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The Fox Borrows the Tiger's Terror

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛One day a tiger was hunting around in a forest. An unlucky fox was met and caught by the tiger. For the fox, the inescapable fate was very clear -- death. Despite the danger, the fox thought hard to find a way out. Promptly, the fox declared to the tiger, "How dare you kill me!" On hearing the words the tiger was surprised and asked for the reason" The fox raised his voice a bit higher and declared arrogantly: "To tell you the truth, it's I who was accredited by God to the forest as the king of all the animals! If you kill me, that will be against the God's will, you know?" Seeing that the tiger became suspicions, the fox added: "Let's have a test. Let's go through the forest. Follow me and you will see HOW THE ANIMALS ARE FRIGHTENED OF ME." The tiger agreed. So the fox walked ahead of the tiger proudly through the forest. As you can imagine, the animals, seeing the tiger behind, were all terribly frightened and ran away. Then the fox said proudly: "There is no doubt that what I said is true, isn't it?" The tiger had nothing to say but to acknowledge the result. So the tiger nodded and said: "You are right. You are the king."更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 鱼头等同学看过来, Bell contractor 野蛮施工毁的我那半个花园, 我开过去$432.21 的帐单, 他们回电了, 同意付 $ 419.34, 用garden center gift certificate 付. 谁说跟他们吵架没有用呀? 等我有空把正义的声讨信帖出来给大家参考. 下图小花园(左面1半).
    • 那你埋花园里的两张存折呢?就这么算了?
      • 咦, 你知道得那么清楚, 难道是你挖的? //不过说真的, 花花草草真是不便宜, 还好有一部分箭兰种得太密, 去年秋天起出来分送给大家了, 今年春天重来 ---- 拜托bell可不要再来了
        • 我知道阿,不过看存的都是美金,就又埋回去了。我每年花肉疼的钱买花来种,十颗活下来不到一颗。 今年种棉花算了,收成了拿给伪劣弹。
          • 欣慰地说, 我种的花草成活率非常高. 关键是要买好花好籽, 不要到Sobeys 那类临时性的花圃, 一定去专业的garden, 价钱贵一点也是值得的
    • 赔花草不算什么, 关键是精神损失费? 估计那边看你的报单都乐了
      • 没有精神损失费, 全是实打实的清单, 我都没算GTA转悠的汽油费... 不要小看这些植物, 贵得很呢, 尤其是Poppy garden, 最娇艳的一片婴粟啊
        • 。。。 俺都觉得肉痛啊
        • 这里种罂粟居然可以公开呀?
          • 跟阿富汗种的那种大片罂粟田是同属, 但可能不同品种. 虞美人其实也是同一科的, 美丽非凡. 我收集有Oriental poppy - Papaver orientale 'Allegro', Brilliant, Flamingo, Royal Wedding, Iceland poppy - papaver nudicaule, Champagne Bubbles, Classic elegance, 如图
            • 种子啊,要留下革命的种子啊 :))
              • 早进了兔子胃了. 不过我有大量虞美人籽, 可能因为果实小不屑吃, 开春前找机会接头给你点吧? 很好种的, 花期很长, 耐旱, 只一条: 必须是阳光非常充足的地方
                • ber ~~~
          • Garden center 有公开卖的, 品种不多, 收集不易. 可能兔子松鼠也发现吃了这个果子会HIGH, 除了虞美人, 我什么种籽都没收到过, 繁殖很困难啊.
            • 你去哪家的greenhouse. 我只知道一家比较好的,离你慢近的,还有其他的greenhouse可以介绍吗?
              • Holland park garden, Terra, Taylor Nursery, Jade Gardens, and a few smaller ones on lakeshore & North service road.
                • 我只去Terra,以后去其他的逛逛
    • 好的呀。最好把他们的复信也贴上,我可以COPY & PASTE发回给贝BELL的法律部门评论一下。
      • 你是上帝? 还是Bell CEO?
        • 我是读贴的观众。有时也发贴。
    • 才要回419.34多乐?亏你是水缸名牌。
      • 94, 至少要DOUBLE,才能来水缸汇报。
        • 根据多年来, 多方群众反映, 跟BELL要钱基本是虎口拔牙, 能拔几只是几只吧. 总算是个道歉的态度了
    • 厉害厉害.我家给bell也搞过一次,我自己郁闷了几天。
      • :-)
    • 小声问一句,看图,好像靠路基的那部分不属于您家啊?(有utility post),不知道您打架的时候对方有没有拿这个来说事?
      • 没有. 因为他们没挖靠路基那部分, 挖的是花园中间到靠近房子那一块. 我们这儿是老区, 地皮大, 新区的话这个距离就该挖进屋子了. 其实对方从头至尾对造成的损害没有争议, 确实是工人野蛮施工, 跟我谈的那位经理也郁闷得很
    • 好奇的问一下,你是找的bell的那个部门啊?
      不会就是拨310-bell然后一步一步转的吧? 如果是,不得不佩服一下你的耐心和幸运
      • 不是啊, 是现场留下的一个1-800号码, 工程专用的
        • 明白了,谢谢; 你还是很细心的;如果是俄,估计还找不到那号码呢
    • 7,这点钱,我都不会给他们张嘴,耽误时间。
      • 嗯, 加拿大还算是个法制社会, 有道理好好说就可以. 我跟税务局打过几次交道, 也基本是全赢的
    • The Fox Borrows the Tiger's Terror
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛One day a tiger was hunting around in a forest. An unlucky fox was met and caught by the tiger. For the fox, the inescapable fate was very clear -- death. Despite the danger, the fox thought hard to find a way out. Promptly, the fox declared to the tiger, "How dare you kill me!" On hearing the words the tiger was surprised and asked for the reason" The fox raised his voice a bit higher and declared arrogantly: "To tell you the truth, it's I who was accredited by God to the forest as the king of all the animals! If you kill me, that will be against the God's will, you know?" Seeing that the tiger became suspicions, the fox added: "Let's have a test. Let's go through the forest. Follow me and you will see HOW THE ANIMALS ARE FRIGHTENED OF ME." The tiger agreed. So the fox walked ahead of the tiger proudly through the forest. As you can imagine, the animals, seeing the tiger behind, were all terribly frightened and ran away. Then the fox said proudly: "There is no doubt that what I said is true, isn't it?" The tiger had nothing to say but to acknowledge the result. So the tiger nodded and said: "You are right. You are the king."更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 这是哪国故事呀?怎么从来没听说过?嘿嘿。
    • 恭喜。能不能把你complain/claim信,发上来看看。
    • 看文字觉得怎么四百就被打发了,再一看PP,11,40都多,园子不是挺好的?这背儿也太老实了。