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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Some people will never buy them until they get into an accident(sorry I don't want anybody to get into that). It's like something happened to me then I realized that I should have done the prevention before it happens(which is already late).


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 移这快十年了,在什么样的恶劣天气都开过车,感觉雪胎实在没什么必要.关键还是开车的态度....
    • 看你在那住了,如果是多伦多,同意。要是住在很北面,还是换雪胎的好。
      • 真到了雪大不铲的地方雪胎也没用,得上链子!城市生活......雪胎的事纯属商家为多做生意误导!
        • 如果是雪不大不小的地方呢?:)
          • 你先给不大不小定个义怎样?
            • 你真用过雪胎吗????
              • 刚移民来时漫天大雪,听别人忠告四驱+雪胎,两年之后换车就没再用了.......现在连我家LD都开着后驱WITHOUT雪胎照样风雨无阻.
    • 我们公司开了30年车的同事都换雪胎了。这雪天开车不出事最好,一出事都是大事。
      • 雪胎该打滑时也打滑,只是比四季胎稍好一点而已,而那一点点根本就起不到什么作用,问题是不少人以为装上雪胎就万事大吉了,反而麻痹大意.如果别人失控撞过来,装什么胎也逃不掉!
        • Have you ever used a set of winter tires on your car? Otherwise, you can't draw such a conclusion.
    • 是看运气.
      • :-)
        • Electronic traction control is more useful.
          • 是管用。上周第一次下大学时,我家路口全是冰,虽然小心翼翼,traction control还是起作用了。觉得ABS和Traction Control在东部还是挺有用的。
            • 我买车时首先确定Traction Control + ABS是必要条件。
            • 你说,踹可森啃臭,是干什么用的?
              • 一个是开车用的一个是停车用的.
                • 还有三个
    • 同意
      • 一般是"拟同意"然后画圈....哈哈!
    • 不是非黑即白,小心翼翼的态度和雪胎都必要。不过至少楼主有态度....
      • LZ没有说雪胎完全没必要呀。LZ强调的是态度,我的理解是开车技术、观察力和应变力。
        • 你厉害:-)
        • 对,LZ没有说雪胎完全没必要。LZ说的是雪胎是在没有什么必要。LOL
          • 灰色,浅灰色,RGB: FEFEFE :)
    • 为什么不可以这样理解,如果你打算用2套胎,为何不一套在冬天一套在夏天,就像穿衣一样,什么季节穿什么,如有你认为你的技术用不用雪胎都一样就当我白说。我想雪胎也是通过各种技术得来的,轮胎厂家用得着耍花样,其实卖你2套四季胎还不是一样的吗?
      • 技术/态度放一边不说.一套胎用个八万公里应该没有问题,你打算一辆车开多久?另外,所有商家为赚钱都设计了动听的借口,问题是自己是否需要.
        • 一辆车一般开20-25万公里, 一副胎可以用8万左右, 这里冬季也正好差不多1/3, 即安全, 也不多费钱, 何乐而不为?
          • “一辆车一般开20-25万公里”?也就是就是10-12年了。最近的研究是“行业平均耐用比例 60.6%”。
            • 我每年3-4万, 7-8年换一辆, 正好是德国车的换代周期。买个新车就再配付雪胎, 基本正好是一副雪胎, 2付夏季胎。 行能好, 也开的放心。 只不过等于多买一副铝合金的轮毂。
          • 还是要多费钱的,要多买4个rim,或者只有一套rim,但每年两次到车行去换胎,做balance。
            • 许多时候撞别人的车就差5-10cm就可以避免, 可是就的掏400-1000来给人家修(而且还有涨保险。。)。 何况装个雪胎刹车距离绝对减少不只5-10cm。。。至于你刹住了别人没有而撞上你, 那也比你在撞人家强。。。
              • 如果真是只差5cm或10cm,我看换上雪胎也一样。普通胎可能还有20米时就开始减速了,有雪胎的一般认为自己可以在10米的时候再减速,结果是,还是差了5cm或10cm撞上了
                • I think you don't even need airbag in your car since without airbag you will drive more safely. What a dumb argument.
                  • air bag当然还是有必要的。我不会在高速上只开20km/h。雪胎实际上是个人的喜好,你喜欢你就买。我不喜欢,我永远都不会买。另外我这里说的只是“差5-10cm撞上”的情况。
                    所以air bag现在是每部车必须有的,但是雪胎只是可选的。两者截然不同。
                    • 同意
                    • Airbag, for a long time, was optional, even at that time the speed limit was the same as now.
                      • 那为什么现在每部车都有前气囊?当然侧气囊仍是选配。为什么雪胎不是每部车都有的?前气囊最终被认为必不可少的, 而成为每部车的必有的装备,足可见期间有多少血的经验教训而导致其成为标配。而雪胎还没有达到这种效果,仍然是选配。
                        • How do you know they won't make snow tire compulsory in the future? 10-yr ago, I didn't know they are going to make airbag compulsory too.
                          • 如果真的有那么一天,在那时,我也不会再和你讨论这个问题了。因为我的车子也不得不装雪胎了。但是现在,我还有资格继续和你讨论这个话题。不是这样吗?
                            • Ok let's change the argument. Why do we need to ever change tires? Why don't they develop flat surface tire since anyone driving with it will drive it more safely than tires with lots of traction?
                              • 从技术角度讲,轮胎被磨得基本上没有花纹,雨天会打滑。雨天开车的机会还是非常多的,而且经常在高速上跑到120km/h,所以我会换轮胎。但我不会换雪胎,下雪天在401我的速度从来都不会超过50km/h,大部分时间都是10,20km/h。这种速度,我的四季胎足可以应付了。
                                • 下雪天在401上跑10,20km/h太夸张了吧。不堵车的话,80总要有的吧。
                                  • 你这句“不堵车的话“说得很好,我也希望不堵车,可是平时都会堵车,更别提下雪了,最慢的一次,40公里的路走了3个小时。我是正常上下班的时间在401上的。
