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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 我该不该打这个电话.
    几天前到同单位的另一个部门工作了一天, 遇到了一个意大利裔的SG. SG不是很高大健壮, 也就173-174的样子, 但身材匀称挺拔. 看得出和同事的关系都很好, 也爱帮助人. Lunch break时候和SG聊了一阵, 工作间隙时不时的也讲过几句话, 其中自然从lunch讲到了饮食. 我说华人和意人的共同点就是都擅长美食, 这方面华人是#1, 意人是#2. SG表示同意. 近下班的时候, SG递给我一张小卡片, 说上边是他的号码, 告诉我有空时给他电话他要带我去见识一下多市的意大利饮食.

    类似的事情最近不是第一次遇到. 不久前也有新遇到的一SG既没开口for a date, 也没问我的号码, 只是呈上他自己的号码并告诉我想出去玩的时候打电话给他.

    现在的SG是不是都这么含蓄? 真的不知道该不该打这个电话.
    • 兔子不吃窝边草。。慎重。。
    • 对他们来说,你要玩,OK,可以陪你玩,反正闲着也是闲着;但,你不是他们心目中的理想对象,不值得浪费资源主动出击~~
      • 鬼佬跟我们如同, 鸡与鸭讲. 别浪费时间了.
        • 相同的物种总归有共性,全世界的男人,只要是男人,都一样,不管是白种还是黄种~
          • 你要是闻过山东丈夫的面酱就大葱, 会感觉与奶酪还是差异挺大.
            • CAA has tasted both I guess.
            • 午餐的时候,餐厅里洋人热的饭菜,奶酪的那个味,怎一个骚字了得。
              • Stinky
              • 男人有一点是共同, 结婚前都是花前月下, 结婚后都是生孩子,作饭. 到那时候, 面酱大葱就与奶酪不同. 那个上海周立波说过, 我很喜欢郭德刚, 但无法同台, 因为吃大蒜的同喝咖啡的如何在一起. 看看,男人还是不同的. 还都是中国人,同行.
                • 但愿立波小K那杯咖啡不是用炒菜锅煮的。。。。
                  • 小郭疑惑地说。。他咋知道咱爱喝咖啡滴?。。
                    • 德刚嘎嘣嘎嘣的啃大蒜。。。。立波吱留吱留的器咖啡。。。。就是浮面上漂着一层油花。。。。
            • 哈哈~~~但就现时医学水平而言,他们都不可能代替女人生孩子吧?
            • 再说了,放久了的或是漏了风的面酱,味道跟奶酪也差不多~~哈哈~~
              • 那个山东大葱可是个经典,没有吃过的人无法体会他的好.
      • well said
    • no. dont call them. a decent lady should not make the first move
      • 矜持着剩着。。。。哈哈。。。。
    • 他们知道你这样的很容易/简单......应该用英文表达更确切,但俺英文烂啊
      • 年轻的时候以为同大猩猩都可以结婚, 等你上年纪知道,除了我那个村子里的姑娘小伙, 外乡靠不住.差异还是很大的.
      • 言外之意就是你这样的很difficulty/复杂, 知道了.
        • 他绝对是很有经验,对付你这样的
          • 醒醒吧, 别把你自己作为别人的镜子.
            • 绝倒我~~~~~你想睡睡好了,其他人没理由叫醒你
    • Why not? Yes, you are sure. You got his attention on a single lunch meeting. Is this SG a Sr. Guy (then he may be too OLD for you), Super Guy, Single guy or shy Guy?
      • 我没有问private的问题,年龄看去和我差不多, 应该是single吧, 否则也不敢给号码并说什么时候都可以call他.看他那么清秀我开始还想他是不是Gay呢.
    • 闲得无聊,饿了,想吃意大利菜的时候,就打个电话喽。There is nothing to lose any way.
      • 我本不是主动的人, 再说打电话会不会让别人误会自己随便. 所以才要在这里问的.
    • 愁了,现在的SG当然不是都这么含蓄。 1,说明你低配, 人家犯不着主动, 2, 不拒觉,是个差不多的女人主动送上门来, 貌似男人都不会拒绝。。。
      • 3. 这位SG一定也是低级职位,无所顾忌。单位里的上级员工,如果在意饭碗,一定要公私分明,否则一定死如渣打银行海归高管。
        • 貌似渣打银行海龟高管死在老油怀里了。。。。
    • 法国鬼子。。。。意大利鬼子。。。。好这个。。。。跟部分国人随地吐痰一样。。。。习惯如此。。。。有时候他们也挺烦恼的。。。。习惯性的夸一句。。。。女的就认真的凑上来了。。。。准备跟着去注册结婚咧。。。。
      • 跑题了, 大忽悠不是在梦游吧, 哈哈.
