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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

LOL~ same wish here :)


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / A not very smart question: Recently dine out a lot. I was able to keep fit and eat less at home. How can I do that when dine out with other people? Gaining weight fast. Any positive suggestions?
    • 外面吃了私粮回家还得吃公粮自然胖得快。。
      • Come on....Knew it....Any useful suggestions???
        • 俺年轻时候也老在外面混吃。。多喝酒少吃饭是真谛。。你要不喝酒的话。。西餐馆。。AA。。每次只点Salad。。没别的办法。。
          • Thanks, truely...Did I ever mention that I hate salad....55555....never eat salad...Drinking is a very good suggestion though.
            • 每次看到公司餐厅里胖子们愁眉苦脸啃菜叶就想笑。。
              • 胖子啃菜叶。。。。?据俺观察。。。。瘦的比胖的吃的在意。。。。一般啃菜叶的是瘦子。。。。
                • 俺的经验。。啃菜叶想吃饱比肉食贵多了。。
                  • en, 也花心思多了。没经验的不建议。
                    • 加拿大就是怪。。。。洗碗要加拿大经验。。。。扫地要加拿大经验。。。。连啃菜叶也得本地经验。。。。
    • Girl, you don't need to worry about this problem at all, you'll be still fine even put some weight on
      • Except...the weight all goes to waist. If only it goes anywhere else...
        • LOL~ same wish here :)
        • LOL~ same wish here :) -yo1yo2(青青); 15:07 (#5979775@0) reply more
          • Is this copied by Z24? Can I believe my eyes?
            • 又XE了吧。。心理阳光一点好不好。。
    • 多吃鱼,lean meat。菜类,少吃白米,white noodle 那些并不会gain weight。
      • Thanks for your attitude first!....But I've cut rice long long ago...maybe it's time to cut noodle as well....sigh.......
        • Once you eat a lot of starch,you have to exercise to get rid of it,othrewise,it is going to your body becomes surgar.Chinese rice, noodle are very starchy staffs.But starch makes energy and keeps you not hungry for longer time.
          • wow, Rocky, you are so nice! For same amount of food, rice has higher calories than noodle. That's why I cut rice first. ok, I'll cut noodle as well.
            • If you eat whole wheat noodle or rice ,it won't get starch that much althogh it won't taste right for Chinese people. Cakes ,fried food are easy to gain weight;I think 少吃点就可,毕竟我们得享受food,不能怕胖就不管口福。
              • Those are fine. I don't like eating cakes and fried food anyways.
                • Not even cheese cake?
                  • she hates cheese. remember? but i luv....cheese cake....got one in the freezer.. gonna to eat it after work!
                    • 哦。。真不记得了。。
                      • oh...I thought you'd know.
                • 我有运动及打坐的习惯,试试看,会变成fit 而不是胖,肌肉比肥肉更贵些。
    • one suggestion: if you have to dine out, dine out with a WSN...
      • which is...what I'm doing...hahaha...Just kidding. Why WSN? Making you don't want to eat at all?? LOL
    • 酒足之后,震足。
      • 是想让大伙劝她多做
        运动/劳动都性。 震是劳动类。
      • 不能震。。。。!你看人家浇筑水泥都得用个振动棒。。。。即所谓的vibrator插进去。。。。搞瓷实。。。。
    • 每顿饭前。。。
      看一遍2 Girls 1 Cup
      • don't understand this one.
        • 刚想删,删不掉了,班长切特吧
    • 我比你惨多了,在家在外都吃很多。。。我每天很喜欢弄自己喜欢的小菜吃。又很喜欢出去吃我不会做的。没治了。。。
      • 10棒肉就是这么来的。。。。
        • 忽悠念念不忘10棒肉。。
        • yes... you are dame so right!!!
    • 借贴报告一下:去阿拉上海饭店吃了。点了青青说的香干马兰头,清爽好吃。还点了那个什么鲜咸笃(?),鲜美好喝。。。当时肚子太饱,没点排骨年糕。喜欢饭店的天花板装饰全是小龙馒头的蒸笼蒸盖,很创意。
      • 春光,别给人家改名字啊,那叫“阿拉厨房”,哈哈