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google cache 还可以查到他们的垃圾行为,但他们的网页上已经没有了。更卑鄙。

How We Care For Your Donations to our Appeals

Should donations supporting a specific Red Cross disaster relief effort surpass the amount required, the remainder will be directed as follows:

Donations exceeding the amount required by Red Cross to respond to a specific Canadian disaster will be directed to the Canadian Disaster Relief Fund - a fund that provides support to people affected by future domestic disasters.
Donations exceeding the amount required by Red Cross to respond to a specific International disaster will be directed to the International Disaster Relief Fund - a fund that provides support to people affected by future international disasters.
Charity Registration Number: 119219814RR0001
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 不要往加拿大红十字会捐钱了。给中国的额度已满,多余的钱他们会转到其他有需要地方。
    • google cache 还可以查到他们的垃圾行为,但他们的网页上已经没有了。更卑鄙。
      How We Care For Your Donations to our Appeals

      Should donations supporting a specific Red Cross disaster relief effort surpass the amount required, the remainder will be directed as follows:

      Donations exceeding the amount required by Red Cross to respond to a specific Canadian disaster will be directed to the Canadian Disaster Relief Fund - a fund that provides support to people affected by future domestic disasters.
      Donations exceeding the amount required by Red Cross to respond to a specific International disaster will be directed to the International Disaster Relief Fund - a fund that provides support to people affected by future international disasters.
      Charity Registration Number: 119219814RR0001
    • 请问你是从哪里得知说"给中国的额度已满"?
      • 看来我说话不严谨。根据他们发言人的表述和他们的网页陈述,在一个项目额度已满的情况下,多余部分会转到其他有需要的地方。那么又如何定义这个“额度已满”呢?它可以说10万,也可以说1000万,是它说了算。
        • 那要请版主不要把"加拿大红十字会"置顶了..后面的还加了退税. 捐给"香港红十字会"的一样可以退税啊!
          • 当时捐钱时我也没想过什么退不退税的问题。我想我在加拿大,当然卷到本地的红十字会了。也没细看它的条款。谁也不知道它定义这个额度是多少,更不知道额度满了后,它是否在它的捐款一栏中仍然保留“china earthquake"一条。
            • 安省政府答应通过红十会捐100万, 估计很多加拿大的政府或企业, 基金的捐款都会通过加拿大红十字会捐的...如果他们有上限的话, 那我们捐的款等于没有作用. 考虑通过其他帐号来捐
        • 看来你看的也不严谨, 根据它的网站说: 一旦需要额度以达就会立即募捐以及通知公众.
          The Canadian Red Cross collects funds to meet the immediate relief and long-term recovery needs of disaster survivors. Should donations supporting a specific Red Cross disaster relief and recovery effort meet the amount required, the Canadian Red Cross will cease collecting donations for the response and will communicate this information immediately to the public.
    • 不知道你们在担心些什么。 我认为加拿大红十字会有它的规矩, 而它的规矩也自有道理。 这次募捐才刚刚开始, 目前目标是2000万; 而且人家说了如果满了会通报。 同时多余部分会送到International Relief Fund。
      而且谁能说香港红十字会不是这样做的呢? 个人认为加拿大红十字Online Donation简单易行, 没什么好犹豫的。


      "(May 15, 2008 - Ottawa) As the scale of the earthquake devastation in Sichuan province becomes clearer, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has today launched an emergency appeal for approximately $20 million to support 100,000 survivors in China for at least the next 12 months.


      If it is determined at a future date that the immediate relief and long-term recovery needs of quake survivors have been met, the Canadian Red Cross will cease collecting donations for this humanitarian response for China and will communicate this information to the public."