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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / Fat Phrases and their Thin Substitutes
    In business writing, it is more important to be clear, concise, and direct. Consider using a verb when you need to describe an action. Avoid excessive use of nouns, especially abstract nouns.

    Consider the following edit to reduce the flab in your business writing.

    At this pointi in time --> Now

    Provide a summary of --> Summarize

    End result --> Result

    Advance planning --> Planning

    For the purpose of --> For

    For the reason that/Due to the fact that --> Because

    With the exception of --> Except

    Collaborate together --> Collaborate

    Positive improvement --> Improvement

    Make a decision --> Decide

    Clearly defined objectives --> Clear goals

    With regards to --> Regarding

    Each and every --> Each

    In order to --> To

    Make arrangement to --> Arrange

    In spite of the fact that --> Although

    In actual fact --> In fact

    Take action to --> Act

    In close proximity to --> Near

    Make changes in --> Change
    • 原则上同意。 但有时为了文体的需要和对象,必要的繁琐避免不了。
    • This is much appreciated. Please post more stuff like this. Business writing is always my Achilles heel.
    • 本人认为措辞的繁简应视实际需要。很多法律方面的书面语言就很有避简就繁的味道。
      • 这个要支持酱油哥。俺对这些说教一向持怀疑态度。俺本人往往觉得累赘一些的句子说起来更舒服,多加的词也不一定就完全没用。前几天不谢哥批评担心姐不够简练俺就不同意。
      • 那我们再讨论一下法律条文为什么要避简就繁?
        • Try to make you confused and trapped.
        • 如果表述简单化就可能产生歧义,虽然法律条文表述繁琐,但精确无歧义!
          • 要说简练,汉语文言文最简练,不过,“道可道,非常道”这六个字两千年来都没有明确的解释,原因就是字太少,无法精确限定。
    • 君子坦荡荡,小人常戚戚。
    • I totally agree to use "because", not any other words/phrase, as "Because" is one of three magic words. (Another two are "please" and "thanks")
      • "because"并非在任何情况下都可以取代"due to the fact that". 例如,because不能用在句首引导全句,而due to the fact that 就可以。很多国移按照中文的习惯滥用because.
        • “because不能用在句首引导全句”:俺还是头一回听说。
          • 那你的“语感”有点成问题。顺便一提,"just because,,,,,,,,,doesn't mean....." 可勉强算个例外, 回答问题解释原因时也例外,因为这时because起的作用是连接问题和答案,不是引导一个独立的句子。
            • Not true. Ask Grammar Girl. http://grammar.quickanddirtytips.com/can-you-start-a-sentence-with-because.aspx
              • The older generations were taught in school not to start a sentence with because. Some writers still insist
                on this rule. But the new generations mostly ignore it and use the word freely as long as it forms a complete sentence. I personally won't start a sentence with because in any written communications, but won't mind doing it verbally. I think the new generations will eventually win the day.
                • Do you have anything back you up on this? Reference or source.
                  • 病句。应当是:“Do you have anything THAT backs you up on this? ”,或者, “Do you have anything that can back you up on this? ”
                    • 不是病句,省略了一个to。俺建议你少花点时间斤斤计较语法,多多花点时间培养一下语感。
                      • To在此不可省略,不用to就要用从句。病句就是病句,狡辩很无聊。
                        • 酱油哥还是执迷不悟啊。
                          • 正确的表达还有,Do you have anything backing you up on this? 有这么多正确的方式表达,有正确语感的人是绝不会自然地说出"Do you have anything back you up",这是个很典型的中式错误。整天兜售语感,歇歇吧。
                            • 说句让你生气的话,学英语整天纠缠语法,基本上是在做无用功。真正的语感是知道什么情况下用什么词,而不是纠缠一个(省略的)介词。你要是读过 eric 的文章或者听过他说英语,你就会明白他的语感国移里基本上是无人能比的,不像你把“人才济济”翻译成 lots of elites。
                              • It's his only pleasure. Just let him enjoy. What a NPD.
                              • 本人从未用过lots of elites的表达,这是你捏造的。本人仅用过elites。说话如果经常不顾事实的话,那你的话就和屁没什么区别了。