        • 咋跑了。。。。?顺着俺的思路想下去。。。。必有好报。。。。
    • 感慨现在的女孩都这么不含蓄,急疯了
      • 剩压很大。。。。
        • lol
      • 不含蓄的人还要到这儿来讨论? 就是太含蓄了所以才一直剩着呢.
        • 自己问自己一下,同样的条件,如果他是个国男,你会不会call,就会明白你自己要的是什么
          • 就是一直想找国男才剩到今天. 也交往过条件远不如他的国男, 实话说有些现状比较让人失望.
            • 不必先打电话,如果对他印象好的话,再制造一个机会在公司碰一次面,看他是否诚意或只是习惯性给女人电话号码。俺对意大利的印象是他们嘻嘻哈哈的好玩而已,不太认真的,玩过即忘(也有认真但较少)。
              • 我认识的意人都是很family oriented的.
                • 他们/她们结婚后很重视家庭,但结婚前较自以为罗曼蒂克是要多与不同异性来往才会增加。试试看!也许你喜欢这种想法也说不定。
              • 想咋办就咋办。。。。老毛早就哼哼着教导过俺们咧:要想知道梨子的滋味就得自己啃一口。。。。一口不行两口。。。。跟老外那啥来这问。。。。不可能得到你想要的话。。。。貌似婚姻恋爱专家的答复最不靠谱。。。。
            • 就别老想蒜汁打卤面了,吃点通心粉,死不改地,浇上点catchup,味道差不多。
              • catchup ?
                • ketchup,hoho
    • 其实应该这么说, 不用有太多压力, 这些帅哥你玩儿完了一率,他们不会纠缠住你不放,妹妹你就放心大胆的去打电话,食, 色, 性也。 别那末多顾虑。 enjoy
      • 闲着也是闲着. 鬼佬的经典哲学.
    • an italiano ? hohohoo, you know their reputation in this matter, dont you? if you really thirsty of sx you definitely can call but .....anyway, your call
      • 当然townhouse, 两条爱犬春日的暖阳下干那个, 两个主人发现后喊, no, 都冲过去抱回自己的爱犬,感觉吃了亏.
        • 犬拴树下。。。。二主归堆。。。。
        • 太惨无淫道。。。
        • 这是尼采以后最富哲理的话了
        • how comes your dirty words make me think of the ultimate romantic story of Romeo and Juliet ?
      • "秋天的菠菜"说话越来越给人过于年长的感觉, 不会把钥匙忘冷柜里而到出找钥匙吧, 哈哈.
        • yeah, 过于年长 indeed.....very old.....
        • 好像拉丁民族的个性是有被人误会的趋向,俺常与拉丁男生聊天,他们也坦白说食色性也,中国人不也是吗?
    • 意大利男人,著名的情种啊。
      • For sure. Call and try to call Silvio Berlusconi as well.
    • 你知道它的出处:当某一动物, 某一种族或某一个体失去其他种种本能时,当它选择以及当它偏爱对它不利的东西时,便称它为堕落
      • 我觉得哪里都有好人和不那么好的人, 不能用地域而论. 外人一直妖魔化国人, 我们是妖魔吗? 现在他们接触了高素质的国人, 也开眼了.
        • 你说的很对,你应该能有自己的判断。没别的意思, 只是好心忠告。
          • 谢谢. 人不是什么时候都清醒的, 所以才要听听没有厉害冲突的第三方的意见, 只是喜欢人身攻击的人还是很多.
    • 别说电话,上床试试也无妨。闲着也是闲着,古井也会干枯。
      • 对别人讨主意的帖, 我如果不能给提供理性的分析, 我会选择闭嘴.
    • 打吧打吧,一定是你太美丽太优秀了,他们虽然深深迷上了你,可是又怕被你拒绝——你是想让俺们这么回答吧,lol
      • 这话听起来好象味不太对奥.曾经那么可爱的小姑娘也开始学习说有点带味的话了. 我还是喜欢原来那个纯纯的你. 我只是网上ID, 又不见网人的, 征求意见而已, 还从没想过优秀的字眼呢.
        • 你过足瘾了吗。。。。?
