

几天前这眼光还行吧: GME


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  • 几天前这眼光还行吧: GME


    • 很想知道这里有没有人踩对点捞了一把的。
      • 参与GME的很多只买不卖。用了3年时间DRS (DIRECT REGISTER SHARE),现在不少开始买OPTION,但是只EXERCISE,还是不卖,不TRADE.然后这些人的账号里除了GME股票,就是GME OPTION。很多都把所有GME股票DRS到COMPUTERSHARE里了。
      • 玩了一把,6月3盘前40卖, 29买回拿了3天,明天走GME, AMC
        • 明天你想SHORT GME?
      • Ian Carroll on GME "A bunch of greedy mf shorted a company they were sure they were gonna banktrupt and they shorted it so much that they have no way to exit their position without blowing themselves up. We caught them.
      • GME下来了。
        • Yes, 因为增发和财报不好,但还没跌穿,还有机会上到3x
    • GME又起。如能过30,有戏看