                                    • 可是你说从来不过50,不会从来都堵吧,总有不堵的时候的。
                            • I think based on your logic, you will never change your tires...
                              • 如果你了解汽车的安全测试,safety test,你会知道,轮胎花纹小于3mm,是通不过的安全测试的。这样的车是不安全的。我的逻辑好像没有什么问题吧。
                                • According to your logic, current standard is good enough and we should never spend money to invest on life-saving technology.
                                  • 哈哈,至少我们都得用现行的标准。如果你想用更高的标准,随你了。但是我用现行的标准,也没错。至于将来的标准,我不是汽车行业的,对这个不熟悉。
                          • 另外,冬季大雪,汽车的行驶速度都很慢,出致命交通事故的可能性比较小。没有足够的死亡率,我不认为雪胎会被政府强制使用。
                      • 另外,汽车的安全气囊问世才有多久?几十年前还没有足够的技术支持安全气囊安全爆出。
                  • Some people will never buy them until they get into an accident(sorry I don't want anybody to get into that). It's like something happened to me then I realized that I should have done the prevention before it happens(which is already late).
                    • 你是有过相关的accident了?
                    • 如果装了雪胎,还出了事故,一定会庆幸自己因有了雪胎,才没有出更大的事故。如果没装雪胎,出了事故,就会说其根本原因是没有装雪胎,而不会有同样庆幸的想法。对于喜欢雪胎的人,不管出事与否,结论都是,雪胎是很必要的。
                • when you evalue a thing, you do not mess scientific facts along with subjective attitudes,do you? otherwise you won't be able to keep your thoughts straight....
                  • 说实话,您这句话还挺难懂的。我没看懂。
                    • really sorry.... I should have written something better than this crap.....
                • 你的逻辑混乱:看问题应该在一个起跑线上, 你为什么想当然有雪胎的不是也在20米处减速????
                  • 因为碰撞是只差了5-10cm。这种状况一般说明车主的开车习惯,跟车比较近,或停车时距前车比较近。换了雪胎,自以为胎好,当然继续跟车近了,就会更近些10m的时候才减速。普通胎,车主知道自己刹车距离变大,会在20m时候就开始减速。这就是我的逻辑。请指教。
                    • 比如前面20米处突然有事故,装雪胎的和没有装雪胎的人几乎会同时踩刹车的, 我就不信装雪胎的会等滑10米后才踩刹车, 条件反射原理懂吗? 另外5-10cm只是个假设, 如果两车最终都撞上了事故处, 装雪胎的可能受伤, 没装雪胎半残。。
                      • 你说的这种状况,我同意,雪胎效果会更好一些。不过我还是认为,我的四季胎能应付得了多伦多的冬天。我说的是普通的行车过程,没有突发的意外,但由于冰雪导致刹车距离过长的事故。
                      • 不过什么受伤,半残的,是你的假设?还是来源于真实的事件?这个和雪胎问题不大吧,和你的车是否结实倒是关系大些。
            • You are right, need to spend money on rims. But again you can sell them later to reduce your cost.
          • 把一新车开20万公里的人多吗?恐怕早换车了吧!
            • You need to buy new tires after around 80k, not 200k.
              • #4088253@0
                • If you have a brand new 4-season tire, it's ok on the snow. If you already put 30K on the tires, it's a totally different story.
    • 我们曾经在湖边的一个小镇住过,全城的人都用雪胎。曾有一个同胞开个烤肉拉无雪胎到我们那里去,一个上坡,顺着坡往后倒,很危险的。
      • #4086506@0
        • #4088664@0
          • 挺好,没事也常吃感冒药,防患于未然,GOOD 4 U
        • 不是这样的。我们原来住的那个小城,冬天几乎人人都有大车,四轮驱动和雪胎,所以很多路这种车走完全没问题,但是普通小车就不行了。我们也为此买了个越野车呢,当然现在到了城市里,就不实用了。有些路况你还是见得少,大车小车雪胎不雪胎是非常不同的。
          • 想当年俺住在山里.....啥情形没见过!
      • 楼上说了,看你住哪儿了,这说的是多伦多吧。#4085268。至于开烤肉的,换了雪胎那个坡也不见得爬得上去。:)
        • 哈哈,说的是
    • 我的意思是思想上/意识上多加小心防患于未然远远比什么雪胎之类的作用大,雪胎之类在城市肯定没有用处,到了大雪封山不上链子只凭雪胎基本寸步难行!那东西除了浪费钱只能令人减低防范意识,上面网友说的对,假如雪胎真那么重要,会立法强制装的!
      • 太绝对了。
        • 雪胎还是意识?
          • 雪胎
            • #4089031@0
      • 装了雪胎的就是因为他们又更强的安全意识:多加小心防患于未然; 你为什么想当然的人为装了雪胎的人安全意识就自动变得薄弱了。。。
        • 每年冬天因雪天路滑造成的车祸中,SUV占比例最高。由此可见
          • SUV和雪胎有个P关系?
            • 装了雪胎就以为地上没雪了 vs 开着四驱就以为自己开的是坦克了 -- 安全意识就自动变得薄弱了
    • 除了驾驶意识和技巧外,更重要的是你开什么车。如果开个大车,什么ABS, VAS等都有的话,是没有必要装雪胎;但如果你开个小车,没有ABS等,绝对有装雪胎的必要,如果楼主没有开过无ABS的小车的话,你最好收回你的话
      • 我开的就是没有ABS,没有VAS,只有最基本功能的小车,没有雪胎。雪天经常看着上不了坡或者扎路边雪堆里出不来的车偷着乐。
        • hahahaha
    • You are joking about you life. It's not worth risking trading your life for being without winter tires. . No driving technique could save you while you are over 60km/hour in winter.
      but a set of winter tires could significantly improve your chance of avoiding skid accident, however, you should never relax yourself on winter driving.