        • 美女,我没有变,是你的心情变了,,其实我的那个假设未必不可能,哈
      • 泡泡来了,楼主的情事又要泡汤了。
        • 同学,太狠了,那你小心连你的情事也一起泡汤了,hoho
          • 我会小心的。
      • you don't know her in person, sounds like she is what you just said.
    • 就算这是一个坑,也可以讨论,因为小说也是可以评论的。
      • 你倒是乐此不疲哈,呵呵
        • 尼采看得一个高潮接着一个高潮滴。。。。
    • 打这个电话. 因为你想打,要不你问什么呀?
      • 言之有理!
      • From my experience, he might be interested in you, but intimidated somehow, this is their way of wanting to get to know each other. Asking a female's phone number is considerred abrasive.
        • 又来一个吹的,吹吧吹吧,反正不上税
          • sounds like a good blow job...lol
            • you can call it whatever you like, since it's not me who's bluffing.
        • 谢谢你, 小芝, 你的意见很中肯.
      • 问是有犹豫, 呵呵.
    • It's a great deal. Take it. Anyway you got nothing lost.
      Only if your SG looks comfort by yourself. But remember not only you got their numbers.
      My suggestion is to arrange a play with more than one man. So they don't know your real heart...ask for a dinner and ask if you can take your fried with you... that will be interesting...feed us back pls!
      • you wanted to say she got nothing to lose, right?
    • 他们不一定就不会认真fall in love with you. Anything can happen if you make it a try. 不过如果一个工作lunch就给你电话,可能你表现得太想要跟他们交往。男的一般很难拒绝女性主动,尤其还要考虑到伶香惜玉。不过这样开始有比较大风险几次date之后就没下文了。
      • 真善于联想, 可惜对有关我的联想部分与事实不符, 呵呵.
        • it's just common sense. you should know no one really care about your things. we are just making some casual comments or some of us probably just making fun. relax.
          • 你的common sense是国女表现得太想要跟他们交往? 因何妄自菲薄?
            • I don't really like white/black guys, like most of Chinese girls, no matter how handsome the guy is. if I said something which offended you, i apologize. and i really don't care about how you look, what you are doing or what you like. sorry.
              • Interesting. You are talking to me or LZ? Please make yourself clear.
                Nobody cares who do you like or dislike. I just happened to read this post and feel interesting that you showed off how the white guys were fascinating to you, but said the other girls caught the guys attention because they表现得太想要跟他们交往. You can show off your pride, but not necessary to devalue the other ones.

                BTW, I care about what LZ is doing. I wish she, together with all the other Chinese girls here, can do the right for herself/themself. That is why the post catches my attention and I go through it, haha.
                • oh, my bad. I didn't read carefully. i don't care about who you care about. i am sorry about that it is just internet, i don't know you.... etc. etc. I didn't show off, if I wanted to show off i would not pick that specific happening. i didn't
                  de-value the LZ, because i got telephone number over work lunch too which i think i asked too many questions about some culture stuffs. of course i didn't call. that's all. hope you are happy now. lol
                  • I will apologize too for using the word "show off". I believe you that your comments were made without any particular purpose.
                    Right. We don't know one another on the Internet. But I DO wish all the Chinese girls all the best. Every one of us is very different but each deserves respect and not being taken for granted. You have fun.
                    • no need to apologize. it looks like it was all my fault. i showed off in the beginning, showing no respect to the LZ, because i said her behavior made the guy give her telephone number, which i didn't mean any bad thing. after all, if you are
                      not touching him or anything like that, it was the guy wanted to take it as a sign. it is an 'attack' from you ladies understanding huh? to me, you looks like a 圣女斗士,make me scared, kidding, hehe
                      • LOL. It's my bad to make you feel that way, but at least, we can communicate, which is the most important thing, hehe.
                        • yeah, nice talking to you, got to go, bye
                • hoho, sorry. i really don't think it worth so much about some telephone numbers. you have a good time here.
                  • My understanding is that she just Endeavours to gather some oppinions to make a proper response, after all, they are coworkers.
                    • that was my undersatanding too, what else she would want?
                      • We need to ask her, haha.
                  • From the posting, I can tell LZ is a rational and mature girl. She is ONLY talking about a personal experience. So much negative replies and personal attack, it’s really disgusting. I feel really shame for some of us here.
                    I am not talking about you. Our misunderstandings are solved…. haha.
