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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛前面附的市场短评写完后,因为工作的关系,没有继续写下去,但每天都在关注市场的发展。过去两年多以来我一直坚持这一轮经济周期已经见顶,但市场出乎意料地RESILIENT,后面附了更早一些时间写的市场短评,在自己的BLOG上发了,反映了自己当时的一些思考。BLOG 后来也没有坚持下去。

美国经济已经进入一轮衰退已经是不争的事实,经济危机一触即发。冰冻三尺非一日之寒,美国经济的结构性问题由来已久,次债危机只是打开了潘多拉盒子,当危机扩展到经济其他领域的时候,尤其是当消费市场开始疲软的时候(IT WILL),危机才会走向深化。美国政府早已经负债累累,一旦出现债务危机(IT WILL), 以美元为主的世界金融体系将彻底崩溃;再加上美国政府近几年穷兵黩武,到处树敌,一旦再出现一次大规模的恐怖袭击(IT PROBABLY WILL),美国强国的地位将正式寿终正寝。世界正在寻求新的经济霸主,中国已经引起世界关注。但中国缺乏的是人!在世界人口最多的国度,能够真正具有国际水准的企业家有几个?!在金融界,真正懂得投资的恐怕一个巴掌也能数的过来(对不起,中国的那些基金经理们)!然而,中国在很多方面在补课,在崛起,在迎头赶上,希望在我们的有生之年能看到中国成为世界的霸主!对此,我持乐观态度。Until then, 世界经济将处于一个“无主”的状态。

Merill, Lehman, AIG, Morgan Stanley (possible, in talks), 这些如雷贯顶的名字,一夜之间竟成为历史!尽管我早已预感到会有几家银行成为次债危机的牺牲品,但当这些名字出现的时候,我仍然愕然!It proves the saying – Anything is possible!

美国政府的救市行动,就像给一个病入膏肓的人打一针强心剂,恐怕只够苟延残喘几个时辰而已,美国的DAYS ARE NUMBERED.


Sunday, August 27, 2006
Time to Brace for a Downturn
Almost simultaneously, we are hearing talks of hard landing and recession everywhere. All it took was two more batches of ugly numbers.

On Wednesday, August 23, the National Association of Realtors reported that sales of existing homes fell to a seasonably adjusted rate of 6.33 million units in July, down 4.1 per cent from June and 11.2 per cent from July 2005. Housing inventories rose 3.2 per cent to 3.86 million homes for sale at the end of July, representing a 7.3-month supply of homes, which is up from the 6.8-month supply of homes in June and represents the worst level since 1993. Adding fuel to fire, the U.S. Commerce Department released numbers on Thursday August 24 showing that new-home sales tumbled 22 per cent in July from a year earlier and builders’ inventory rose to another record.

Clear signs that a U.S. housing market downturn is in full swing have unnerved the market. All of a sudden, it seems like everyone has wakened up to the fact that trouble may be coming our way. After all, it is not difficult to figure out that if the world’s number one economy crashes hard on landing, all of us on board (who is not?) will suffer more than a bruise. Saturday’s front page Report on Business reports in bold and large-sized letters that “No one in the U.S. is debating whether there is a housing bubble any more. Instead, the chatter has moved to how fast the market is falling”. National Bank Financial economics economists have raised the odds of a U.S. hard landing to 40 per cent from 25 per cent.

This week’s numbers confirmed my earlier belief that trouble is looming ahead (see my August 8 blog “Trouble Ahead”). Stock-heavy investors, it is time to brace for a downturn (if not recession).

Trouble Ahead
August 8, 2006

Pieces are falling into place for a market slowdown.

First of all, all recent signals from the housing market in the U.S. spell trouble for the biggest economy in the world. Among other things, new home sales in June dropped 3% to a seasonally adjusted annul sale of 1.131 units, first decline since February. The National Association of Homebuilders Housing Market Index, a gauge of homebuilders’ enthusiasm, fell to 39, its lowest level since December 1991.