      An accident might teach you and change your mind. But not every one like lucky me could have such a chance to realize the importance of winter tires after an accident. More often than not, it's too late. I lost a car but saved my life in a Winter accident due to the lack of Winter tires.
      Thanks to that accident, I got a chance to re-think about Winter Tires before it could turn into an irrevocable tragedy for me and my family.

      Go for a set of winter tires, for you and your family!!!

      I am really scared by Canadian Winter, especially by its horrible winter driving condition. That's one of many 'Whys' I moved to Texas.
      • 应该买两套,一套装车上,另一套弄个神台贡上.
        • well, obviously, you are a super man, but careless about yourself. Good Luck!
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Actually, I don't want to offend you. Even though you have 10 year around Canadian driving experience, I have to say you are only a lucky driver up to date and seldom drove long distance on highway, on second degree road ,especially in night during the snowy days.

          It's nearly impossible to judge the road surface ahead of you in winter night when you are cruising on high way well above 70km/hour. Besides, don't forget highway gust in

          If your driving is strictly limited to local in city, you could possibly save this money by and large.

          I had a dozen of winter day and night long distance (700KM -1500KM/trip) driving experiences with average cruising speed at around 90-110km/hour. Without a set of winter tire, I incurred 2 dangerous yet lucky highway skids in the first winter and totaled my first car evetually in the third skid accident during the 2nd winter .

          On the other hand, since with the second car having Winter tires on, I never have experienced a single skid on highway anymore. However, even with winter tires, I was still very nervous and paid special attention while changing lane and turning around.

          Winter driving in local is a piece of cake to any one, so long as s/he observes some winter driving rules and has a set of good shaped A/S tires. I even could do some stunts on snowy local roads. However, the bloated confidence nearly cost my life.

          I really don't need anyone to buy my story. However, it maybe helpful to the ones concerned about this issue.

          This is my closing words on this thread. Good Luck!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • good one, man! some ppl are just bragging while they have never ever tried any snow tires
    • 有雪胎当然好,不过开车也要小心,没雪胎则要加倍小心。如果同样小心的司机,下雪天开有雪胎的车要安全的多。装不装这个问题不是必要性问题,而是一个钱的问题。
      • Fair enough, bump
      • why would you want to spend money on something you do not really need? just wonder, never feel the urgency to make any changes????????
    • 你是现在还不觉得有必要,可不保证你以后的看法会是一样一成不变的哦,才十年,不算很长了.我们一直用雪胎,生命比钱重要
      • #4096968@0
      • that is not about money, it is just that it is not so convincing to me that snow tires will make a change on my driving safety.
        and it is a lot of troubles already, services regularly etc, why bother with something extral you do not need?????????? if you have driven through winters?
    • 不太同意.