                    • you are too much serious which makes me little nervous. the attacks comes from others but me. maybe i cut my comments short which caused confusions. i am a married lady, saw a lot of men and how they behaviored when you face a beautiful women.
                      in my personal opinion, a man is not deserving a try if he can only develop a relationship based on your appearance, or easy/convenient to get etc.. girls (maybe not every girl) need deep affection, life-time commitment, not casual short-time relationship. easy come easy go as everyone knows. but after all, this is LZ's own decision, others can only give suggestion based their own experience. even those give harse comments, if it was me, i would value it also. nice talking to you here.
                      • It is so true and well said. I can't help liking you. Kindness and consideration are always the best virtues for women.
                        • thanks so much. i don't think there are so many bad guys over here. usually girls are more moody. when it is low, i would think everyone is 'bad'; otherwise i would think they are just ok, lol
                          • I don't think they are bad guys either, but some people's way of talking is disgusting. I saw quite a few Chinese guys/girls received very bad evaluation from the employer eventhough they did an excellent job.
                            I know they put themselves in truble because of the way they talk, behave, and think. I really feel sorry for them since our Chinese are the most smart group. The problem is that quite a few Chinese guys don't know how to show respect to others even they may not intend unrespect.
                • Well said. This is one of the most reasonable and unassuming replies I've seen so far today.
                  • OMG, i have never had those window times since college. boy friend after boy friend until i got married. from my understanding, for a moderate attractive lady/girl, giving/being asked for telephone number really is not a big deal, you got to worry
                    the other party getting hurt when you say no. if this looks like a showing off, i apologize.
                    • No worries, showing off is pretty girls'(or 'moderate attractive' as what you put) previlige and expertise.....see you are doing it again, oops! haha
                      • sign, if you are one of such girls, you would know what i said is true.
                    • From your story, i believe you are a pretty and noble woman because you reflect yourself when you get a friendly remider, which is excellent.
                      • no i am not noble, that won't fitme in for sure. beautiful? it depends. the one loves you always think you are beautiful.
    • no...he's not that into u.
      • i think, he DOES want into her, but just into..... anyway, you got your id from "dead poets society" ?
        • what is "dead poets society"?
          • never mind, it was the movie where i heard the phrase "carpe diem"
      • 如果他当时表现得很into me, 那才是怪怪的, 那他的号码当时就会躺在垃圾箱了.
        • he won't give u his # ... if he likes u that much...
    • 这个电话如果打了你一定会后悔
      • Give her reasons?
      • 分析来听听.
    • 以前试过一个南美的地区经理来多出差,在部门出去聚会时,当着众人人面大献殷勤,他也很帅,很年轻有为的样子。走的时候,他特意追出来到停车场要送我,我说不用我自己开车。道别以后走掉。还以为他会再联系我,大家都在global email group里,他也能查到我的电话。
      • 看来。。。。你比老油更失落。。。。
        • 失落?帅哥还有很多啊!只是不明白有的人high low转换的如此明显,像过山车。我是对他的热情很impressed,还没有来得及培养起感觉来呢。也许是我太冷,文化差异吧!
          • 医学名词叫:兴冷蛋。。。。
            • 是,我承认我性冷感,所以曾经被我拒绝的男人不用感觉不好。
              • 没有Canadian sex experiece?找工作不容易。容易被炒成兴冷蛋。
              • 老油又被拒了。。。。?
          • 当然还有一个原因可能是他后来知道罗敷有夫吧,除非再次遇到他,否则永远成迷。
            • 后悔啦?
              • 如果我会后悔,那就接受下一个帅哥了。男人喜欢我这样的人是有点背,只能得到一个大大的NO。nd it is not my fault.I just don't feel like to.
                • 还没遇到hot staff吧?
                • 很多男人都贱, 不容易上的才觉得有挑战性,才更容易刺激出追猪的欲望。所以对付男人要把握好, 慢慢的调戏,才有意思
      • 妙语如珠,祸从口出
        • 这就是说话草草了事的结果。
      • 从你的描述看, 年轻SG想ONS的成份比较大.
        • wrong, it is not at a night club, ONS is very inappropriate.
    • 兔子不吃窝边草。。慎重。。 -z24(Quick!感谢国家); 10:32 (#5959800@0)
      • 单位职员很多, 有夫妻快乐的吃了好几年了, 呵呵.
        • 那话不是我说的. 我抄别人的. 你知道兔子不吃窝边草的主题是什么吗?
