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一点都不奇怪。 那天CTV登了一篇文章,大家发表评论,有一个人说“you call Di Nino 'nuts' for saying that there is oppression in china. Have you been under a rock this month? Photos of chinese soldiers attacking monks have been all over the place.”

我写了回应的话,但就没见登出来。我说 " Ironically, that is why you've seen a Pro-China protest in Ottawa today. The soldiers attacking monks in the photos ARE NOT Chinese, they are Nepali soliders indeed. Every Canadian has been seeing these distorted reports on Tibet in the past month. The videos and pictures from Nepal have been used all over the media as "sound" evidence to accuse China of unhappened crackdown in March riot. I have to admit that I came to Canada partially because I always thought of western media as accountable sources of information, unbiased and fair. Now, I have sadly realized that there is NO unbiased media in Canada when it comes to Tibet issue. When you say Chinese people have been brainwashed for decades, you didn't realize same things have happened to you too. Fortunately, I am able to get closer to the truth using my own eyes and ears. Hope you can do the same thing, believe nothing of what you hear, maybe only half of what you see. "

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 西方媒体太太无耻了,413 万人大游行,METRO NEWS 和 CBC NEWS 都视而不见。而ZD 却每次都是头条。Please go to http://www.cbc.ca/news/feedback/?NewsTip to submit you comment on cbc news. 如有人发现metro news 的comment 网址,请告知。 谢谢。
    • 你咋不懂呢?集会的议题之一就是说他们的傲慢与偏见;而他们口口声声说针对中国政府而不是华人。结果国土面积世界第二第三第四第六大的大多数华人都激怒了。他们再报道万人集会,不就是自己扇自己的耳光吗?

      1 俄罗斯 1,707.5
      2 加拿大 997.1
      3 中国 960.1
      4 美国 936.4
      5 巴西 854.7
      6 澳大利亚 774.1
      7 印度 328.8
      8 阿根廷 278.0
      9 哈萨克斯坦 271.7
      10 苏丹 250.6
    • 我们的示威太学生气了,温文尔雅,唱歌跳舞。当然不能引起媒体的注意。在如何抗议示威方面,我觉得还是应该学习对方的经验,要有红脸,有白脸,有声势还要有威胁,有强烈的感官刺激,有出离愤怒的歇斯底里,有擦边球式的非暴力,才能符合西方媒体的胃口。
      • ZD还是很擅长这些招数的,无论西藏那里杀人放火,还是这里达赖扮演亲善,西方媒体居然都说他们的好话。
        • 傻了吧,ZD只是条狗,西方人就是要趁机搞中国的。
    • 我们有意见,我们就要大声地说出来。不然,如何知道媒体如多伦多屎瘩真的无耻?CNN, 我也要杯葛多伦多屎瘩!
    • 一点都不奇怪。 那天CTV登了一篇文章,大家发表评论,有一个人说“you call Di Nino 'nuts' for saying that there is oppression in china. Have you been under a rock this month? Photos of chinese soldiers attacking monks have been all over the place.”
      我写了回应的话,但就没见登出来。我说 " Ironically, that is why you've seen a Pro-China protest in Ottawa today. The soldiers attacking monks in the photos ARE NOT Chinese, they are Nepali soliders indeed. Every Canadian has been seeing these distorted reports on Tibet in the past month. The videos and pictures from Nepal have been used all over the media as "sound" evidence to accuse China of unhappened crackdown in March riot. I have to admit that I came to Canada partially because I always thought of western media as accountable sources of information, unbiased and fair. Now, I have sadly realized that there is NO unbiased media in Canada when it comes to Tibet issue. When you say Chinese people have been brainwashed for decades, you didn't realize same things have happened to you too. Fortunately, I am able to get closer to the truth using my own eyes and ears. Hope you can do the same thing, believe nothing of what you hear, maybe only half of what you see. "