At this side of the border, with the housing boom partly fueled by the unrelenting commodity rally, the market appears to have fared better than its counterpart in the south, so far. However, not surprisingly, signs of cooling are emerging on the horizon. Today's building permits report by Statistics Canada indicates that, while non-residential activities remain robust thanks to oil-laden Alberta, the residential market is slowing down, with the value of residential permits dropping by 5.5% in the second quarter, the second consecutive quarterly decline.

While a slowdown is almost certainly in the cards, how it is going to shape up is bound to have some significant consequences to our investments. A soft landing, as predicted (or should I say wished) by most economists, will bid adieu in a hopefully painless fashion to our happy ride. However, anything other than an orderly correction could send shock waves across the economy. Do we smell recession?

As if economic fundamentals are not troublesome enough, geopolitical uncertainties continue to weigh. Oil prices are going all over the map. Metals keep flying. We are seeing more and more triple-digit days (TSX and Dow) in either direction as the market has lost sense of direction. Investors’ nerves are getting thinner, and understandably so, as no one knows what they are going to wake up to the next morning.

Air is leaking from both the housing and the commodity bubbles, which have taken us on a nice bull run for a good five years. When they burst, no one is to blame. It is called cycles - ECON 101. And it is about time.

Investingwise, it is critical to protect portfolios from a market downturn. Cash is king. Out of favor, defensive stocks will shine again. Gold is poised to challenge new highs as the glory of green backs fades into history. Shorting the major U.S. indices and the U.S. dollar or purchasing put options are alternative return-enhancing strategies.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 在DOW去年10月创高后,我写下了以下短评(见内)。我们处在一个全新的世界,UNCHARTERED WATERS IN THE MARKETS, 对市场的研究永无止境, 愿与大家共同探讨。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Oct 1, 2007
    Contrarian Thoughts on Dow’s Record Close
    Wall Street began the fourth quarter with a huge rally today, sending the Dow Jones Industrial Average to a record closing high of 14,087.55, surpassing its previous record of 14,000.11 set in mid-July.

    Investor confidence was buoyed by the prospect of a further rate cut at the Fed’s upcoming Oct 30-31 meeting as well as the belief (or hope) that the worst might be over from this summer’s sub-prime mortgage crisis and credit crunch. The following are some of the drivers behind today’s rally:

    - The U.S. ISM manufacturing index registered at 52 in September, which is lower than 52.9 in August, the lowest in six months, and below forecast of at least 52.5

    - Citigroup warns that earnings will fall 60% in the third quarter after taking losses of morn than US$3 billion from the write-down of securities backed by underperforming mortgages and loans tied to corporate buyouts

    - Swiss bank UBS A.G. said it will post a third-quarter loss of up to $690-million partly due to losses linked to U.S. subprime mortgages

    - Nokia agreed to buy Chicago-based digital mapmaker Navteq for $8.1 billion

    Contrarians always look at things differently. The following are my takeaways:

    The sluggish September ISM reading is yet another piece in a slew of economic numbers that have hit the market of late and pointed to a slowdown of the U.S. economy. Sure, the stock markets usually get a boost from a rate cut, or the prospect of it, but the ultimate driver of stock prices are corporate earnings, which are generally tied to economic climate. With the economic engine cooling off, it is hard for stocks to sustain their lofty levels.

    To add to my suspicion, analysts forecast profits for the S&P 500 to increase by only 3.9 per cent during the third quarter (Globe & Mail, B8, Oct 1, 2007), which will be the slowest growth since the second quarter of 2002, when earnings increased by only 1.2 per cent. Brace for a weak U.S. profit season.

    The Citigroup and UBS profit warnings may be just the tip of an iceberg. The meltdown of the U.S. residential housing market is already a known fact; what remains uncertain is how much damage will be spilled over to the broader economy. The economy may be resilient enough to cushion the blows; however, to think that the subprime mortgage crisis and the resulting credit crunch are behind us is wishful thinking at this moment.

