愁有后院, 责任心强有爱心
    • there is a free opera show in front of the World War Museum on June 29, and June 30. :P
    • Canada Day activities from the official website