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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


I found Peter Mansbridge is so biased against China. I used to respect him as a knowledgeable news reporter. But this time he lost all my respect.

I was exited to watch the open ceremony and thanks CBC for a live broadcast. But his political comments on almost everything ruined it! Olympics is all about sports. A news reporter should at least TRY to stay neutral, not to show one side of the story – how ironic just to think about the CBC commercials. And his comments are always so negative and super facial. Just because he can say something in front of a camera, doesn’t mean he can say anything HE likes. What he did doesn’t help China, or Canada. A news reporter’s job is to eliminate misunderstanding, not create one.

He seemed to be very disappointed by the end when no “accident” happened. If he hates China that much, he shouldn’t have been there! I hope he will not ruin the rest of the game for us.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 看看CBC网站上的观众留言,对本次开幕式好评如潮,基本上都认为这是历史上最好的开幕式
    • 好,现在就去留言,主要让PETER看看, 天天盯着人权 and smoke,但正事没干好, 解说的是什么东西啊。 要是老盯着人家缺点,自己就不要进步了。 比如像总理先生,在家呆着吧!
      • 他居然还解说在历史上中国几个世纪都是经济第一,现在又重新成为“世界工厂“!不怀好意啊,讨厌他
        • 我也讨厌他。 整个节目没个正脸,歪着头。加拿大的节目和人品令人汗颜。 挑毛病谁不会挑啊~~~。 现在出兵,好听是帮助,不好听就是侵略,比我们人权问题还严重。
          • 加拿大,咋说呢?总是扣扣搜搜的,不大气!弄个转播,好好播就得了,偏偏借题发挥,还发挥不出啥东西来,光过过嘴瘾,有啥用啊?唉,都替他们累!
      • 这是加拿大观众对他评论的北京奥运会开幕式的评价
        I found Peter Mansbridge is so biased against China. I used to respect him as a knowledgeable news reporter. But this time he lost all my respect.

        I was exited to watch the open ceremony and thanks CBC for a live broadcast. But his political comments on almost everything ruined it! Olympics is all about sports. A news reporter should at least TRY to stay neutral, not to show one side of the story – how ironic just to think about the CBC commercials. And his comments are always so negative and super facial. Just because he can say something in front of a camera, doesn’t mean he can say anything HE likes. What he did doesn’t help China, or Canada. A news reporter’s job is to eliminate misunderstanding, not create one.

        He seemed to be very disappointed by the end when no “accident” happened. If he hates China that much, he shouldn’t have been there! I hope he will not ruin the rest of the game for us.
    • 想看看CNN的评论, 结果还是讲抵制, 还配了一张尼泊尔警察打人的照片, 只在下面用很小很小的字注了一下. 真够晕的.
      • 大部分老外大概都不知道中国和尼泊尔什么关系.
      • CNN is really jerk: "Extravagant opening ceremony in Beijing"
    • global and mail 上面也大都是负面的:(
      • never mind G&M's comments. There are just a bunch of China bashers dumping their trash there all the time.
    • CBC: Beijing dazzles: Chinese history, athletes on parade as Olympics begin (Story comments (195 now)