    A bull market often ends in euphoria. Given that the Dow’s record level is buoyed more by investor sentiments than by economic fundamentals, it pays to err on the caution’s side.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 你不想回头就不要回头, 但在找到你之前,我不会放弃。
    • So what is your prospect on the market in the next half year or a year? And what is the outlook for the Canadian Market?
    • Great writing skill! We're just curious about your consistency btw Sep07 & Jan08.
      "The sluggish September ISM reading is yet another piece in a slew of economic numbers that have hit the market of late and pointed to a slowdown of the U.S. economy."
      -------------- well said!
    • 一场史无前例的经济危机已经悄然而至
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛前面附的市场短评写完后,因为工作的关系,没有继续写下去,但每天都在关注市场的发展。过去两年多以来我一直坚持这一轮经济周期已经见顶,但市场出乎意料地RESILIENT,后面附了更早一些时间写的市场短评,在自己的BLOG上发了,反映了自己当时的一些思考。BLOG 后来也没有坚持下去。

      美国经济已经进入一轮衰退已经是不争的事实,经济危机一触即发。冰冻三尺非一日之寒,美国经济的结构性问题由来已久,次债危机只是打开了潘多拉盒子,当危机扩展到经济其他领域的时候,尤其是当消费市场开始疲软的时候(IT WILL),危机才会走向深化。美国政府早已经负债累累,一旦出现债务危机(IT WILL), 以美元为主的世界金融体系将彻底崩溃;再加上美国政府近几年穷兵黩武,到处树敌,一旦再出现一次大规模的恐怖袭击(IT PROBABLY WILL),美国强国的地位将正式寿终正寝。世界正在寻求新的经济霸主,中国已经引起世界关注。但中国缺乏的是人!在世界人口最多的国度,能够真正具有国际水准的企业家有几个?!在金融界,真正懂得投资的恐怕一个巴掌也能数的过来(对不起,中国的那些基金经理们)!然而,中国在很多方面在补课,在崛起,在迎头赶上,希望在我们的有生之年能看到中国成为世界的霸主!对此,我持乐观态度。Until then, 世界经济将处于一个“无主”的状态。

      Merill, Lehman, AIG, Morgan Stanley (possible, in talks), 这些如雷贯顶的名字,一夜之间竟成为历史!尽管我早已预感到会有几家银行成为次债危机的牺牲品,但当这些名字出现的时候,我仍然愕然!It proves the saying – Anything is possible!

      美国政府的救市行动,就像给一个病入膏肓的人打一针强心剂,恐怕只够苟延残喘几个时辰而已,美国的DAYS ARE NUMBERED.


      Sunday, August 27, 2006
      Time to Brace for a Downturn
      Almost simultaneously, we are hearing talks of hard landing and recession everywhere. All it took was two more batches of ugly numbers.

      On Wednesday, August 23, the National Association of Realtors reported that sales of existing homes fell to a seasonably adjusted rate of 6.33 million units in July, down 4.1 per cent from June and 11.2 per cent from July 2005. Housing inventories rose 3.2 per cent to 3.86 million homes for sale at the end of July, representing a 7.3-month supply of homes, which is up from the 6.8-month supply of homes in June and represents the worst level since 1993. Adding fuel to fire, the U.S. Commerce Department released numbers on Thursday August 24 showing that new-home sales tumbled 22 per cent in July from a year earlier and builders’ inventory rose to another record.

      Clear signs that a U.S. housing market downturn is in full swing have unnerved the market. All of a sudden, it seems like everyone has wakened up to the fact that trouble may be coming our way. After all, it is not difficult to figure out that if the world’s number one economy crashes hard on landing, all of us on board (who is not?) will suffer more than a bruise. Saturday’s front page Report on Business reports in bold and large-sized letters that “No one in the U.S. is debating whether there is a housing bubble any more. Instead, the chatter has moved to how fast the market is falling”. National Bank Financial economics economists have raised the odds of a U.S. hard landing to 40 per cent from 25 per cent.

