maybe an irrelavent point, but i heard people say do not rush yourself into a big decision while in a fit of rage or hot circumstances ...... just wait a week or two then think about those big decisions, if you do not mind ...
去了family law info centre,本来只是拿点离婚抚养权的资料,但是对方听完我的表述,说他攻击我的时候抱着孩子,令孩子处于危险境地,所以她们必须向child aid报告,而且我在她们报告的时候也必须在边上,否则就是enable him,也就是共犯。
Yes. U could call police anytime. See what happen. Two police will come to ur house. And there are going to ask u some questions. However, it is true that ur husband will hate u forever.
Reference mou da tou vs. Miss If you don't want to die, you get to run away from him.and think about yourself First!
at least at this moment! your baby is safe. Think about your safe FIRST.
Separate for awhile is good thing for u. You could take vacation this time w your baby. Visit your family. And make decision later. I mean cool down yourself.