                        • 酱油哥, 有空还是练练真本事吧, 别老玩儿这个. 跟埃里克比比谁的口语好吧.
                    • 俺的学用语言论:学英语的人喜欢计较语法,用英语的人只要意思明白就行。补充一句:eric 的英语比你好(不少),而且比你更懂语法。
                      • Who is Eric ?
                        • Eric 是外语坛的一个名笛, 发表过不少很好的作品. 后来由于有一个评论家老对他的作品评头论足, 甚至讽刺挖苦帯打击, Eric 一气之下就销声匿迹了. 他现在偶尔用马甲出场. 酱紫.
                        • 被酱油哥挑刺的这位网友就是 eric,他的英文写作和口语简直跟土著一样。就这样的水平酱油哥还纠着人家挑刺,可见喜欢“学”英语的人力气是多么地使错了地方。
                          • 你再牛酱油哥就会上音频吓唬你们的.
                            • 他肯定比不过 eric 的。
                              • 酱油哥, 你说怎样?
                                • 俺怀疑他对 eric 这么 mean 是因为
                                  • 很有可能. 因为埃里克的英文是说写俱佳.
                                    • 嫉妒这种情绪真是 powerful 啊。
                                      • Are you saying 酱油哥 is in the grips of the green-eyed monster?
                      • 真的吗? 不过埃里克发表过不少英文写的文章, 还是不错的. 而且他还上过音频, 也相当好. 看到酱油哥评论的多, 而且常常是负面出场. 没见过他的文章, 更没听过他的音频. 我逼他好几天也逼不出来. 难道酱油哥的英语真是掰活英语?
                        • 论坛本来就是供人发表言论的地方, 是某些人非要把它变成个擂台的。
                          • 不会不为耻, 湷碧比什么都那什么. 典型的新时代阿Q.
                  • Unfortunately I don't have any official backup to support my comment. I know a few old folks here who commentated on many occasions on some young colleagues' "poor writings". I would personally classify this rule as a myth.
                    • You are right, technically, "because" should not start a sentence. However, people do use it in the beginning of the sentence more and more, and it is acceptable for most people now.
            • 语感 trumps rules!
              • 对。特别是当错误的语感,或中式语感,成为习惯的时候,写带病的句子就得心应手了。
                • 酱油哥的语感是什么语感? 我真怀疑你有没有语感, 知道不知道什么是语感. 你是鸡蛋里挑骨头的好手.
                  • 你等的英文在本人眼里算不上鸡蛋,只能算是一堆骨头,还用挑吗?明摆着的。
                    • Your Trump Card: Self-Love. You are no more than just a bragger. 酱油哥天天大战风车, 好看, 你的表演堪称一流. 不过你还是一句英语不会说, 连哑巴英语都不如.
                    • 祝贺酱油哥成为只占人口1%的NPD, 总是能给自己创造出一览众山小自欺欺人的快感. 等着看你的下一个新高.
                  • 本人没有义务向尔等证明自己的英文水平,也没兴趣把尔等比下去。但当尔等用病句沾沾自喜地标榜自己的语感时,本人随时有资格用论坛赋予每个网民的发言权给尔等提提醒。
                    • 酱油哥真是夜不能寐思绪万千, 深更半夜起来发帖, 真是不辞辛苦. 别累坏了啊. 你其实根本不会英语, 我们原谅你. 等你会张嘴说英语了再说吧. 你那个所谓提醒一文不值.
                      • 看来你被气得够呛,真不好意思,戳到你的痛处了。
                        • HAHAHA. What a wonderful NPD. Sadly this expert just cannot speak a word of English. Stay up.
                          • 歇了吧。喜欢显摆你的250口音就尽管贴你的音频,但既然贴了,就别怕犯错误被人指出。你等最大的弱点就是听不得实话。事实是,在发音语调方面,这个坛子上至今只有3个真正好的:goingconcern , 还有很久前的一个女ID (Eng什么的)还有慢步妹. 但人家有水平的都很谦虚,低调。
                            • 你来个260的吧, 好不好? 你根本是什么都不会,除了瞎摆活,一文不值,上个音频,写一段儿英语,让骨头们看看你到底怎么样?
                            • 典型的自恋狂, 可怜之极
                            • goingconcern , 还有很久前的一个女ID (Eng什么的)还有慢步妹---- 你等的英文在本人眼里算不上鸡蛋,只能算是一堆骨头,还用挑吗?明摆着的。 -winterstorm(打酱油的); 11.28 23:56 (#7926336@0)
                              • 看来你不仅是个250 而且还挺卑鄙,如此移花接木,企图混淆视听?你这个二杆子越来越下作了。
                                • 啊啊啊, NPD。Stay up, stay alive and stay happy. What a wonderful day。 看来你被气得够呛,真不好意思,戳到你的痛处了。 -winterstorm(打酱油的); 08:30 (#7926483@0)
        • Grammar is not at the point here. Simplicity is not a rule but a spirit, a habit, a style.
          • +1. :-) :-)
        • 酱油G, u r abosutely right. The reason that I prefer "because", is simply due to the fact that "because" is magical in the way that it implies being logical. :-)
          • 酱油哥会说that太多, 还多了个", "吧。
            有可能。 ha ha ha
            • :-):-)
              • 不过我觉得你的英语是鸡蛋, 不是酱油哥定性的一堆骨头。 (#7926336@0
        • "because不能用在句首引导全句" agreed.
    • Fat phrases are usually used to emphasize part of a sentence.