          飞机上,一只鹦鹉对空姐说:“给爷来杯水”,猪也学鹦鹉,对空姐说:“给爷来杯水”,空姐大怒,将鹦鹉和猪都扔下了飞机。这时鹦鹉对猪说:“傻 B 了吧,爷会飞。”
          • 你真逗, LOL.
            • 娱人娱己, 同逗同逗
    • 酱油在手,低头猛走。
      • 留神。。。。
        • 低着头难道还看不见坑么?
          • 光盯着酱油瓶子了。。。。再说。。。。
            • 大忽悠, lol
    • 再制造一个很自然遇见他的机会。。。。
      • 厕所门口呕遇。。。。
        • Any you would count that as "chance"......lol.
      • 遇见就遇见了, 不想去制造, 太累人, 哈哈.
        • 那就随意吧。。。
          • 是呀. 决定不打这个电话了, 毕竟感觉怪怪的. 以后能不能遇见, 顺其自然吧.
            • 嗯,每个年龄阶段的爱情是不一样的。:-)
    • 据说当初,Nicolas Cage去餐馆吃饭,甩手给微吹丝一号码,。。。,人打了,现变成LP了 --- 如果你需要这种成功案例鼓舞一下的话~~
      GOOD LUCK ......

      • 男女有心开始相互了解, 能不能建立起relationship,还要看有没有缘分, 带着功利心, 觉得会比较别扭.
    • 这招挺好。既能让别人心慌,高兴,自己又有机会那个什么。
      • 我有一个好朋友,从来不给号码,但是会拿他们号码,所以他们会当时满怀希望乐颠颠D,但是她从来不打电话。:-)
        • 我也不给, 也从来不要别人的号码, 也没有回过类似的电话. 但人家给了就接过, 若没感觉就随手丢掉, 现在的人心都太浮糙, 相信不会有谁会傻呼呼的等电话.
          • True........So True.
          • 我不给, 也不要别人的号码, 没有回过类似的电话. 但人家给了就接过,
            • 十年mm, i guess u didnt make urself clear, or i dont understand u. u mean u took his number but u didnt call him, right?
              • 不会吧,这么好的中文都不理解? 一次参加泰安4天旅游,白人小伙司机给我塞一纸条当我们握手告别的时候.写了些话,希望我打电话给他出去吃东西.回家立马扔掉.还有一次在停车场,一加拿大人给我名片,让有时间打电话联系喝咖啡,也是回家扔掉.
                • 一大群人一起玩, 分手的时候, 我习惯和谈得来的女生轻轻拥抱一下道别, 和男生及一般般的女生在数米外挥手道别. 握手只发生在工作面试前后.在停车场和女生搭汕的人,不是色魔就是讨钱的,为了安全起见, 我通常饶开.
            • 我说的"要"等同于问你"what's your number". 中文太博深了, 呵呵.
              • 我朋友也是。。。。。不会问人家要# (当然了。:-) )。。。。。。。但是别人坚持给,那就拿着。。。(再扔掉,哈哈。)。。也是美女一枚。
    • i wont call him if I were u. since u work in the same company, he could always find out ur number and call u IF he is really into u. am i right?
      but if u just want some casual fun. and go ahead to call him. but maybe thats not what u want right?
      • 你后半部分说得对, 但我们那里很讲privacy, 如果不是我给, 他不会得到我的号码的.
        • i mean he can get ur work/office number.
          • He may. 不过一般人是不会用office number去开始第一次约会的, 他若那样, 我会觉得是太不懂分寸了.
    • #5960983@0.谢谢蜗牛, 小芝, 沉醉东风, buma, Rocky, 洪兴, Holy Moly, 尼采, 鑫…的精彩分析, 一语惊醒梦中人. 也谢谢其他ID的参与. 帖子太长了, 该让这艘船沉下去了. 各位晚安.
    • 多华丽的外表也掩盖不了最后火柴棍掏耳朵的本质,什么意大利后裔,法国后裔,狩猎东方猎物罢了,涉世未深啊,难道意大利火柴更精致?
      • 你还笑?!没看到火柴都肿了吗?
        • "火柴都肿了吗" ? hehehehe..... 青青 is angry and yellow today....
          • 有什么黄色典故,818...呵呵.
    • 想得有点多了吧?想打就打。。。在你想吃意大利菜的时候。。。why not?
      • 你想打谁?
    • 给张纸条你就这么激动。有什么呢》不就是张纸条么?
      • 瞎主意, 还找人代打电话,多此一举.