      This week’s numbers confirmed my earlier belief that trouble is looming ahead (see my August 8 blog “Trouble Ahead”). Stock-heavy investors, it is time to brace for a downturn (if not recession).

      Trouble Ahead
      August 8, 2006

      Pieces are falling into place for a market slowdown.

      First of all, all recent signals from the housing market in the U.S. spell trouble for the biggest economy in the world. Among other things, new home sales in June dropped 3% to a seasonally adjusted annul sale of 1.131 units, first decline since February. The National Association of Homebuilders Housing Market Index, a gauge of homebuilders’ enthusiasm, fell to 39, its lowest level since December 1991.

      At this side of the border, with the housing boom partly fueled by the unrelenting commodity rally, the market appears to have fared better than its counterpart in the south, so far. However, not surprisingly, signs of cooling are emerging on the horizon. Today's building permits report by Statistics Canada indicates that, while non-residential activities remain robust thanks to oil-laden Alberta, the residential market is slowing down, with the value of residential permits dropping by 5.5% in the second quarter, the second consecutive quarterly decline.

      While a slowdown is almost certainly in the cards, how it is going to shape up is bound to have some significant consequences to our investments. A soft landing, as predicted (or should I say wished) by most economists, will bid adieu in a hopefully painless fashion to our happy ride. However, anything other than an orderly correction could send shock waves across the economy. Do we smell recession?

      As if economic fundamentals are not troublesome enough, geopolitical uncertainties continue to weigh. Oil prices are going all over the map. Metals keep flying. We are seeing more and more triple-digit days (TSX and Dow) in either direction as the market has lost sense of direction. Investors’ nerves are getting thinner, and understandably so, as no one knows what they are going to wake up to the next morning.

      Air is leaking from both the housing and the commodity bubbles, which have taken us on a nice bull run for a good five years. When they burst, no one is to blame. It is called cycles - ECON 101. And it is about time.

      Investingwise, it is critical to protect portfolios from a market downturn. Cash is king. Out of favor, defensive stocks will shine again. Gold is poised to challenge new highs as the glory of green backs fades into history. Shorting the major U.S. indices and the U.S. dollar or purchasing put options are alternative return-enhancing strategies.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 美国的霸权地位会不会终止,我短浅的目光看不到,但是我同意你的一个观点:这次以增加政府债务来弥补subprime坏帐亏空的救市行为意义有限..用中国一个成语来形容,叫饮鸩止渴,只会引发更长远的危机.
        • Just a crisis, U.S will ride it out, I firmly believe it
          • Yeah, just a crisis!但是crisis可大可小,要看怎样去tackle这个问题
            ...治表不治本肯定不是个好的解决方案,证券市场的规范不是紧急出台个财政/货币政策能完成的... 金融业蓬勃发展的源驱动力是人性的贪婪,如果没有合理完善的政策规范甚至是法律来抑制人的贪性,做些皮毛的补救工作能支撑多久呢?
            • well, you know, most of U.S banks are sound & safe, mainstreets are ok, only wallstreet is in the crisis, this is reality, so don't be scared, even though the financial turmoil in wallstreet has a big impact on mainstreet
        • U.S already rode it out once, current one will be history soon.
      • 唉,横竖都不对,只怕Benanke的头发要全部掉光了.
        • 不是已经都掉光了吗?
          • 还没有吧,他只是一直露着个智慧的大脑门儿..只是随着年龄的增长和美国国内经济的风云变幻,他的智慧在急剧增加而已.
            • haha! I guess the same for Paulson :)
      • 我不认为这是很严重的经济危机,只是类似80年代末美国的Savings & Loans危机而已。经济基础并没有大的影响,一两年或两三年也就过去了。
        • LOL
      • 确实是一场史无前例的危机。但是就像热带风暴的中心,往往并不一定是受灾最严重的地区一样。若干年后当人们再来回顾这场风暴的时候,人们或许会发现,原来这场危机带来的并不是美国的垮台,而是一场席卷别国经济实力的金融博弈。